Some days Elizabeth, we spend a lot of time in La La Land, but we're not always this serious, we do have fun as well..
No announcement yet.
Wednesday 21 March
Wednesday 21 March
OMG - well looks like I missed it all.
Glad everyone had a good day, reminded me of being back at school- I had good one too - although nearly time for bed here.
I am getting used to waking up with a clear head and doing things in the evening that I can actually remember. I actually get a cheap thrill watching my husband stagger in from the pub - acting like an arse and collapsing on the sofa - never realised before what a waste of time the whole thing is!!!! - he doesn't realise that he is doing me a favour!!! Wish I could help him though.
I guess Bluebell will always have the advantage of being first to post seeing as she lives in the future!!
PS Seabreez - was that you naked?
Love S
Wednesday 21 March
So, i can see that you have all gotten really bored, either that...or you are all nuts????
(oh wait, I am nuts)
Anyways, day 68, hope everyone is good, no big issues here, other than the remnants of a cold or something. No biggie.
VictoriaIt's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
James Gordon, M.D.
Wednesday 21 March
Boy, you can just feel the energy and enthusiasm flowing from this thread so thought I'd join you! - day 23 AF and loving it! No partner at the moment so can't say about the falling in love (way to go D and DX) - but hey, with this new confidence, energy and interest in life, who knows what (or maybe 'who') is just around that corner?!
TGIF tomorrow, so have a brilliant AF weekend.
Warmest wishes to all on this cold, wet, windy evening here.:rays: Arial
Last first day - 15th April 2012
Days 1-7 DONE
Days 8-14 DONE
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100 days