M.A.E. !!!
(haha - someone who is lurking here for the first time will wonder what this abbreviations stands for - "Morose Alkies Extinction" club?
Sounds like you all are having a busy and fun weekend except the writer..
Nurdl - enjoying NYC - sounds fab!
Mick - not too much tanning I hope, its also on the list of things that are bad for you (esp where we live).
Lavande - your grandkids have exhausted me!
Patrice - from tossing handbags at the monkeys
Running Courage - running and studying
Kuya - dancing and telling folk she does not drink at all
PPQP - weekend working and legal shit. What you posted about dealing with big assignments/presentations sounds so familiar to me. Much easier now with AL down the drain. But you can do your own laundry!
GG - not too many surprises I hope!
Blondie and Molly - looking for the big one. So was Kirsten Dunst in Melancholia and she had a pretty frock and Mahler to accompany her.
But Moi - being a GOB (Grumpy Old Bag) with my shopping, work-related stuff that I can't reveal, and a sore shoulder/back.
I had a meltdown about shit yesterday - saved it until I came home and cried :upset:and told G. and daughter and they were lovely. I still had to cook tea!
My emotions are a bit raw because I have now stopped the SSRI medication - been tapering it off for ages so its been very gradual. No desire to drink at all though.
Watched the most dreadful TV show last night - 'Come Dine with Me' - full of poisonous people and dreadful cooks. We all had a laugh and did not take it seriously.
Yes, tea and coffee ready - so help yourselves folks! Vogels toast and pancakes coming up. Apricots and plums for those who want some fresh fruit.
Have a great MAE !!
