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Thursday 22 March

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    Thursday 22 March

    Hi everyone!

    Since I live in the future it seems I will start of today's thread again. But very sensibly. I can be soooo sensible.

    Well, had a great night again last night. Got loads of things done. Had a beautiful uniterrupted sleep (normally I wake at around 2 ish and am awake for a couple of hours). Woke up this morning early and fresh and happy.

    This is only day 4. I know I will always have to be vigilant but if I had known what even just 4 days of sobriety would be like I would have done this years ago.

    Got great news about the sale of our house today (it has dragged on for a long time and now it is all finalised at last). In the old days we would have got a couple of bottles of bubbly in to "celebrate". These new days we will still celebrate but without the champers, and have clear heads to start packing and clearing out junk tomorrow whoo hoo.

    Feeling smug.

    Have a super duper day everyone!

    Thursday 22 March

    Ok, Bluebell, I'm going to hang out with you in the future since I don't know how to post those animated flatulent bouncing nude animal thingies.
    Got my new doctor today and he's very cool, he's even heard good things about I made sure to shove a few extra plugs in there for RJ. He's also not at all against Topa, although I'm feeling so well on Campral I'd be nuts to change anything at this moment in time and I'm AB'ing anyhow. He says I'm healthy and my enzymes are ok...whew! still running one more test (at my request) to check for hormone imbalances that might explain depressive tendancy. So today is a very happy day 14 and going for broke. I have garlic on my breath and Determinatrix on my arm, and all you great folks...what more's a guy to want?
    Congrat's on the good news and new day Bluebell!
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)


      Thursday 22 March

      Bluebell, I am glad your house sold - but no lotto numbers from the future? I had been making plans all day .... and now I gotta go to work tomorrow. Have fun getting rid of the trash - it is always a good feeling to have a new start!!

      Hugs, Pans


        Thursday 22 March

        Great news BB - selling a house can be so stressful,
        It's also wonderful to hear that you are already feeling the benefits after 4 days - you go girl!!!
        I am doing OK, had a change to my meds 2 days ago and have a bit of a concentration problem - oh well.....Loss of, um, what were we talking about? Oh yeah,
        Can't be helped
        Have a great day all...I think i'm 38 days AF - am losing track - just happy and not needing, wanting, craving a drink !!!
        Love to all who follow.

        "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


          Thursday 22 March

          Go Determinator!!!!

          Hi Pansy - think we all posted at the same time!!

          "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


            Thursday 22 March

            Hi all

            Bluebell - congrats on day 4 and on the house. life is good.
            D and Dx, couldn't be more happy for you. you guys are phenomomenal. (if a bit smelly)
            morning Pansy and Cashy, and all who follow.

            am freezing today -It's snowing! and the doors of my house are open as I have builders going in an out of the garden.

            Anyone else find they need a lot less sleep AF? Am going to bed about 12.30 and getting up at 6.00. in some ways it's great as i get so much done in the evenings. Actually that's a big fat lie. I sit here on this site all evening. and all morning.

            feeling good and strong and positive and optimistic which is jolly weird when you think about it. maybe I am going mad. still.

            cacth you all later. K x


              Thursday 22 March

              Hi All~

              I see we're all back to ourselves....

              BB-congrats on the house & 4 days!
              Det-at least with the garlic you won't have to worry about vampires! Congrats on 2 weeks!
              Hi Pansy, cashy & Kate & those that pop in after:

              wishing a Peaceful, sober Thursday.....
              :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                Thursday 22 March

                Kate, it's true for me as well...finding I don't really need so much sleep without the drink. Up early this morning (it's now actually Thursday) and feeling super with 6 hours sleep. More time for MWO....I'm guilty too
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  Thursday 22 March

                  Kate/Determinator, I too am having a terrible time sleeping - I am usually up every two hours and it is getting frustrating. Not sure how much of it is AF, as I went downstairs the night before and slept on the couch (wife was sick) and only woke up once. Time to break out the two single beds??:H More likely time to get a bed that fits me and upgrade to a King!

                  Happy Thursday everyone!
                  Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


                    Thursday 22 March

                    Salut, sensibles.........Sorry, but I'm going back to the other abbers, they spoke more my kinda langwijj...........

                    Aaaaannnnnyway.....Mornin BBell...good noos on the noo abode, Pans is right (mornin frooty feline:h), packing and clearing is very therapootic...When we emigrated to NZ from Pommieland, I only packed bare essentials of furniture that I really felt I couldn't replace...and stuff from when my daughter was growing up...everything else was given away/sold and it was a good experience...we have also managed not to accumulate any more clutter since we have been here, and so have a nice tidy house...good job really, it's sooooo small, we can only fit one armchair and a camping stove in it....

                    Deety boy....close your mouth will you, or chew parsley or something.....sheesh!!! Good news with the doc...great that you have a supportive really helps a great deal to have a proffeshnial to go to who you can count on!

                    And all the insomniacs....You are feeling sleepy...very the pendulum...your eyelids are heavy.....I have only just got my sleeping patterns in order, but it took about 3 months of AF...I was the same as you AA...sleep for a couple of hours, then I was WIDE AWAKE for, I seem to only need about 6-7 hours sleep which is always very good quality for some reason, and I really wake up feeling refreshed!

                    Kateybabes...glad you are cheery today! You are a wonderwoman...a bravebabe...a fabbyfemale...keep it together my girl!!!

                    Cashy....????Um?? ur?????........wot? who? where am I??.......oh, never mind well done

                    And breezy.......GET YOUR KIT OFF!!!!! we should have more naturalists on this site!!!

                    Have a smashing day all......I will, as it is F F F Friday for the melon....I'm even more in the future than BB........Adios amigos.....hi ho Silver awayyyyyyyyyy xxxxxxxxx


                      Thursday 22 March

                      Bluebelle, I am so glad that it has been going so good for you. I haven't had those days yet I am on day 4 right now and feel really miserable. Yesterday afternoon I was in great spirits and when I got home the good mood diminished. Hope things keep on the up and up for you.


                        Thursday 22 March

                        BB - glad things are going so well for you.

                        D - you sound like you are doing fantabulously well - so pleased for you.

                        Melon - you always make me smile!! and you are so lucky it is Friday for you already - end of the working week - I still have it all to do tommorrow!!!

                        Anyhow - guess I will see you all around here tommorrow night as I've got nothing planned....
                        Love S


                          Thursday 22 March

                          hang in there Jacy, things started to turn around for me on day 5, then by
                          day 8+ I was "me" again.
                          nosce te ipsum
                          (Know Thyself)


                            Thursday 22 March

                            Hello all,


                              Thursday 22 March

                              Rivergirl, Rome? I'm now sooooo jealous! my wife and I want to go and we will
                              (some day...sigh)
                              enjoy! and molto bene on the AF!!!
                              nosce te ipsum
                              (Know Thyself)

