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Fabulous Februray Friendships ~ Week 4

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    Fabulous Februray Friendships ~ Week 4

    Lavande;1468639 wrote: My strawberry vegan gluten free cupcakes

    Recipe, please....... :chef:

    On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
    *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest


      Fabulous Februray Friendships ~ Week 4

      Good morning fab friends,
      LBH, I was thinking of you and sending you supportive vibes last week. It didn't seem likely that your sad meeting would be on a Saturday but never-the-less, I found thoughts of you popping into my mind on Saturday afternoon and I wished you well with all my heart. I am hoping your meeting went as best as it could. It must have been awful to discover your vision in your left eye was gone on top of whatever else you were dealing with!:l

      Rusty thanks for telling us about your trip. I imagined being right there with you. We had fun!

      Star, I'm glad you got to enjoy some warmth and sun. Our weather here is cold and wet, mostly in the form of rain. Damp cold. Thoughts of sitting poolside were very pleasant. Thanks for sharing!

      I have a long day today. Rescheduled my Friday meetings plus there is another one scheduled for 3:15 that will likely go on forever. Ugh. But I take comfort in the thought that this is the last time I will be pulled into a meeting with these particular people. They are so irritating.

      Pmom, Lav, TDN, Kradle, everyone, have a great AF Humpday!

      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


        Fabulous Februray Friendships ~ Week 4

        Good morning friends,

        Seems to be a bit of a break in the monsoon so I'm going to scoot myself to Curves as soon as I can. Grandsons arriving at 3 pm - better plan on an extra multivitamin for myself today

        Kradle, those cupcakes were awesome - enjoy.
        Gluten Free Strawberry Cupcakes | Gluten Free Recipes | Blog | Simply Gluten Free

        Dill, I imagine you are taking great comfort starting your countdown. You have worked hard & deserve all the peaceful days ahead

        Greetings to everyone & wishing papmom a safe trip!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Fabulous Februray Friendships ~ Week 4

          TDN Had A Birthday This Week!

          Happy Birthday to a courageous friend! I think I am a couple days late but I just wanted to say happy AF birthday!



          PS.... I am working so these wishes are coming from my IPhone, and I am sequestered in the ladies restroom. Hahah


            Fabulous Februray Friendships ~ Week 4

            Good morning all...

            Wow, last night I drove home through a blizzard, it was so scary, but I made it through. It was not as tough to go back to work as I thought. I feel my depression lifted for the most part. There is something about going away that makes you appreciate what you have.

            Nothing to report but more weather info, and I am getting boring.

            To all, have a great day.
            Formerly known as redhibiscus


              Fabulous Februray Friendships ~ Week 4

              Hello Fabulous Friends! Sorry for the time away - my Mom's visit and the extra trip to CA for a big family event was really quite draining, and I had all I could do to handle some writing deadlines and the day-to-day things. Got Mom on the plane this morning, and have spent the rest of the day trying to catch up. I'm achey-tired now, but it has been great to read back here, as always.

              Star, how scary to drive home in a blizzard, so glad you are OK. Rusty - I loved thinking of you in Chicago, one of my favorite cities. TDN - you are courageous to post. You can do this - don't lose faith in yourself, you are worth the prize of being free. Dill - so sorry about your big friend, too bad to lose that presence. Are the next few months the count-down to retirement? Lav - you should have a food blog, what a gorgeous picture of the cupcakes!!! I have been gluten and dairy free for a while now, have taken out animal protein, all fermented foods, soy, nightshade plants, you name it. I think sugar is next; I'm holding out for my black tea, not ready to give that caffeine up yet. PMom, hope your trip goes well, I so understand about placing the pups while you are traveling. Mine had to go to a sitter's while I was away; HB was around, but working too many hours to take care of them. Sooty, thanks for the heads-up about hose-whatevers, hope the weather stays nicer. LBH, so sorry for a hard meeting, and holy cow your eye! I hope that it is healing/mending/whatever can be hoped for.

              Sorry for those I missed...I'll catch up more tomorrow, and tell a few tales of the last's only 7:30 here, but I am struggling with staying awake...more soon...big love to all...
              to the light


                Fabulous Februray Friendships ~ Week 4

                I just wished TDN a Happy Birthday on Facebook about an hour ago.
                (had to wait for the grandkids to go the hell home :H)
                Hope you had a great day

                Rusty - in the bathroom with your iPhone
                You've got to come up with something more original :H

                Star, glad you are safe! The blizzard driving is something I do not miss. I think I was always scheduled to work when there was a blizzard, yuck.

                cyn, I baked the cupcakes but my DIL takes the pictures - she's pretty good with the camera.
                Don't you wonder if there is ever an end to what we have to give up (food-wise) to feel better? It's really crazy that I realized I can't handle much soy at all (causes the same GI grief that dairy does).
                I take a probiotic called Culturelle, do you take one? Without yogurt & fermented foods we really need to supplement. Hope you get caught up on some sleep.

                I should sleep like a rock tonight - yay!

                Almost forgot - I found a 10 ft long piece of siding that the wind ripped off the garage roofline last night I sent YB a text message to find someone to fix it & he did!!!! I don't know when the job will actually be done but at least it's in the works!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Fabulous Februray Friendships ~ Week 4

                  Good morning to all...

                  Glad it is Thursday, continues to snow here. It is so great to be AF, sleeping well and feeling healthy. I am grateful today.

                  Have a great day.
                  Formerly known as redhibiscus


                    Fabulous Februray Friendships ~ Week 4

                    Hey! It's the last day of February!! YAY! We made it! But we haven't talked about March names. Here's where we are definitely missing Chill's input. I wish she would return.
                    Rusty, you are good with the naming too. Any suggestions?

                    I feel like I always do at this time of year: Just holding on. Spring is coming and there is magic sometimes in the light from the sun as it draws nearer.

                    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                      Fabulous Februray Friendships ~ Week 4

                      Morning all on this final day of February

                      Yep, I know the holding on feeling this time of year Dill. BUT I did see my daffodils have broken ground :yay:
                      Real signs of Spring :yay:

                      March names, March names, hmmmm
                      I'll be back after I think a little.

                      Have a terrific AF Thursday everyone!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Fabulous Februray Friendships ~ Week 4

                        My thoughts go out to everybody in the snow path and good piloting Star in that blizzard. I wish I could bundle everybody up and bring you here where it is in the forties but blazing sunny and calm. I remember my last year of full time work, Dill, as I am sure does Lav, everything is different as it is the "last time" or the "last one", at times bittersweet, at times scary, and at times my insides were brimming over with glee. Since of late, however, I have been feeling anxious and at something of a dead end, I decided to jump off a little cliff of my own today and booked a river boat ride in... (drum roll) ... Portugal. A bit drastic I suppose but it knocked me out of my tree. It's not until the late Fall so I have lots of time to pay back my savings account as is my so not wild habit. Lord Bird Heart will be thrilled although not too thrilled I hope given his bad heart. A hopefully not still half-blind woman now carrying a defibrillator is not my preferred image. In any case, it seems if I don't just jump into something, then days, weeks, and even months go by without much punctuation; no wonder I feel life slipping away. As such I did my usual grand jete into space, or in this case the River Douro . Love, Ladybird.
                        may we be well


                          Fabulous Februray Friendships ~ Week 4

                          Wow LBH - that trip sounds so nice
                          I'm happy to hear that Mr LBH is a willing travel companion!
                          YB never ever wanted to go anywhere or do anything with me

                          I spent the day finishing up my online CEUs to renew my nursing license. I don't know why I even bother to renew, just habit I suppose. So, I'm available if anyone needs nurse Lav :H

                          We wake up to the month of March tomorrow - I hope someone comes up with a name for us!
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Fabulous Februray Friendships ~ Week 4

                            Morning all -
                            LBH - I absolutely understand the feeling of time slipping away (or whizzing by) with no punctuation. It does also for me produce an anxiousness; it was good of you to name it. A river in Portugal? Sounds fabulous, a good image for enjoying the journey of life. How is your eye?

                            Star - thank you for your gentle post of gratitude this morning, what a good reminder. I hope spring is just around the corner for you.

                            Lav - would it be possible to find a trip somewhere with your daughter, or a friend, or a like-minded group? While you are able-bodied, you really should follow your travel heart - you so deserve to fulfill that dream, dear friend. Forget taking care of anyone!!! (though I'm glad to know that you're keeping your nurse status 'legal').

                            Dill - time to break out the seed catalogs! I can't wait until I return to the east - this year I have a perfect setup for starting plants, so I'm hoping to get myself organized and going on that on my return. Rusty - your daffodils are pushing the surface - in WI?! Wow, that really is a harbinger.

                            Happy Belated birthday, TDN, hope you had a happy day. Lav, I think I have a breakthrough - I've been supplementing with Niacinamide (and a million other things), and finally see some improvement, whew.

                            Hope everyone has a good AF end to the name, we've used 'marvelous' and 'magical', yes? Seems like we did - let's see; there's mountain, mindful.....uugh, need a cup of tea before the synapses will fire...
                            to the light


                              Fabulous Februray Friendships ~ Week 4

                              aaargh, I wrote that this morning, and forgot to press 'post'! Just found it now when I came back to the site...Guess I'd better graduate to coffee today to wake up...

                              Anyway: here's a few more words - mighty, mantra, mystic, muse, music, move, memo. (Some thought of but rejected: matzah, muddy, melt.)

                              Take care all!
                              to the light

