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AA Thread - Feb. 25

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    AA Thread - Feb. 25

    Everyone: I hope all is well. I've really been trying to make an effort to welcome newcomers. It really leaves a bad feeling when someone is new to a meeting, & the members just leave him/her sitting alone. It happened to me in FL. If I were really new to AA, I might not have gone back.

    I'm going to a women's meeting tonight instead of my usual speaker meeting.

    Last night's meeting was based on a story in the BB about one of the first women to join AA. I think there's still more of a stigma w/women alcoholics. It's probably one of the reasons that women wait so long to join AA. I think that was true of me. I now go to meetings where there are women, but the vast majority of members are men. I've gotten used to it now, but I certainly prefer mixed meetings.

    Hope all is well.

    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012

    AA Thread - Feb. 25

    Hi Mary

    My home group is ACE about new comers.

    It is a topic meeting and the first suggestion is always "Step 1" when there's new comers.

    The whole meeting is geared to making him/her feel comfortable and know they made the right decision.

    It really does depend on the "meeting" you end up at.

    I am very busy right now with work related issues so apologies for not posting sooner.

    There's a new comer to the boards asking about AA and I'm sending him/her the link.

    Will check in tomorrow probably about this time.

    Enjoy your meeting and I'll respond more to your post then....PPQP


      AA Thread - Feb. 25

      PQ: I'll be looking for the newcomer to this thread & will try to answer questions...though I'm no expert. The women's meeting was gratifying, & I've begun going to the AM meeting again. It's full of wisdom. This morning's meeting was on change which is difficult for all of us. I didn't know how to deal w/life on life's terms, as I had numbed myself through most challenges while drinking. Now, in my dotage, I'm having to learn to deal w/the difficulties that life hands us. I always feel good after meeting a challenge successfully. Hope all is well. Mary
      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
      October 3, 2012


        AA Thread - Feb. 25

        Hi Mary and PQ! Good to find you both here. Sorry I have been MIA lately. I need to do a better job helping be here for people looking for more AA info around MWO. MWO changed my life, and then AA changed it even more.

        Life is good here. Hope it is good for you both too. And a hearty wave to all others who might come along!

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          AA Thread - Feb. 25

          Hi Mary and DG good to see you...I was annointed with my Senior Member status today. (Mixed feelings)

          I have been struggling with change as well. Seems when things are going good I f**k it up. I've heard of "fear of failure" and I feel at times I'm the opposite. Fear of Success. 'cause then it would justify my failure. Sorry rambling....

          Missed my home group meeting today due to a Major Snow no regrets there.

          Mary, maybe we could just call the thread AA. (period)

          No obligation to check in daily but it'll always be here.

          Busy days right now but need to deal with certain steps as soon as I can.

          So glad you are never giving up on keeping this thread going. :l PPQP

