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just checking in

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    just checking in

    well it has been a bit of a mixed bag for me this week ,had a drink on saturday night no more than usual when i do drink but i did manage to fall in the house now have a small graze on the top of my head and i was also a bit sick (not done that in years) so i spent the biggest part of mothers day in bed,so not proud of myself but i have been counting since the week of lent and have been sober for 28 days out of 32 which is,nt to bad when compared to what i used to be like so for all i am not doing to badly i know that i need to do better for myself and my family

    love as always maryt

    just checking in

    I say you've been doing excellent. I would be estatic to have 28 days.


      just checking in

      Good job MaryT:h
      Enlightened by MWO


        just checking in

        Happy (belated?) Mother's Day Mary!



          just checking in

          Hi mary,

          You are doing fantastic, 28 days out of 32 AF, well done..

          Glad you're still with us, catch you soon,

          Love, Louise xxx
          A F F L..
          Alcohol Free For Life


            just checking in

            Very well done!

            Hope your feeling better.
            :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


              just checking in

              once again i cannot thank you all enough for your kind words and support it is such a comfort to know that no matter what there is always someone there for you ,although i do not get the chance to come here as often as i would like you are never very far from my thoughts or prayers

              love as ever maryt


                just checking in

                Mary, Congratulations on having 28 out of 32 days. That is a huge accomplishment! I count my AF days too. Sorry that you fell and injured yourself. One thing that I definitely notice is that I absolutely cannot consume the amount of alcohol that I used to down. Of course, it would not take me long to build back up again. I never feel too proud of myself after I drink if I overdo (which is less and less often), but I just try to remember that I actually drink LESS now than my "normal" friends. I mean, it is Friday and I am not at the bar after work! I am here, stopping in before I start a night of productive activity, which is a nice thought! I get so much more done now I can't believe it. My bet is that you your life has changed drastically over the last months if you are getting in 28 out of 32 days AF. Again, a huge accomplishment. I am still going to look up clydebank ... and see if it is near any of my relations (I would call that productive, wouldn't you?).

                Have a great evening, MaryT!



                  just checking in

                  28/32 is what I call a big fraction, or is a percentage? either way, it's a lot. pat yourself
                  on the back. spending most of mothers day in bed sounds like an achievement too!



                    just checking in



                    28/32 is an incredible achievement.... I can't have one day AF ..I managed 3 days AF in Nov....but not since then.



                      just checking in

                      hi angela seeing from the amount of posts you have sent it is obvious that you are pretty new to this the best advice i can give is to give yourself very small obtainable goals and try and build in that,if you can manage 3 days try and aim for 4 days good luck to you anyway

                      love maryt

