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af day Wednesday 20 Feb

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    af day Wednesday 20 Feb

    started as thread af day Tuesday 20 Feb - mistake!!
    don't know how to edit the title

    af day Wednesday 20 Feb

    here's what I posted on the thread with the wrong day of the week!

    MAE - BBB!!
    another day, another new acronym! BBB = Band of Booze Busters??? Is that corny enough for the people I share this thread with?

    GG - MAE stands for Morning, Afternoon, Evening - so as to include us all in our different time zones and days around the world. We get first dibs here although its still dark and the sparrows have yet to fart.
    Time for a segue and today's bird:

    Morepork/ruru: New Zealand native land birds

    These lovely wee things are called ruru or morepork. I had one seranading me during the night.
    GG - whats your take on Ambition Deficit Disorder?
    Blondie and PPQP - I find I recall my dreams less now that I am sober but my sleep is not great. I wake up a lot and have to pee (despite restricting liquid intake before bed). Dr checked that out - nothing physical they can find.
    Mick - see how intimate we have become in your absence! With spring around the door for you (let's see in the UK that means a few hours of sunshine don't it?) you will loose that 7lb. Come on man - translate it into metrics (so it sounds even worse) - you guys are part of the EC! We are metrified here.
    I had a metric experience yesterday that I will try to share later in the day 9its very funny).
    Patrice - I will pass on the massage - thx.
    Kuya - I drink the occasional diet drink but have cut down radically since Xmas -after reading up on the scary stuff.
    TZ - great to see you on track again. Keep to a focus and a plan.
    Lavande - hope you had a great walk at Longwood.

    I better go and get on to the breakfast madness. I have a tough day ahead at work - two big meetings - one of which I am chairing and it will be exhausting I am sure.

    Hope you grabbed some tea and coffee.
    Have a great sober 'Hump Day' (I have to force myself to say that - blush blush)


      af day Wednesday 20 Feb

      MAE everyblubby

      Hi to you TT, the week has not been as sunny as we were promised Eh? Gonna swim tonight anyway cos don't want to miss what is left.

      Feeling very relaxed today in spite of ongoing financial woes......just not going to let it get me down. Things will either come right or I will sell up and begin another adventure. Either course is better sober

      Gotta go fix dinner now so will check in later


        af day Wednesday 20 Feb

        Hi Kuya & TT

        Kuya, I'll swap your cool for our 37 degrees!!
        TT - have you started using "hump day" at work. See if it catches on
        Back to yesterday to see how everyone is.
        Hi Mick - nice to have you back. Will have a squizz at your photos now...


          af day Wednesday 20 Feb

          blondie;1465811 wrote: Hi Kuya & TT

          Kuya, I'll swap your cool for our 37 degrees!!
          TT - have you started using "hump day" at work. See if it catches on
          Back to yesterday to see how everyone is.
          Hi Mick - nice to have you back. Will have a squizz at your photos now...
          Naw Blondie, I'm all good !


            af day Wednesday 20 Feb

            Hi all,
            Just checking in - not much to write
            Love the photos Mick
            Blondie = it's 35 here, 95% humidity.. boufant hairstyle is the ONLY hair in this town
            TT = according to Traditional Chinese Medicine, each organ in the body relates to a different time. When I was drinking I always woke about 2 or 3am. Checked this out and yep sure enough, that's liver time!
            Kuya = money shmoney. If it makes you feel any better I'm in the same situ
            Take care all


              af day Wednesday 20 Feb

              morning all how are you all? as TT says in this cosy wee intimate knitting circle!! ok so you went for triple B then TT ..So lets try triple A.....the Alienating Alcohol Agency !!
              Put some of the pics up on a separate thread last night as I am sure you have seen...will put some more up after...dont want to get into the scenario that we all know ...get invited round to someones house..and they bore you daft wi the holiday pics!!!!
              Yesterday was really close....the weather turned out really nice yesterday ...otherwise..we both looked up when we were in the garden and there was a plane going over pretty was nearly a case of sod it lets go back!!!..right tea and coffee on the go.

              MAE treetops..and how are you? Nah not into metric.. weighed mysel this morning..12st 5..(was 12st 7 yesterday)...goal weight 11 st is fasting day, so can have 450 cals!!
              Birds of prey sanctuary where I work ,they have got a morerpork..everyone looks at her and thinks she is an owl , very similar,getting their name from the call.

              MAE to you too blondie ..and how are you today ?Any plans?

              Hiya Ky ok mate?what do you mean its too cold? get in the water!!!Keep your chin up mate..I know its easy to say, but money isnt everything...youn need a chat just give us a shout know that :l

              PPQP...and how are you today? Sounds like your plans are all going "to plan" for want of better words.. you sound really positive ..good .Got to say you have done really well :l

              Morning Teezah and how are you this morning? any plans for today?whatever ..have a good one.

              Well then are you?Did you enjoy your walk? Just googled ,what a gorgeous place..over 55000 plants and 20000 shrubs..some really beautiful pictures on their website Kennet Square PA. Apologies cup of coffee..Any plans for today?Im thinking of taking up swimming again...used to do it millions of years ago on a competitive basis,but did it on holiday again and really enjoyed myself, plus its good exercise for back and legs.

              Mornnig Sunshine...mae, morning afternoon ,evening, due to the diversity of the timezones on this post.How are you? Glad the party went well...please keep your snow that way ..had enough of it!!!

              Hi ok? well done again mate ..another good night for you ...excellent..go for it ..have a great day.

              Right peeps thats it time for the off..going to do a bit in the garden..everything is starting to bud through..

              Take care..big shout to all those not by name.

              A old snake goes to see his Doctor.
              ?Doc, I need something for my eyes?can?t see well these days?.
              The Doc fixes him up with a pair of glasses and tells him to return in 2 weeks.
              The snake comes back in 2 weeks and tells the doctor he?s very depressed.
              Doc says, ?What?s the problem?didn?t the glasses help you??
              ?The glasses are fine doc, I just discovered I?ve been living with a water hose the past 2 years!?

              A man is in a hotel lobby. He wants to ask the clerk a question.
              As he turns to go to the front desk, he accidentally bumps into a woman
              beside him and as he does, his elbow goes into her breast. They
              are both quite startled.
              The man turns to her and says, ?Ma?am, if your heart is as soft as
              your breast, I know you?ll forgive me.?
              She replies, ?If your penis is as hard as your elbow, I?m in room 436.?

              A woman accompanied her husband to the doctor?s office.
              After the check-up, the doctor took the wife aside and
              said, ?If you don?t do the following, your husband will
              surely die?.
              1.Each morning, fix him a healthy breakfast and send
              him off to work in a good mood.
              2.At lunch time, make him a warm, nutritious meal and
              put him in a good frame of mind before he goes back
              to work.
              3.For dinner, fix an especially nice meal, and don?t
              burden him with household chores.
              4.Have s*x with him several times a week and satisfy
              his every whim.
              On the way home, the husband asked his wife what the doctor
              had told her.
              ?You?re going to die,? she replied.

              Little Gregory wakes up in the middle of the night feeling alone and
              scared. He goes into his mother?s room for comfort and he sees his mom
              standing naked in front of the mirror. She is rubbing her chest and
              groaning, ?I want a man, I want a man.? Shaking his head in bewilderment,
              Gregory takes off to bed. Next night the same thing happens. On the third
              night, Gregory wakes up and goes into his mom?s room but this time there
              is a man in bed with his mom.
              Gregory hoofs back to his room and whips off his pajamas, rubs his chest
              and groans ? I want a bike, I want a bike.?

              Little Johnny was in his math?s class one day when the teacher
              singled him out.
              ?If I gave you $20,? the teacher began,? and you gave $5 to Mary,
              $5 to Sally and $5 to Susan, what would you have??
              ?An orgy,? Johnny answered.

              On a very cold winter night, three homeless men huddled up close to keep warm. In the morning, the guy on the right says, ?I had a dream that someone was pulling on my d*ck.?
              The guy on the left says, ?I also had a dream that someone was pulling on my d*ck.?
              ?The guy in the middle says, ?I had a dream that I went skiing.?

              ?God,? inquired Adam, ?Why did you make Eve so beautiful??
              ?So you would love her.?
              ?But why did you make her so dumb??
              ?So she would love you.?

              In the early 1930′s, a farmer and his wife went to a fair. The farmer was fascinated by the airplanes and asked a pilot how much a ride would cost.
              ?$10 for 3 minutes,? replied the pilot.
              ?That?s too much,? said the farmer.
              The pilot thought for a second and then said, ?I?ll make you a deal. If you and your wife ride for 3 minutes without uttering a sound, the ride will be free. But if you make a sound, you?ll have to pay $10.?
              The farmer and his wife agreed and went for a wild ride. After they landed, the pilot said to the farmer, ?I want to congratulate you for not making a sound. You are a brave man.?
              ?Maybe so,? said the farmer, ?But I gotta tell ya, I almost screamed when my wife fell out.?

              Annoying Things to do in a
              Discount Superstore

              "Accidentally" get stuck in one of the frozen food doors. Give people strange looks and see if anyone helps you out.
              Add really funny things to other peoples? carts and watch them pay for it and see if they notice.
              Around Christmas time, start caroling. Ask for money from the listeners.
              As the cashier runs your purchases over the scanner, look mesmerized and say, "Wow. Magic!"
              Ask if you can buy a shopping cart.
              Ask other customers if they have any Grey Poupon.
              Ask Someone if they know were they sell little babies!
              Attempt to fit into very large gym bags.
              Bring a friend and get in a shopping cart. Have them push you around while you yell "ye-haw!"
              Buy chrome hubcaps and put them on in the parking lot
              Challenge other customers to duels with tubes of gift wrap.
              Constantly wink at a person you don't know. Follow them around and blow kisses to them.
              Dart around suspiciously while humming the theme from "Mission: Impossible."
              Do all of these above without getting thrown out! Contributed
              Drag a lounge chair on display over to the magazines and relax. If the store has a food court, buy a soft drink; explain that you don't get out much, and ask if they can put a little umbrella in it.
              Drape a blanket around your shoulders and run around saying, "...I'm Batman. Come, Robin--to the Batcave!"
              Dress as a Jedi and randomly tell other shoppers in you're best Yoda voice,"May the force be with you".
              Everytime you walk out the door (or try waiting by the door for others to walk out), make a dinging noise then say mechanically "We're sorry. You have activated the Wal Mart inventory control service. Please step back and a Wal Mart associate will help you. Thank you."
              Fill your shopping cart with matchbooks and gasoline and walk around smiling at people.
              Find a parent with her kid in the shopping cart. Point at the kid and ask the parent, "What aisle are they selling these on?"
              Follow people through the aisles, always staying about five feet away. Continue to do this until they leave the department.
              Gather a bunch of bouncy balls and bounce them into neighboring aisles.
              Get 20 people together and play hide-n-go-seek.
              Get a dish towel and bucket and sit on the floor singing "It's a hard knock life for us!"
              Get a friend, put on as many articles of clothing you can find and start sumo wrestling (use diapers if possible) .
              Get a group of friends together and take lawn chairs from the display then rewind the movie playing on the display TV in electronics, sit down and watch the entire thing.
              Get one of those fake dogs that barks/sings, place it on the ground in front of a group of people and press the button to make it sing/bark. Then proceed to bark and growl like you are going to attack it
              Go into the dressing room and yell real loud... ?Hey, we?re out of toilet paper in here!?
              Go to the express lane and get an item, and say "wait, I forgot something, and keep doing that until you have like 50, check out, then say "thanks, I forgot how much this costs," and walk away.
              Go to the video game section and play one of the games for a minute the throw down the controller and start to bang on the display case when an attendant asks u what u are doing tell him your trying to change the game.
              Go up to a guy and start crying saying I finally found you mommy! And see what he does!
              Go up to someone and start taking items from their basket and put them into yours.
              Go up to the clerk and say code Red! and see what they do! (I know it will work I did it.)
              Grab handfulls of super bounce balls and go wild.
              have a couple of friends go with you and dress up as power rangers. Battle the invisible enemy and tell shoppers to stand back.
              af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                af day Wednesday 20 Feb

                MAE ALL....

                TT...yup totally had me confused before bed last night. :H I've been up for awhile now, just reading around the boards, and came across a post about waking up at 3am and liver function between 1-3am. I've been reading the linked website ever since. Going to be tweaking my recovery plan now. Here's the link if anyone's interested.

                SensibleHealth.Com: Conquering chronic diseases without drugs or surgery - gallbladder flush, gallstone removal liver cleanse, endometriosis, estrogen dominance, infertility, allergies

       "sound" really relaxed too. Great prospective on life's challanges and to look at it as a new adventure is ace!

                ...thanks for starting the thread Chopra Centre free medidation. I'm onboard for March 11th and hoping to learn how to get the best out of my journaling. I've included Blondie's link...

                The Chopra Center 21-Day Meditation Challenge™ - Perfect Health – Home

                ...yup I belong to the money woes club as well. That was you talking about waking up at 2 or 3 am and the link to liver function. Must have found the link on a different post.

       glad you're back, all's right in my world again. :H Love the holi pic's and will be watching for updates. Yup, feeling pretty positive these days but also grounded, or maybe at peace with myself.

                Good day on the horizon for me...writing up the minutes of the Info Session, meeting at a posh cafe at 11am and playing bridge in the afternoon. Who could ask for anything more?

                Off to get 2nd cuppa and read Mick's much missed jokes. Have a great AF Wednesday all and all to come....PPQP


                  af day Wednesday 20 Feb

                  Hi PPQ - yes guess that club is not exclusive these days!!
                  Ex hubby was/is a TCM master and taught me a lot about traditional chinese medicine ( he was French!!)
                  but before that I was always into alternative medicine. I haven't seen a Western doctor for many years, only exception being flu, bad headaches or anything else that needs a quick fix ( TCM takes a while to kick in)
                  Take care


                    af day Wednesday 20 Feb

                    Good morning Abbers!

                    HAPPY HUMPDAY ONE & ALL :H :H

                    Partly sunny & 28 degrees here at the moment - Brrr!
                    In July & August the heat & humidity will be killing me so I'm trying to not complain ~ much

                    Enjoying the coffee this morning, thanks everyone
                    If I didn't have anything else to do I would go to Longwood Gardens every day - love that place. I am a member so I just show my card & walk right in, yay. It's about a 30 minute drive but it gets me out of cowville for the day :yay:
                    I always leave there feeling calm & peaceful & just wishing I had all that talent. I learn something new each & everytime I go.

                    Well, time to get to my Wednesday to do list!
                    Wishing everyone a great AF Wednesday!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      af day Wednesday 20 Feb


                      Lavande, Patrice, Porqoui (love, LOVE that name), Mick, TT, Kuya, Blondie, tt and everyone else to come...

                      have a lovely af wednesday xxx


                        af day Wednesday 20 Feb

                        MAE, my dear friends.

                        Experiencing extreme Ambition Deficit Disorder, but think it's related to a whole variety of legitimate, powerful issues I need to work through. After the AL is gone, I am left with the partial wreckage of a neglected life. I'm up for the job, but it does remind me of people visiting their homes after a hurricane. Lots to tackle, where to begin.

                        I've been trying to recover from a re-injury of my shoulder from the Jan. ski trip. Still hurts all the time, and can't sleep on it. The PT I'm seeing has diagnosed (along with several docs before her) a wacked out nervous system from physical trauma. I should go on neurontin or cymbalta to reboot, but both have led to really really bad side effects in the past. So she is doing PT work instead, waking up my nerves, having me do heat/ice, specific breathing exercises, sort of an east meets west approach. The drugs will be our last resort.

                        So right now I'm exhausted and in overall body pain; this is day 3 of this. I just want to sleep. Sheet.

                        "It is easier to maintain than to start from the bottom again. I can't go back there." Byrdie

                        AF since Oct 2, 2012


                          af day Wednesday 20 Feb

                          Be careful what you buy on Ebay.If you buy stuff on line,check out the seller carefully.
                          I have just spent ?95 plus VAT on a penis enlarger.
                          Bastard's sent me a magnifying glass. :H:H
                          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                            af day Wednesday 20 Feb

                            Catbuddy;1466099 wrote: I just want to sleep.
                            Hi Cat,

                            Yes, I can relate to that. Last night I couldn't sleep, felt like someone had sewn me into a wooly suit - couldn't stop wriggling and itching :H so today I went back to bed in the afternoon and yes...just wanted to sleep - and that's without an injury.

                            Please be kind to yourself. If you were nursing your best friend back to health you would be full of compassion for her and now is the time to have some for yourself :l xxx


                              af day Wednesday 20 Feb

                              Haha Mick. telescope lens are also useful.

                              I knew about the liver function thing before but the point I ws making is that I used to do the 3am wake up when I was drinking (and stay awake for ages) but thats well and truely gone. Now I am AF I am waking every 2 hours or so - sometimes less so and I just have to pee and cough as well. I normally get back to sleep pretty quickly but it involves a walk to the other side of the house, in the dark, intimate goings on etc. Its a bit rough on me - to say the least!
                              Must be psychological as Dr has ruled out anything else

                              too much personal info!

