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af day Wed 27 Feb

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    af day Wed 27 Feb

    MAE Everybody,how are we today ?Trying to do some work in the garden yesterday , but it was virtually dodging in between the wind and the rain in the end!!!This is supposed to be the start of the growing season ,but with this weather,it just isnt posssible.

    Was talking to a friend yesterday, on why she thought the numbers on this thread had dropped significantly, and how we could improve on it..or could we?After all this thread is about helping and sharing experiences on how to stop drinking,once past the initial days, .10 different people replied on this site yesterday,with 248 views,on the Newbies nest there were 38 separate people posting, and on the army 15.
    Do you think we need to tweak this thread up at all? And if so how?Or is it a phase ...would be interesting to hear from some of the faces that have gone as to why they went...if you dont want to go public then pm me..after all its our thread so lets make it the best we can

    tea and coffee available..and hot water with lemon...its my fasting day!!

    Evening are you? on the way home now ...feet up and chill time is it? Looking through the threads ,yes there are quite a few from south of the line on here..looks like the sales of Speights and Castlemaine will be down!!Glad your daughters party went line in there said it all...and my daughter was proud if thats not a reason to sack the drink I dont know what is..well done :l

    Evening blondie..glad you are feeling a wee bit better..yep we all get like that ..its like hitting a flat spot.In times like that you have to be double jointed and give yourself a kick up the ass..I know Ive just done it!!!So what have you been up to today?
    Manflu has gone ..just down to a cold level now :H...strange talking bout holidays...yep just been looking too!!
    Well done on not having a sneaky drink :applaud:it just aint worth it is it?

    Morning news for you...the Jocks that left the parcel werent giving it to you...they were wanting it looking after..the beer was supposed to go in the fridge till they got back!!!
    So how are you?All these discussions over vegemite and marmite!Personally, I cant stand either of them..Prefer a cup of Bovril laced with Lea and Perrins sauce!!!

    Well hello Lav..tis the smartass here!!!!:H well is that lickle cupcake sitting all on its lonesome in the fridge still? I fear not!!You could have had it with your coffee this morning!!
    How are you today?how did the kid free day turn out?Have you any plans for today?Have a great day anyway.

    Good morning to you shelby,how are you today?day 31 for you now ..great.As far as cheating goes there is no such thing any and every way to stop al intake for me is acceptable..well stopping breathing aint that clever really...but apart from that go fir it girl ..well done

    Det mate..yet again on another high note..excellent my are you? found a cracker yesterday...garlic salad in white vinegar...olives ,cloves of garlic, peppers etc all in vinegar..tastes lovely, but certainly reduces your friends list!!!
    In answer to your question about Ikea...why would I go there for furniture???
    Reminds me of a joke I heard which is quite appropriate bearing in mind all these allegations of sexual harrassment in the British Government

    Why is our government like Ikea furniture? One screw and the cabinet is f..cked !

    Morning these lawyers are sure a pain they get paid by the e-mail?Days gone it used to be they got paid for the letters that they sent out.
    How are you today? apart from all that guff....."dingle nuts"..thought to myself now where have I heard that name before...and then bang ..Emmerdale Farm..Zak Dingle...go on tell me you watch that one too!!!
    Anyway you have a great day

    Morning ok still cold over there? thought it was us getting all the crap weather .Any plans for tonight?

    Morning SF are you today?how long have you been into yoga? Seem to be quite a few on here into it..hows things on the af front with you ? still doing ok?

    right peeps thats me offski..take care ..have a good one ..dont forget ,,any idea/suggestions welcome

    A group of Americans was touring Ireland. One of the women in the group was a real curmudgeon, constantly complaining. The bus seats are uncomfortable. The food is terrible. It?s too hot. It?s too cold. The accommodations are awful.
    The group arrived at the site of the famous Blarney Stone. ?Good luck will be followin? ya all your days if you kiss the Blarney Stone,?the guide said. ?Unfortunately, it?s being cleaned today and so no one will be able to kiss it. Perhaps we can come back tomorrow.?
    ?We can?t be here tomorrow,? the nasty woman shouted. ?We have some other boring tour to go on. So I guess we can?t kiss the stupid stone.?
    ?Well now,? the guide said, ?it is said that if you kiss someone who has kissed the stone, you?ll have the same good fortune.?
    ?And I suppose you?ve kissed the stone?? the woman scoffed.
    ?No, ma?am,? the frustrated guide said, ?but I?ve sat on it.?

    How things have changed

    Scenario : Jack goes quail hunting before school, pulls into school parking lot with shotgun in gun rack.
    1962 ? Vice Principal comes over, looks at Jack?s shotgun, goes to his car and gets his shotgun to show Jack.
    2012? School goes into lock down, FBI called, Jack hauled off to jail and never sees his truck or gun again. Counselors called in for traumatized students and teachers.

    Scenario: Johnny and Mark get into a fistfight after school.
    1962 ? Crowd gathers. Mark wins. Johnny and Mark shake hands and end up buddies.
    2012? Police called, SWAT team arrives, arrests Johnny and Mark. Charge them with assault, both expelled even though Johnny started it.

    Scenario: Jeffrey won?t be still in class, disrupts other students.
    1962 ? Jeffrey sent to office and given a good paddling by the Principal. Returns to class, sits still and does not disrupt class again.
    2012 ? Jeffrey given huge doses of Ritalin. Becomes a zombie. Tested for ADD. School gets extra money from state because Jeffrey has a disability.

    Scenario : Billy breaks a window in his neighbor?s car and his Dad gives him a whipping with his belt.
    1962 ? Billy is more careful next time, grows up normal, goes to college, and becomes a successful businessman.
    2012? Billy?s dad is arrested for child abuse. Billy removed to foster care and joins a gang. State psychologist tells Billy?s sister that she remembers being abused herself and their dad goes to prison. Billy?s mom has affair with psychologist.

    Scenario : Pedro fails high school English.
    1962 ? Pedro goes to summer school, passes English, goes to college.
    2012 ? Pedro?s cause is taken up by state. Newspaper articles appear nationally explaining that teaching English as a requirement for graduation is racist. ACLU files class action lawsuit against state school system and Pedro?s English teacher. English banned from core curriculum. Pedro given diploma anyway but ends up mowing lawns for a living because he cannot speak English.

    Scenario : Johnny takes apart leftover firecrackers from 4th of July, puts them in a model airplane paint bottle, blows up a red ant bed.
    1962 ? Ants die.
    2012- BATF, Homeland Security, FBI called. Johnny charged with domestic terrorism, FBI investigates parents, siblings removed from home, computers confiscated, Johnny?s Dad goes on a terror watch list and is never allowed to fly again.>
    Scenario : Johnny falls while running during recess and scrapes his knee. He is found crying by his teacher, Mary. Mary hugs him to comfort him.
    1962 ? In a short time, Johnny feels better and goes on playing.
    2012? Mary is accused of being a s*xual predator and loses her job. She faces 3 years in State Prison. Johnny undergoes 5 years of therapy.

    A group of children were trying very hard to become accustomed to Nursery School.
    The biggest hurdle they faced was that the teacher insisted on NO baby talk! You need to use ?Big People? words,? she was always reminding them.
    She asked John what he had done over the weekend?
    ?I went to visit my Nana,? he replied.
    ?No, you went to visit your GRANDMOTHER. Use ?Big People? words!?
    She then asked Mitchell what he had done
    ?I took a ride on a choo-choo?.
    She said. ?No, you took a ride on a TRAIN. You must remember to use ?Big People? words?.
    She then asked little Alex what he had done?
    ?I read a book? he replied.
    That?s WONDERFUL!? the teacher said. ?What book did you read??
    Alex thought real hard about it, then puffed out his chest with great pride, and said,
    ?Winnie the SHIT?

    apologies blondie :H

    Once upon a time there was a blonde with long hair, blue eyes, and she was sick of all the blonde jokes. One day, she decided to get a make over, so she cut and dyed her hair. She also went out and bought a new convertible.
    She went driving down a country road and came across a herd of sheep. She stopped and called the sheepherder over. ?That?s a nice flock of sheep.?, she said.
    ?Well thank you.?, said the herder.
    ?Tell you what. I have a proposition for you.?, said the woman.
    ?Okay.?, replied the herder.
    ?If I can guess the exact number of sheep in your flock, can I take one home??, asked the woman.
    ?Sure.?, said the sheepherder.
    So, the girl sat up and looked at the herd for a second and then replied, ?382″.
    ?Wow.?, said the herder. ?That is exactly right. Go ahead and pick out the sheep you want to take home.? So the woman went and picked one out and put it in her car. Upon watching this, the herder approached the woman and offered, ?Okay, now I have a proposition for you?.
    ?What is it??, queried the woman. ?If I can guess the real color of your hair? can I have my dog back??

    One day a father gets out of work and on his way home he suddenly remembers that it?s his daughter?s birthday. He pulls over to a toy Shop and asks the sales person, ?How much for one of those Barbie?s in the display window??
    The salesperson answers, ?Which one do you mean, Sir? We have: Work Out Barbie for $19.95, Shopping Barbie for $19.95, Beach Barbie for $19.95, Disco Barbie for $19.95, Ballerina Barbie For $19.95, Astronaut Barbie for $19.95, Skater Barbie for $19.95, and Divorced Barbie for $265.95.?
    The amazed father asks: ?It?s what?! Why is the Divorced Barbie $265.95 and the others only $19.95??
    The annoyed salesperson rolls her eyes, sighs, and answers: ?Sir?, Divorced Barbie comes with: Ken?s Car, Ken?s House, Ken?s Boat, Ken?s Furniture, Ken?s Computer, one of Ken?s Friends, and a key chain made with Ken?s family jewels.?

    Things you dont want to hear in the operating theatre

    Better save that. We?ll need it for the autopsy.
    Someone call the janitor ? we?re going to need a mop.
    ?Accept this sacrifice, O Great Lord of Darkness!?
    Spot! Spot! Come back with that! Bad Dog!
    Wait a minute, if this is his spleen, then what?s that?
    Hand me that?uh?that?uh?..thingie.
    Oh no! I just lost my Rolex.
    Oops! Hey, has anyone ever survived 500ml of this stuff before?
    Damn, there go the lights again?>?You know, there?s big money in kidneys. Heck, the guy?s got two of them.?
    Everybody stand back! I lost my contact lens!
    Could you stop that thing from beating; it?s throwing my concentration off.
    What do you mean he wasn?t in for a s*x change?!
    Anyone see where I left that scalpel?
    This patient has already had some kids, am I correct?
    Nurse, did this patient sign the organ donor card?
    Don?t worry; I think it?s sharp enough.
    What do you mean ?You want a divorce?!
    She?s gonna blow! Everyone take cover!!!
    FIRE! FIRE! Everyone get out of here!
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    af day Wed 27 Feb

    Morning Mick - well its evening here. I am going to cut to the chase - too tired for any jokes from me at this time of the night.
    I have wondered why the numbers have dropped too. I have not been on this thread as long as some of the people here - but here are some thoughts. Sorry if this sounds like a work memo - but I have been in that zone a lot lately

    1. I do wonder about the PMs (personal messaging). Yes, I can see that its very helpful and I was able to give some help to someone via a PM - that was not appropriate for a public forum. However I do think that misgivings, thoughts or positive support people have about this forum are best shared to all. Thats why I am sticking my neck out. With all due respect - if folk PM Mick about their thoughts about this forum ? its not an open discussion. It?s the suggestion of these little conversations behind doors that makes me uneasy.
    Does anyone else feel that way?

    2. Mick's specific question however is also why people have fallen off this forum. I have myself considered backing away - because of the misunderstandings that can arise. I also don't want to dominate discussion . I also sometimes sensed that there may be annoyance that someone 'down under' is confusing the time zones.

    3. I have lately looked at some other threads on MWO. Some are very informative and some are silly - not haha silly - but just not for me and i suspect not for many people who are regulars in this section of MWO. As I get more AF months under my belt I will probably help out more in the Newbies nest - but I can't spend hours each day there. I have a lot of people who I have to support face-to-face through my work - and that is very draining at times.

    4. Maybe we seem boring?? I don't think we are - but on a daily basis we may look mundane. On the whole - this forum is not the part of MWO - that deals with the immediate drama and pain of giving up booze - although there have been some posts where I hope recently as a support group we have helped.

    5. Its been very helpful for me to have you guys and I have learned much. I personally like the daily checking in - when possible that is. I quite like it when we have a point of discussion that consumes us for a day or so - but I think that needs to develop in a non forced way.

    OK nite nite - these are some thoughts to maybe get a public conversation going.


      af day Wed 27 Feb

      MAE ALL....

      Mick...nope, never even heard of Emmerdale Farm. :H My Mom used to say it, wonder if she used to watch it? Yup the lawyer charges for every email she reads and replies to.

      Was just thinking of my long drive out to where I used to live yesterday. Had to go and cash in an RRSP so I can afford the court (if we ever get there) costs....which brings me to your Thread this an appropriate post?

      With all the "spats" (for lack of a better word) that have happened here and on other threads, I find myself second guessing my posts. My Alkie thinking has always been "As long as I make sure everyone around me is happy then I'm a good person." So when there is "unrest" it throws me and puts me in a dangerous place. I'm still smarting over a comment KY made but am looking at it as a chance for personal growth.

      I also believe we all go through phases. Sometimes that thing called "life" just gets in the way. :H I know that MWO and this thread in particular, has got me to where I am today. So I will keep coming back, taking the stuff I need and leaving the rest behind.

      ...I have confessed and apologized on a previous post, that I was one of those annoyed with the early thread starts. When I took a look at why this was bothering me (as opposed to just having a drink over it) I came to the conclusion it was because of change. Change is another big trigger for me. So without even knowing it you helped me grow, and growing everyday is important to my sobriety. And dealing with it maturely brought me a new friend. :h

      I have had mixed feelings about the PM's as well. When someone says PM me if you need a friend to talk to, the offer is much appreciated because sometimes I'm so into myself that I don't know if I should or not. I try not to mention any PM's I get or give on the public forum because...well they are Private. Sometimes it just comes across as "I know something you don't know". And here I am second guessing my post again. No offense to anyone intended.

      I agree this thread is not the same as the Newbies Nest, dealing with immediate drama and pain. To me it's a daily accountablilty but when I'm in crisis I'm going to ask if not shout out for help knowing that everyone will be here to help support me, as has been evidenced recently.

      I also agree that discussions need to develop in a non forced way. I remember saying "Maybe we should end our posts with a joke." and look what evolved. I can hardly wait to get the "business" part of my reading done so I can sit back and laugh at Mick's jokes.

      Sorry this post is so long winded but I wanted to post my thoughts now as the next few days are going to be very busy for me work wise and I may be in and out solely due to that thing called life.

      Have a great AF Wednesday all and all to come....PPQP


        af day Wed 27 Feb

        Good morning Abbers!

        I don't have nearly as much to say this morning as the rest of you - my coffee hasn't totally kicked in yet :H :H

        I guess I am the oldie on this thread since I have been hanging out here nearly 4 years.
        There have been all sorts of personalities here & I think that makes for a very interesting thread. Why would I continue to post here otherwise?
        I know I have learned much from others about all sorts of things & I wouldn't have it any other way.
        People come & go, moods come & go, this just seems normal to me.

        For those who asked last night: YB = Yard Boy = my displaced husband. He removed himself from the premises nearly three years ago but I insisted he return to cut the grass on this 2.5 acre lot that HE wanted so badly 10 years ago. I won't get on a tractor - no way

        I am heading out to Curves, then back for a bit of work then grandsons arrive at 3 pm - yay.....
        I just wish the weather would warm up & dry up outside so I could let them outside to use up some of that little boy energy!!!

        Have a terrific AF Hump day one & all!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          af day Wed 27 Feb

          Good morning!

          Re: This thread- I realize my posting has been very sporadic. That's because my life was so chaotic before. Drinking, quitting, drinking, quitting.... Now that I have finally reached my first goal, I am going to make a point to participate here more frequently. I feel very overwhelmed in the Newbies Nest; I've never been good in large crowds :-) That's why I love this thread! I think PMs have their place here. I did not feel comfortable posting publicly because of many failures. I have had so many day ones and was only able to string together a few days here and there. But, I was in contact with Kuya via PM. She cheered me along and gave it to me straight. I could (should) have posted on the thread, but I wanted to work on my quit this time privately.

          Thanks for the comments on AB. I realize my problem is that I still do not see myself as a non drinker yet. If it were not for AB I would have drank numerous times and still be in the same cycle. But, I'm here now and I'll keep taking my pill as long as needed. Also, I still can't think about never drinking again. I sort of feel like that will be a trigger for me at some point in the future. I KNOW I can not be a normal drinker but I'm still taking it one day at a time.

          Enough rambling for this early in the morning!
          Hope everyone has a great day!



            af day Wed 27 Feb

            Shelby...just read your post....

            You need to emphasise to yourself that you are a non drinker...irrespective of what method you are using to stop drinking..that is what you are doing..not drinking...what the is up to you is whether it is on a temporary or permanent basis ,,and judging by your comments I reckon it will be the latter!
            The other thing is ..dont think about it as" I wont ever be able to drink again"...sends the thought patterns into panic mode...just take it one day at a time goes on you will think less and less about it
            af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


              af day Wed 27 Feb

              Hi there folks - its morning already here and I am much more perkier. Looks like we already have some meaty responses to Mick and my posts - so thats fab.
              I can't dwell - as the paid job awaits and the daughter to school but
              Mick -once again mate - ta for bringing this up - no, not my daughter you twit but the lack of posts. Hope I did not sound bitchy too much last night - but I hope the general discussion is open... and I agree the PM thing is really important - liked your comments too PPQP about that.
              PPQP - I am not upset about your comment on my posting a day ahead (haha can't do that yet as not enough time!) and appreciate you being open. I was more wondering about others - you know, the ones who have left...but maybe its just that they have other things going on and this forum is not for them at the moment
              Lav - I hope to be in your shoes one day. Sorry I did not mean with a YB - have enough with G. (my partner in crime) and our gardening disagreements - one day I will bore you all to death about TREES - and how I nearly left him because of murdering our TREES! (He also murders books by leaving them lying around with their poor wee spines open! Probably because they were once TREES!!!).
              Shelby - please stay on the AB. It really shifted things for me after a lifetime of stopping and starting and very heavy drinking, last year - trying AA for a bit, group therapy, an addiction expert, supplements, and many other unmentionables. I had resisted AB for a while - worried about the side effects, if I could wear perfume etc etc (duh?? thatwas my worry?) and how AB made the difference was that there was no final debate in my head. I could not drink that day - or the next - or the next. I was a grump at first (still am but thats the real grump not the drunk grump), thought it would mean I would never write again (feared I would loose the creative buzz), was tired, couldn't slep well but it soon came to pass. And no bullshit, it was a quick transition for to know I could never drink AL again. I was very nervous at the beginning - see my earlier threads about 'relapses' but touch wood (there she goes TREES!) has not happened. Kuya, Lavande, Mick and many others were big helps there. The biggie for me was knowing if my liver functions were shifting downwards and this was a bit slow - but once I could see the numbers - it really helped - and by then my mental shift to being abstinent was grounded. Just be careful with the dosage and how long you take AB and what other medications you are on - if any - as it can mess your liver a bit. But not as much as AL. Have a doctor monitor it and do as I said watch the interaction with other meds (on the liver).
              K9 Lover - has been on AB for ages and also has lots of advice. She helped me at the start too.
              Have been off AB since Xmas and my resolve is stronger than ever - but will do short bursts of AB if I feel I need a kick up the bum in future - just I would use other prescribed meds with my informed consent - but always reluctantly. Its not cheating if it saves your life, gets you sober and puts you on the road to a happier and healthier life. Sneaking drinks and lying to yourself and loved ones is cheating.
              HUgs to all - excuse the many typos - but written in a mad (but sober) rush!!!


                af day Wed 27 Feb

                MAE, abbers.

                Well, I really like this thread. Especially once I figured out what role it would play in my life.

                I'm about 5 months sober now. I've been told two years are needed to really work through the brain recovery. I also believe LT HAPPY sobriety will come with steady personal growth. This thread is part of my plan for both.

                The daily accountability - we come here, post, check in, recommit, share immediate struggles, etc. So I decided a little while back to post (mostly) every day, as part of my sobriety accountability.

                For longer musings, where I hope others will comment or add, I go to the 100 day thread. I don't think that works as well here - I'm at the end of the day, and conversations are already going on the next day's thread. TT, I think it's wonderful you get that going every day. After all, it's Thurdsday where you are! I think, though, that my comments may get lost, so if I've got much to say, I head to the 100 day. I think that's a reasonable way to deal with time zones. I actually really like that we have found a way to be so inclusive across the globe.

                I also really like the weekly thread here. I stopped posting as I got overwhelmed a bit, wasn't sleeping enough (late night is usually when I come to MWO), so went down to two threads from three. I want to add that lovely group back soon.

                Sharing some nice news - things are going very well with my beau. We had a great talk last night about dating, the distance between our home (about 45 minutes) and how to approach a relationship. He is more bothered by distance than I am, but is definitely interested in seeing where this leads. Oh, my. I am so happy. What a wonderful thing sobriety is. This relationship would never have been possible without sobriety.

                "It is easier to maintain than to start from the bottom again. I can't go back there." Byrdie

                AF since Oct 2, 2012


                  af day Wed 27 Feb

                  mae abbers

                  liked your then and now jokes Mick. So true!! No offence taken at blonde one. In fact, I can give you a real life one. Was waiting to look at a house. A guy on a motorbike pulled in driveway. I waited in car as I thought he was viewing too. I later noticed he was wearing a suit and so assumed he was agent. Jumped out car, apologised for keeping him waiting, shook hands and introduced ourselves, talked about house, said shall we go in and he asked me how long the lease was for. I said I have no idea, aren't you the agent? nope, he thought I was. :H

                  Well, I think this thread just keeps going along at its own pace, changing, people come and go. Just like life really. I know I hardly came here as I was never ab long enough, and then spent ages lurking till I thought I was "qualified to join"! I think just let it meander along at its own pace. Oh and on PMs, I never could understand people saying I sent you a PM; wouldn't that be obvious/redundant if the person was on here?

                  Cat - so happy for you and your beau!
                  TT - would never have guessed your love of trees!! I get peeved when people cut down healthy trees too.
                  Hi Lav, SL, Shelby, Sunflower, PPQ et al.


                    af day Wed 27 Feb

                    Hidy Ho ABsters!

                    Mick, your 'scenario' jokes would have been funnier if they weren't so painfully true. egad!

                    I made a similar salad today for DX and I, great minds!

                    lets see.... I've been tormenting this thread since '06 and indeed things go in cycles in terms of participation. I miss some of the members that used to frequent this spot. Paddy from Vietnam, Weemelonhead from NZ, Irish Lady etc. at least we still have a core of great folks and i hope some lurkers will hop in and say hi.

                    off to be making dinner. be well everyone
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)


                      af day Wed 27 Feb

                      Cat- Your just across the bridge from me, so we can keep each other company! And Det may be in our time zone as well.

                      Mick-I'm definately starting to think of myself as a non drinker. I have told a few friends that I have put drinking on hold as I have been indulging a bit too much. That ddoes help me stay accountable in the real world. I do want it to be permanent, but honestly, I start to panic if I think that far ahead.

                      TT-I will stay on the AB. I'm not under a Dr's care though. The way my insurance is set up I would never be able to afford healthcare if this was on my medical records. I'm taking a relativvely small dose-1/2 tablet twice a week. Just enough to keep me on the stright and narrow.

                      Hi Blondie and Det! Hope you have a great evening!


                        af day Wed 27 Feb

                        Shelby - Oh dear the insurance issues! I can see why you are doing it your way. I also did the low dose and it kept me on the straight and narrow. However I read some other threads and some people do try to play Russian Roulette with AB. Don't - and I know you are not going to. My liver was compromised before the AB which is why I was being very careful - also my Dr was vigilant too. I am now going to try to start up the Thursday thread before its Friday here!

