Enough of this......getting curry for dinner :H
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af day Mon 11 Feb
af day Mon 11 Feb
Hi SL... I am sorry please don't be scared re: mortgage, I think I probably could get a mortgage if I had enough deposit and I'm sure you will be fine. Oh, your situation does sound hard, I'm so impressed that you have got a handle on it.
It is SO difficult bringing up kids alone.. in a way I was lucky because my ex partner went to buy some cigarettes one day and never came back, we haven't seen him since!! But, he never contributed financially anyway so him leaving meant I actually have more money.. I'm just supporting 2 now instead of 3!!
Like you, I'm lucky to have a good job but this global financial situation is just awful for so many people
I lived in the UK for 15 years and loved curry and chips Yum!!
af day Mon 11 Feb
First Exeter then London from the mid 80's until 1999. i loved every minute of it.. but then it got really expensive!!. In the late 80's me and my boyfriend were on the verge of buying a property there.. had it all organised then chickened out because we thought having responsibilities was uncool.. Duh??
This particular place was a one bedroom flat in Notting Hill priced 49K !!! Well, look who turned out to be VERY UNCOOL!!!
af day Mon 11 Feb
Ugh. Money concerns make me run and hide under blankets. I am terrified of them.
No drinking, though. No drinking. Thank God I'm not dealing with any real crises right now. I hope you guys get some relief very soon. One bonus, we aren't spending money on AL. That was a very expensive habit.
Cat"It is easier to maintain than to start from the bottom again. I can't go back there." Byrdie
AF since Oct 2, 2012
af day Mon 11 Feb
Hi guys
thanks for putting the persepctive on my first world problems!I know I have a lot to be thankful for; just overwhelmed me all night and I saw me disappearing down that black hole again!
Oh for a vindaloo and naan and onion bhadgi (sp)!! Our favourite post-binge culinary treat was chips with curry sauce from the Chinese restaurant (I think you can get that particular type of sauce in packets here now; it has a unique taste/colour, probably never before seen in China!)
It's currently over 40 degrees here (110 in old money)Will come back when it's cooler.
af day Mon 11 Feb
Patrice, ah yes my ol curry/foodie pal! I'm always in the mood to talk food. dang...now it's almost 11pm and I'm hungry.
yep, so far employed but due to my knee injury I had a legit excuse to not make the big corporate meeting in Vegas so the axe could very well be dropping behind my back.. I'm trying to learn the subtle art of NOT getting depressed over fears of the unknown. not easy.
gnight friendsnosce te ipsum
(Know Thyself)
af day Mon 11 Feb
It may be tuesday, but what with all this curry talk and it being breakfast time... I'm now drooling for rice and coconut sambal!! I used to live in Sri Lanka many years ago and this was breakfast. I hated it then, but look fondly back on it now. Oh, and bread and dahl - still have that today for lunch or tea, but not brekkie. Funny how tastes adapt (I used to hate chili's... lived in Sri Lanka, couldn't get enough of them... now need to watch if summit is too hot again)...
Porridge anyone?