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af day Fri 8

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    af day Fri 8

    WOW KY - puts my little "feeling sorry for myself" in perspective. I echo what YahYah glad and you have my highest respect.

    SL...take it you're not in with her during her session? Probably a reason for that. Great she wants to go back and she'll probably open up later. Has the wave past yet? Maybe check out chat.

    Having a late supper and watching Flight (got my son to download it but don't tell anyone).

    See you in the morning....PPQP


      af day Fri 8

      PPQ......I read what you said about amino acids and I truly believe people would benefit from them to balance neurotransmitters and thereby moods.

      The best source I know is Biorecovery in the US, good site to for alcohol AND depression


        af day Fri 8

        Good evening Abbers,

        Never had a chance to say hello this morning - busy, busy

        So far the epic snowstorm has not affected me, just had rain & a few flurries. I'm afraid the folks in new England will feel the bruntof the storm.

        Somehow I ended up with both of my kids & all 3 grandkids here for dinner tonight. Had fun but glad to just sit & relax now.

        I hope everyone has a good night - thinking about you Det!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          af day Fri 8

          KY...thank's, I'll check it out. I wonder if all these US sites ship to Canadia (as Molls would say)

          LAV...been watching the storm on the TV it's a doosey. Did you see Det's thread started by SOL? Have a good day....PPQP


            af day Fri 8

            They ship to NZ so Canadia should not be an issue


              af day Fri 8

              Good discussion here guys - and KY is right - we don't know the half of what goes on in people's pasts.
              SL - teenagers need space - everyone tells us that. Its hard for parents as they want to help and protect (well most do). I had a long talk with my partner G about this very issue this morning. He feels useless these days partly 'cos our daughter is not the little cuddly child anymore but I said she still needs him - aha - just got a text - she missed the bus so he has to go and get her!
              G is going through a depressive phase at the moment. But we talked and he said he so glad I have stopped drinking.

              Hope everyone in the eastern US and canada is safe from that storm - its a whopper.


                af day Fri 8

                Catbuddy;1459198 wrote:

                Quick story: When I got pregnant, I was taking Celexa. It was not approved for pregnancy, so under doctor's supervision I weaned off. In the ensuing weeks, I grew slowly more and more depressed, despite being in an extremely good place in life and joyous about the pregnancy. It was getting harder and harder to get up, go to work, complete tasks, anything. I was just so lost in misery. One day, I left work a bit early to go home, desperately dark mood. As I was driving through an intersection, I just stopped pressing on the gas, just stopped, as I couldn't bear to continue driving. Then I snapped, realized I almost killed myself with oncoming traffic, and shaking drove home. I started the celexa again that night. My son was born underweight, but his mom was alive.

                I have had a least a dozen episodes like this, and more often, sometimes daily, fantasized about driving into the guardrails, driving into pedestrians, all sorts of extreme dangerous and life-ending impulses. It's scary. I'll be very careful. I've been a drinker the whole time I've taken ADs, so now that I don't drink, I hope supplements can take their place.

                Cat.....these types of episodes are weird and I so relate. Mine was the sudden irrational feeling that I would turn off my engine while driving at speed on the motorway. It was sometimes so overwhelming that I would hyperventilate and have to pull over. They happened intermittently but less intensely up until last year. I think it is anxiety translating into OCD exacerbated by alcohol and withdrawal.

                You would do well to wean to amoryn, though I had problems before with St Johns wort, but don't suffer depression since I quit ( and recovered from the separation from the ex !)

