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Wednesday 21 March

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    Wednesday 21 March

    Me first! Me first! Me first!


    Looks like I am.

    Okay, good morning everyone!

    Hope you are all well.

    Last night was great for me. First evening on the meds and I felt really good. Even took my poor dog a walk. I say poor because he is so used to snuggling up to me in the evening while I drink wine. But not last night. He had his lead on before he knew what was happening and we were out there. With attitude. In the near dark. Yeah.

    Wednesday 21 March

    Dog wont know what hit him!!!

    Onya BB

    Day 37 for me and proud as non-alcoholic punch - must go and delete my post as you got here b4 me!!
    "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


      Wednesday 21 March

      Sorry Cashy!


        Wednesday 21 March

        Go Bluebell - well done! The dog would love you for it, and will be raring to go again tonite!
        :rolleyesmonkey: Tahlula :rolleyesmonkey:
        Trim the tree to let in the sunshine...


          Wednesday 21 March

          Cashy you are on a roll, 37 gun salute for you!
          great day, feeling so much better about everything and just can't hardly get used to this "good" feeling. wow, don't know what you've got 'til it's gone. I think Determinatrix and I are falling in love all over's just so grand I can't tell you. Everybody be well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            Wednesday 21 March


            Bluebell - I've downloaded smiley central, how do I insert a smiley here??
            :rolleyesmonkey: Tahlula :rolleyesmonkey:
            Trim the tree to let in the sunshine...


              Wednesday 21 March

              :rolleyesmonkey: Tahlula :rolleyesmonkey:
              Trim the tree to let in the sunshine...


                Wednesday 21 March

                Righto, I'm doing something wrong LOL
                I copied the HTML and then pasted... what do I need to do, please?
                :rolleyesmonkey: Tahlula :rolleyesmonkey:
                Trim the tree to let in the sunshine...


                  Wednesday 21 March

                  Tahl, what on earth are you up to!

                  Right here we go -

                  click on User CP
                  Go to Edit Options
                  go down to Message Editor Interface
                  scroll down till you get "Enhanced Interface......."

                  Then save the changes.

                  You should be able to apply your Message Central smilies on any page after all that.

                  Good Luck!

                  I'll be watching :H


                    Wednesday 21 March

                    Oh Bluey - don't spoil it.

                    I LOOOOOVED this one:

                    p%253A%252F%252Fimgfarm%252Ecom%252Fimages%252F nocache%252

                    Rolled around the floor.

                    PS Tahlula - I didn't know how to do it either... thanks


                      Wednesday 21 March

                      Tawny, now, that you are "in the know" you'd better not steal my secret snot ones.


                        Wednesday 21 March

                        UGGH. If this smily code stuff gets too hard, I will have to leave again. It will all be YOUR fault Bluebell. I hope you feel really really guilty. And, I fear that you are hiding fake secret snot from me. Oh crap, I made it only 3 days on my self-imposed vacation ... but I am a happier pansy. Now that I know I can work up a string of days off MWO, I just need to do it more often. Just in the off chance that this is REAL secret snot, I may have to get up early now and try to access this smiley site. Good snot is always is worth it, though.

                        Cashy - Congrats!! Day 37 is great.

                        Dominator - I am sure the Dominatrix is happy.

                        Tahlula ... I am confused about all this code.

                        Tawny ...seizures are dangerous. Please be careful.



                          Wednesday 21 March

                          Well Pansy, now that everyone knows everything and if it all goes wrong for everyone I suppose, yes it will be my fault.

                          So, if that does happen, may I just say

                          I knew it wouldn't be long before I lowered the tone of Monthly Abs.......
                          sorry folks.


                            Wednesday 21 March

                            WAH WAH, Bluebell ... it didn't work. How could you mention secret snot and expect me to go bed, you temptress! Please promise to clue me in tomorrow. OH okay - gotta go to THAT site - thanks Bluebell!!

                            Huggies!! Pans


                              Wednesday 21 March

                              Wow Bluebell, my response did not post!! It did not work - I must be DUH. I guess this will have to wait till tomorrow. How can you mention secret snot and expect me to go to beddy you temptress ... LOL. I think I need a tutorial!! Okay, I MUST go beddy.

                              Have a very good night! See you later!

                              Hugs, Pans

