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af day Thur 14 Feb

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    af day Thur 14 Feb

    Well today is supposed to be in honour of the patron saint of love - not really celebrated much here (the day that is). Its afternoon and I am taking a quick break from a very busy day at work - still coughing.
    Yesterday's thread (still today i know for most) seemed pretty cruisy - not too much angst. I am lacking inspiration at the moment in thread starting.

    Hope you all enjoy St Valentine's (minus the wine of course!).

    af day Thur 14 Feb

    Hi TT and all to come,

    Yes Valentines Day... not much evidence of it here either, Roses don't really function well in this climate and CNY is still in full swing = 15 days of fireworks night and day and we are not talking lovely colours etc just those popper things making very loud noises

    I hope everyone has a great day.. I am posting a lot at the moment, won't have time for much next week



      af day Thur 14 Feb

      Hi Patrice and others. OK - I do have some inspiration - or I am going to stir things up a bit.
      I know there are no rules but I find myself objecting to a new avatar by a newbie. This avatar has a well known TV dude sipping a scotch.
      It just doesn't seem 'right' for the serious mission we are on.
      Look I loved watching Mad Men - but I choose when I want to watch Don Draper swigging away. I don't always want to be confronted by this when I open a MWO thread. Especially at 4pm towards the end of a long tiring work day.
      I wonder what other Abbys think?
      Am I being too serious - a wet blanket?
      Should I just stick to posting when the birds are in my garden at home?


        af day Thur 14 Feb

        Mae Abfabbers,

        sun is out, snow is melting )

        tt, I haven't seen the avatar so can't really comment. off the top of my head, it's probably not the most supportive avatar for this site! Sorry it's made you feel uncomfortable. Some people's idea of humour is not always in line with others!

        enjoy your thursday xxx


          af day Thur 14 Feb

          teezah;1462634 wrote: Mae Abfabbers,

          sun is out, snow is melting )

          tt, I haven't seen the avatar so can't really comment. off the top of my head, it's probably not the most supportive avatar for this site! Sorry it's made you feel uncomfortable. Some people's idea of humour is not always in line with others!
          This problem has been touched on by TT before, that we are a diverse group bound ONLY by a drug problem.

          My humour is often raunchy, lowbrow, sarcastic and downright childish.

          My politics are left wing.

          I am an atheist.

          All of these things may cause some or many offence, just as I may be annoyed by those with differing views.

          But for many recovering, part of the addiction was feeling isolated, different, lonely. Encountering those whose belief systems are very different to your own yet discovering that they suffer like you, care like you, love like you is very healing.

          And dealing with some interpersonal differences without dropping back into the bottle is vital.

          There is a member here whose name I find mildly offensive, BUT it is too small a thing to upset that member over.

          The annoying avatar is just that, annoying.

          You can avoid the thread they frequent, whereas you are stuck with my sense of humour ! :H

          Have a great day

          KY....the slippery


            af day Thur 14 Feb

            MAE ALL....

            TT...thanks for kicking us off this morning. In my case it didn't bother me at all to see that avatar. Didn't know it was a picture of an actor so thanks for clarifying that. I agree, that's the last thing you need to see especialy if you're at a trigger point ie. 4pm witching hour. Just like in life there are people we will see that "set" us off and wouldn't it be nice to just delete them? Try turning it around to your advantage. Everytime you see it use it as a teaching tool. I can't change what people do but I can change how I react to it.

            You know when you first started posting here I was very put off. Here's this TT starting "our" thread (like we own it) the day before. Really pissed me off, wouldn't even read your posts, skip over them and read Micks. Now I'm really upset if tomorrow's thread isn't started before I go to bed. I worry that something is wrong and wait for you to post! Don't know when my thinking turned around but now, to me, you're a very important person in my life and to this thread. Wouldn't have it any other way. :h

            Patrice...what is CNY? Was going to google it but too lazy :H You know when I was single all I wanted was a boyfriend who would shower me with romance on Valentine's day, felt I was missing out. When I met my fiance I think the first year was a romantic thingy and after that it was don't even bother buying a card.

            ......Some people's idea of humour is not always in line with others! Have you read any of KY's posts! :H Enjoy your AF day.

            ...hint taken, I've requested a name change. :H

            Off for my second cuppa...have a great AF Thursday all and all to come....PPQP

            p.s. CanToo
            ...please check in and let me know you're ok. That was some wicked weather yesterday, have they opened the roads yet?


              af day Thur 14 Feb

              Hi Porqoui,

              CNY = Chinese New Year.. I'm sorry probably no one knew what I was talking about!! It's just that here in Asia it's always abbreviated...
              I drove around where I lived today and no reference at all to Valentines Day.. I was quite happy about that
              ( having NOT been showered with flowers, cards and Choccies!!)
              Take care


                af day Thur 14 Feb

                patrice;1462683 wrote: Hi Porqoui,

                CNY = Chinese New Year..
                :hitme: DUH!...I knew that!


                  af day Thur 14 Feb

                  Good morning Abbers!

                  It's a sunny morning after a night of rain/snow. Not much accumulated so I'm not worrying about it

                  Happy Valentine's day to those who celebrate.
                  I bought chocolate for the grandkids & sent them home with their heart shaped boxes. They can get hyper & messy in their own homes :H

                  I find it pretty easy to ignore things I don't like around here. I refuse to allow anyone to interfere with my self-made happiness

                  Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Thursday!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    af day Thur 14 Feb

                    kuya;1462649 wrote:

                    I am an atheist.

                    Have a great day

                    KY....the heathen!:H:H:H
                    :sofa: Hi affers - do you think she saw what i did there?

                    One of these days the big foot of Kuya is gonna come down from the heavens and squish me...

                    Ummm... gonna scoot off... causing enough mischief as it is...


                      af day Thur 14 Feb

                      You're on a roll RC....


                        af day Thur 14 Feb

                        Greetings, FABlanders.

                        I'm back.. after another unsuccessful attempt at moderating. I will get it into my thick skull one of these days. Feeling like crap today (serves me right) and grabbing the wagon with both hands.
                        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                        Winning since October 24th, 2013


                          af day Thur 14 Feb

                          porqoui;1462711 wrote: You're on a roll RC....
                          achully i'm on a hiding for nothin! :H ......


                            af day Thur 14 Feb

                            Welcome back sunshine! :hallo:


                              af day Thur 14 Feb

                              sunshine_gg;1462712 wrote: Greetings, FABlanders.

                              I'm back.. after another unsuccessful attempt at moderating. I will get it into my thick skull one of these days. Feeling like crap today (serves me right) and grabbing the wagon with both hands.
                              Good for you SS...remember that feeling!!! Take a picture of yourself, put it on your mirror and every morning when you see it say Never Again. Hang onto that wagon and :welcome:


