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Wednesday 21 March

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    Wednesday 21 March

    OMG Pansy! I HAVE to go pick up my kids from school. You made me come back here and do this....

    Happy now?

    hahahaha I have more secret ones hahahahaha


      Wednesday 21 March

      :rolleyesmonkey: Tahlula :rolleyesmonkey:
      Trim the tree to let in the sunshine...


        Wednesday 21 March

        Thank you Bluebell!!! LOL
        :rolleyesmonkey: Tahlula :rolleyesmonkey:
        Trim the tree to let in the sunshine...


          Wednesday 21 March

          Pretty snotty this one, hey! :H
          :rolleyesmonkey: Tahlula :rolleyesmonkey:
          Trim the tree to let in the sunshine...


            Wednesday 21 March

            Well if its snot you want...

            Hey lets have some gas as well..

            A F F L..
            Alcohol Free For Life


              Wednesday 21 March

              good grief, I give the site a miss for a few days, working, buying a house blah blah and look what happens to the tone !!!

              note to self: must visit smiley central too...

              how is everyone ?

              have a good day


                Wednesday 21 March

                What on earth has happened to this site? snot, mooning, monkey saliva... I get enough of this with the kids.

                All well with me. The sun is shining. I'm of for a blow dry (always lifts the sprits) , then to a choir rehearsal and tonight I am singing in Guildford Cathedral. Ooooh! It's a thrill-a-minute life here in the English heartlands. For those who want to come and listen, I'll be the sober one dressed in black .

                Day 23 (minus 1) AF for me. That's how I am counting. I know it's cheating, but I dont care and you can like it or lump it.

                Kate x


                  Wednesday 21 March

                  Well good morning, what the devil.... it's practically a brawl.
                  So the blue moon has already come up in Aussie,
                  Tahl - don't listen to Blue
                  tawn, don't get snot on your amphibian self,
                  pansy - go to bed already
                  Determinator - enjoy the hankypanky,
                  Irish, please bring some dignity to this rowdy bunch,
                  Pebbles, where have you been girl,
                  Kate, so you are getting a blow job in the am and sing in the church choir at night - right on babe.
                  All, have a wonderful day, however you choose to spend it.
                  Love Lori
                  *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


                    Wednesday 21 March

                    OH Geez!

                    I don't come here first thing in the A.M. and what do I see?

                    OH- ALL RIGHT! I'm in. TWIST MY ARM! I'll BE Naughty SEABREEZ TODAY!

                    :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                      Wednesday 21 March

                      Morning all!

                      It's a good day in Chicagoland - wife had to go to hospital this morning for follow up diagnostic imaging to check out a questionable mammogram from last week. Things were a little tense for awhile (her mom died from breast cancer) but everything checked out normally.

                      The old me would have said that was a good enough reason to have a drink! The new me -- well not so much....

                      Have a happy (and healthy) Wednesday.
                      Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


                        Wednesday 21 March

                        Good, good news AA.......It must be a timebomb feeling when genetics may dictate the appearance of this terrible, terrible disease....Give the missus some extra sober hugs...she'll really appreciate the fresh breath!!! I'm soooo pleased that all was clear:h

                        Everyone else????? You're all off in La la land again I see....just wot on urf is 'appening to these boards at the moment?? I had to get the Mr Sheen and a duster out before I could even TOUCH my keyboard this morning with all the mucus flying around....and Oirish.....perhaps a lower fibre diet is in order?? You've been eating chickpeas again n'est ce pas?? I seem to have lost both my eyebrows in that last blast!!

                        So good to see the little feline fruitcake just had a long weekend break as opposed to a 6 month the Pansyscribble......that's my sorta language!!! Kiss kiss looper!!

                        Kate 7173...repeat after me....doh ray me fa etc etc......
                        Yup! that blow job sure cleared the toobes're in fine screech my dear!!

                        Have a supercalifragilisticexpialidcious day all....and dance with any penguins you find along the way......
                        Weemelon xx


                          Wednesday 21 March

                          Well, good to see everyone in fine fettle today.
                          It's good to see.


                            Wednesday 21 March

                            Yikes!!! And I thought I was bored today!!!

                            Hey Pebbles - you bought a house!? Congrats!



                              Wednesday 21 March

                              hello thought I'd come back here for a while.
                              started low carb diet and no alcohol for 2 weeks, good to be back! am smoking though but I need to deal with weight and alcohol first I think,I smoke in evenings and when out so not too terrible.
                              anyway glad you're all so chipper, am off for a run tomorrow day 4 of low carb so feel about ready for it now.
                              off for a friend's birthday meal tonight so fish and veg for me.
                              see you all tomorrow xx
                              one day at a time


                                Wednesday 21 March

                                Hey what planet are u lot on? I want to visit!!!
                                A BushBaby with Attitude

