Brewed the tea - big pot here beside me and enough for you all. Its English Breakfast today - is that to your liking Corrie Nutz? I used to watch Corrie a lot - grew up with it - but at some point in my life just couldn't hack it. Mind you I watched a TV series on DVD last night that was so indulgent, retro and really badly acted - that I can't name and shame. Great fun though.
I think its Lavande - who prefers coffee. I swing both ways - probably more a Coffee than a Tea Gal - but don't worry - in a bit I will make a plunger of strong aromatic hot coffee - can you smell it??? (not that piss weak stuff they serve in some places I better not list on this thread!). I used to do the coffee machine stuff - fancy bells and whistles - but now have gone back to the plunger for the way G and I like it and beans we use.
I am with Lavande on reminding you patrice about choice and having a plan. I have not had a major family event to deal with since my quit - so I don't know how I will cope - but I do have a plan. And I have coped with pretty harrowing work stress (people management, and my own outputs) during the past few months. Worries me Patrice when you say
"Of course I felt like shit this morning.. I wanted to." That sounds like you want to hurt yourself - please no, no, no !!! Thats self defeating, takes you down the booze spiral. I know babe!
Nice to see the wee pink car again Nurdl.
YAH - so glad you can not see my abysmal kitchen - but then its not for sale! BTW - why are you the Weather Nerd??
Running Courage - you ARE a non-drinker (of AL that is). Millions of people are and have been for centuries. Its quite normal. And its very cool. Good luck with the uni work - are you studying or teaching?
Hiya Mollyka, PPQP, Cat, CanToo, GG, Blondie, Cinders and all others.
Take care me hearties - and remember that we are the New Cool - we don't drink alcohol here, its not boring and we are getting on with our lives - warts and all!