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af day Wednesday 20 Feb

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    af day Wednesday 20 Feb

    Hi again,

    Thanks for the advice, Det and Kuya. Det, that DMSO scares me a bit after reading. But you did nail that inflammation is the core of several chronic issues for me. So, Omegas- I take them, but not much, so since I'm injured, I will try increasing the dosage. My PT is a bit non-orthodox. She says heat, not ice, is what my nerves need. Ice relieves pain, but only temporarily. Heat nourishes them, and helps them heal. ?

    The ice plus heat is at the same time - heat on back, then ice on neck - she says it reboots. That is what I need, I know. I have CRPS/RPS, whatever you want to call it, laying over from a bad accident two years ago. After working on my legs last Friday, my hands (yes, hands) were tingling, hot and painful for several days. Waking things up again. Ugh. I wonder how many people experience pain as part of the sugar/alcohol/depression cluster of symptoms. For me, it's been a part of my daily life for so many years.

    Okay, enough crying. Byrdie, if you are out there, I will do something completely unscheduled for some other human tomorrow, someone in need. Get myself out of myself.

    Again, I love you guys. I wish I could make you a huge dinner after listening to my woes, and holding my hand.

    Dinner. Food. I've been eating too much in the last few days, and had terrible sugar cravings. I just connected it with pain. Wow, it really is a cluster of symptoms.


    On other notes, where is Cantoo? Is she okay?

    Det, I really wish I could figure out why my computer won't allow chat. I've tried many times. I'm not going to ask our work IT guy to load it for obvious reasons. Anyone know what might be wrong?

    Lav, I'm so sorry you lost a chicken. That must have been an awful sight. I'm glad your son is helping out. Really, you should be getting help all the time from your family - you are so generous with them.

    "It is easier to maintain than to start from the bottom again. I can't go back there." Byrdie

    AF since Oct 2, 2012

