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Fabulous Februray Friendships ~ Week 4

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    Fabulous Februray Friendships ~ Week 4

    :yay: We've made it to week 4!
    I have never ever loved the month of February, always relieved when it's over

    Greetings everyone!
    Cloudy skies, rain on the way but I'll be spending the day in my shop with all the lights on & the radio tuned way up so I'll be OK!

    LBH, sorry you are stil having problems with your eyes!
    I hope things improve very quickly for you :l

    Star, wishing you safe travels today & a nice weekend visiting your Dad.
    I never had any sort of positive relationship with my Dad - none of us did. I know we all missed out on something good there.

    Well, my ADD grown son finally remembered to show up about 4 hours later than planned yesterday so we never did get the chicken yard sorted out. It was just too cold & windy by dinnertime to do anything outside
    So my girls will just have to be more vigilant to the predators circling overhead & I wish them the very best

    I see Chill on Facebook everyday

    I'm skipping Curves & going right to work so I'll get going!
    Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Friday!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

    Fabulous Februray Friendships ~ Week 4

    Hello Lav, thanks for getting us started on the last week of February. I too will be glad to see it go. We had the ice storm pass through here last night so I woke up to a school delay then cancellation. I was not happy about it because I had several meetings scheduled for today that I will now have to reschedule. Grrrr. I wish your hens good luck! I'm thinking once a predator finds an easy mark, they will return. Maybe you can get the chicken wire in place this weekend. The weather is supposed to be milder I think.

    Star, enjoy your visit with your Dad. I envy you the escape from the cold! My mom and dad used to live in Florida for awhile. We loved visiting them there. I'm going to put a request in at the library for the Pearl Buck book you mentioned.

    LBH, I am so sorry to hear that your eyes are giving you trouble yet again. Are you having trouble with your contacts? I hope you get it straightened out as soon as possible. And as to your sad but necessary meeting, I'll send you positive thoughts and strength. What day is your meeting? I had to laugh at your very different take on the naked body scanners! It hadn't occurred to me to look at it that way!!!:H

    Have a lovely AF Friday everyone.

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


      Fabulous Februray Friendships ~ Week 4

      Hi Dill,
      Hope you enjoyed your unexpected day off
      No more drama in the chicken yard, thank goodness but I am just a bit paranoid to be honest. Don't know when I'll get any help with that project

      I hope Star has arrived safely in sunny Florida!

      Hope to hear from the rest of the group soon......
      Have a good night all!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Fabulous Februray Friendships ~ Week 4

        Good morning & happy Saturday!

        Anyone out there??
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Fabulous Februray Friendships ~ Week 4

          Hi Lav, looks like it's up to us to keep the home fire burning!

          Are all your hens present and accounted for? I've got no special plans for the day but that's how I like it. I'll do the grocery shopping, then come home and bake a batch of almond biscotti.

          I recently learned of the death of an old friend/neighbor. He died on Valentine's Day of heart failure. Some kind of irony in that. He was a big man with a big heart. I still remember the day my son, then 2 years old, crawled up in his lap and looked earnestly into his face and declared, "You big!" Out of the mouths of babes..... We all had such a laugh. I'll go to his memorial service on Monday.

          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


            Fabulous Februray Friendships ~ Week 4

            Hi Lav and Dill :hallo:

            Good morning to ye both, even though its afternoon with me

            Im working later today so just having a nose about here before i get ready.

            Happy Saturday to ye


              Fabulous Februray Friendships ~ Week 4

              Hi Friends,

              Dill-I forgot to thank you for your quote last week. I am so appreciative that you take the time to choose quotes each week that are so meaningful for all of us here.:thanks:

              Lav-I hope you can enlist the help of YB or your son to help secure the chickens so you won't have to worry about them so much.

              I have a boatload of items on my "to-do list" before I go out to dinner with my closest friends. They are treating me, as this is another belated birthday celebration. Geez....I've been celebrating my birthday ALL month, and partying hearty, AF, too. And I thought celebrating couldn't be done without a glass of champagne in my hand.

              Tomorrow I leave for Chicago with my friend, and we'll spend the night at the Hilton at Water Tower...connected to Nordstrom, so we won't even have to go outside to shop

              I hope everyone has a wonderful AF Saturday.


                Fabulous Februray Friendships ~ Week 4

                Rusty the party animal :H :H
                I hope you have a great weekend!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Fabulous Februray Friendships ~ Week 4

                  Hey all- sort of a sad day here. was going through FB and saw the Birthday Notification for my sis's SIL. Went to her page and there were a number of condolence messages. I know her family is monitering the page because one of them commented. I also had a dream that she was alive and looking like she hadn't been sick a day in her life. thought I was seeing a ghost but my sis said no, she's really here. She said Sue had a major body spasm which is why everyone thought she had died. Then I woke up, realized it wasn't real and started crying. Her calling hours are from 3-8 on Tuesday and I will go right at 3 (not that that will help me beat the crowd) as I have to bring DD to quilting with me so I can hand him over to my hoarder friend. I'm going to be a wreck at quilting that's for sure. I unfortunately will not be able to attend the funeral which makes me very sad. I will be on my way to the airport then. I have to drop my boyz off at the kennel at 7am Wed and then race home to get picked up by the shuttle at 9:40. It's going to be a very long day. Probably won't check into the hotel until after 6pm.

                  Rusty-sounds like you weathered the severe storm this week OK. Have a great trip to the Windy City. My sister has been there and loved it. I was there once and I think we had time to go to the Sears Tower but I don't remember anything else.

                  Lav-I wish I lived closer-I'd help you get that roor up onto the chicken yard ASAP! Hope your son can come back this weekend. You do enough for them but I do understand his crazy work schedule. Prayers that the hawk found your hen one tough bird and won't be back!!

                  Dill-enjoy your long weekend. I love snow days!!

                  Star-hope you are safely in FLA by now. Understand the weather is not really FLA weather but it's got to be better than what you have been dealing with!

                  Hello to everyone who stops in. I have to get ready for work.
                  New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                  "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                  KO the Beast!!


                    Fabulous Februray Friendships ~ Week 4

                    No,predators around the hen house today. Man, this is stressful :H
                    Of course no one is available to give me a hand securing the place, grrr.
                    Dill, our former neighbors, now in their mid-eighties served as honorary grandparents for my kids. They are all still friends too. Sorry you lost an old friend.

                    Hope you had a good day at work sweetpea

                    Papmom, please don't stress yourself out. I know how difficult it is to accept the death of a young one who leaves us too soon. She is at peace now, pain free :l
                    Concentrate on getting yourself squared away, you have a lot going on right now.

                    Hope to get some better sleep tonight. The approaching full moon has me messed up, as usual.
                    Wishing everyone a cozy night!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Fabulous Februray Friendships ~ Week 4

                      Well good morning friends

                      I'm up & waiting for some sunshine

                      I know I'm going to be busy today, what's everyone else doing today?
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Fabulous Februray Friendships ~ Week 4

                        snow snow and more snow today. They are still saying 3-6" but I have a funny feeling it could be more. Luckily I have no where to go and luckily it wasn't too bad driving home last nite. I just home my brother's flight isn't canceled and lands safely.
                        Going to try to concentrate on doing some cleaning today in prep for the cat sitter, send in my demo reports so i can get paid, make a ton of green juice which I will freeze in quart bags (need to use up as much produce as I can before I leave) and start to pack.
                        My poor kitty didn't touch his dinner last nite so I am very concerned. He had been doing so well too! I gave him some super good food this morning which he did eat so we'll see how the rest of the day goes. My biggest fear is that he will crash and burn while I'm away.
                        That's it for me here in snowy New England.
                        Wish everyone would check in!
                        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                        KO the Beast!!


                          Fabulous Februray Friendships ~ Week 4

                          Good morning to all.

                          Coming back after drinking--and, as Lav said, drinking at this point is a decision, not a slip. Was just going to send a PM to everyone here, but decided that I needed to confess. PapMom, Lav and Rusty all know this already, and now the rest of you do, as well.

                          To say I am disappointed, frustrated and angry with myself is putting it mildly. Can add ashamed to the list, too. But I have started again.

                          I have been reading here and all over the forum every day, and just didn't want to jeopardize anybody else's precious sobriety.

                          :l TDN

                          Prayers for the kitty, PapMom. Maybe he senses your leaving and that is why he isn't eating. Can happen.
                          "One day at a time."


                            Fabulous Februray Friendships ~ Week 4

                            Hi TDN-I'm so glad you "fessed up". It's good for the soul if nothing else. Maybe if you can figure out why you decided to drink you can figure out how to decide not to drink? For me it was a decision not to drink and to stick to it no matter what because I think I accepted early on that AL was a real toxin to my body-as bad as cigarrettes were and I imagine cocaine etc. Everytime I was tempted, I remembered what AL was to me. I had to figure out different ways to deal with what normally drove me to drink: boredom, frustration at work, anger etc. Not saying this method works for everyone, it just what seemed to work for me. I really hope you can figure this out for good. You are a wonderful person and you deserve only the best life can offer-not an AL prison. :l :h
                            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                            KO the Beast!!


                              Fabulous Februray Friendships ~ Week 4

                              "I must be willing to give up what I am in order to become what I will be." ~Albert Einstein

                              TDN, I'm so glad you are back with us! We are all on this road together and finding our own way through. You will find no judgement here, so never be afraid to post!:h

                              Pmom, Your strategy of thinking of al as toxic is a very good one. And thinking of drinking as being in "al prison" is really spot on! Have you seen the Denzel Washington movie, "Flight"? I recommend it highly. It's a very good film on many levels and the main theme is the main character coming to grips with his alcohol issues. He makes the same reference to al dependence as being in prison.

                              Hi Lav, hope your hens are alive and kickin'! We took a walk in the woods today and had a grand time with g-son Matt walking in the creek bed and throwing rocks and sticks into the water. We also saw some deer which delighted Matt. Love the country life!!

                              Rusty, I am thinking of you up in Chi-town with your friend. I hope you are having a great time!

                              Sweetpea, How's it going? Did you have to work today as well? What do you do for work, if you don't mind sharing. I am in my last year as a school Speech Therapist. I love my work, but I'm ready to enjoy retirement.

                              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

