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af day Sunday 24 Feb

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    af day Sunday 24 Feb

    And its 24 Feb here! A very special day for me and G ? our only daughter?s birthday. So although she is still asleep I have bucketfuls of gratitude ? her, her Dad, our health and security and my sobriety. :h
    Na ? don?t worry I am not going to turn into mushy peas (which do not feature on my gratitude list!!!) but just want to spread the love. And you guys are a pretty deserving lot for that ? after a bit of a depressing trawl around the threads yesterday I am amazed at your generosity and forgiveness.

    Mick?s eyes are rolling ? bloody woman thinks she is a preacher cos its Sunday there ? and he thought there were enough of those folk in the land of McJock. Aye, but the Jockanese spread their tentacles around the globe ? don?t they Scottish Lass???
    OK ? this time tea and coffee is on offer ? croissants to follow - and much later in the day the birthday cake (I am making a fresh strawberry cake ? berries from a farm nearby).

    Cat ? guess you can take the girl out of Texas but can?t take the cowboy out of the ????
    I stayed in Houston centuries ago and saw BB King perform. Now that was something.
    We have the room for a garden but don?t have the time or dedication. It?s a pretty wild garden on a hill - so we are going to concentrate on the trees ? trying to raise seedlings at the moment to plant out in our spring.

    Mick and PPQP ? any relief on the flu front? Have a bearable day with your crappy bodies on your travels today.

    ? rather you than me with the little kiddies party ? but good luck. My memories of those are too fresh! Why does one little one always projectile vomit or sob incessantly at those things? (that sounds like older kids parties too!)

    ? brakes sorted? The retro pressies also extended to Dr. Martens (except I never had a pair when I was a teenager ? no it was bare feet and pretending NZ was the Summer of Love for me back then ? where are you Hippyman?

    SF, Teezah, Running Courage, Det
    ? you Guys OK? Big hello to everyone else - sorry if I missed your name today - twas not intentional - must be my Jockanese genes playing up.

    Have a Super Silly Sober Sunday!!! :nutso:

    af day Sunday 24 Feb

    morningg all..just a quick jump in ..its 5.15 am and gettin ready to go out..must be off my head!!!!Heading north into snow are you all?
    Yes madam tee tee...we get as jocks where water cant!!! for the crappy body ..theres another pound less of it today!! weighed myself prior to 12st good old imperial measures ..(the sun never sets on the Empire yknow!):H:H..was 12 7 when weighed myself last Monday night when I came back off hols..right off for a quick bowl o porridge before I go ..Tee Tee and Lav...enjoy your parties... everyone else have a great day

    bye bye luvvies :H:H :wavin:
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


      af day Sunday 24 Feb

      Good morning Abbers!

      I'm up drinking coffee, dogs & birds fed & watered & I'm enjoying the peace & quiet before the herds descend later

      TT, that's so funny - I actually do remember a kid projectile vomiting at one of my son's BD parties nearly 30 years ago. Gross :H
      I think it's a combination of too much sugar & excitement! I am going to make sure everyone eats lunch first before the sugary stuff come out

      Mick, I hope you are bundled up for today's adventure up north. I just may weigh myself today as well, working on getting rid of some holiday pounds still hanging around

      I shall be busy today & I wish everyone else a wonderful AF Sunday!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        af day Sunday 24 Feb

        MAE, abbers.

        Last day in the mountains with my son. Yesterday was the best day of skiing - great snow, no falls, wonderful.

        TT, I gave up AL on my son's ninth birthday last year. It is a day that moves us, isn't it?

        Lav, I hope the party goes well and the peace is soon restored. As I read your post, I was sitting here quietly in the cabin, coffee in hand, loving the peace of the morning. Man, this is my favorite time of day.

        Mick, I could use a boot in the backside to get myself up even close to that early.

        Happy AF Sunday to all to come.

        "It is easier to maintain than to start from the bottom again. I can't go back there." Byrdie

        AF since Oct 2, 2012


          af day Sunday 24 Feb

          Morning all - Hey TT, my daughter got combat boots for her birthday - I mentioned Doc Martens - they were both appalled that I knew something they thought was "in" - I keep trying to let them know that they didn't invent everything cool, but they can't grasp that! Have a great day with her.
          SF - I did the same, was so proud when I gave up spirits and just drank wine - thought I was cured! In my family it is G & T to start, then wine, then whisky to finish - and thats after the lunch sherry or martini!!!! Giving up spirits was such a big thing for me that I really thought I had conquered everything - DUH!!!!
          So starting my second week and grateful again this morning, though I was deprived last night (just wrote depraved instead of deprived :H).
          Eldest still in bed, feeling spring coming so itchy to get going and sort out a bit....wish she would get up! They want to watch the Oscars this afternoon/evening - fun girly thing to do with them to watch the dresses/jewelry and make up.....
          Have a great Sunday all - enjoy your party Lav, hopefully no more regurgitation events or anything worse!!
          Happy trails Mick.
          MAE to anyone else coming along.....
          “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


            af day Sunday 24 Feb

            Party went well, the BD girl was very happy, nobody puked :H

            I just wanted to show you all what vegan & gluten free looks like. I made these, primarily for myself & my daughter but shared with some of the others

            Cat, glad you had a great ski weekend
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              af day Sunday 24 Feb

              oooh can I have a cupcake? I've been good I promise!

              looks like a lot of folks are busy on this fine Sunday. I've been mostly resting my tired ass after what was 'supposed' to be a nice day of hiking but turned into a winter survival trip. 18F and it was dark by the time we got out of the snow and on a recognizable road. No lack of excitement for me!

              her's something inspirational my aunt sent to me:

              Eleanor Roosevelt said, “All the water in the world cannot drown you unless it gets inside of you.”

              No matter what your problem --Financial instability, relationship discomfort, history of things not working out, or whatever difficulty is around you --let it be around you. It's a circumstance. It's around you but it is not meant to control or determine your internal weather.

              Your internal weather comes from your state of mind, and the state of your heart. Keep your mind and your heart focused on gratitude and appreciation. Gratitude is a harmonious vibration with abundance.

              All the water in the world can be around you and you can float on top of it. In fact, what you’ll discover is that the ocean delights to lift you up as you let go.

              Today, let go, let Life, and be lifted up and supported by an ocean of abundant good.

              Let go and be lifted,

              garlicky AF hugs all around xxxxxxx

              be well
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)

