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af day Thursday 28 Feb

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    af day Thursday 28 Feb

    Well folks its the end of Feb here and also officially the end of summer - but you couldn't tell. Brilliant warm sunny day, birds still tweetin and its 5.30pm. I have had an intense dealing with people day and feel about as exciting as a dehydrated chicken. Will have to leave it to MacJock to jolly you along - you awake yet Mick? or are you dreaming of Ikea meatballs?
    I once had the experience from hell in Ikea in London - was dragged around it for hours by someone else's mother-in-law. I felt as if I was having an aesthetic lobotomy (I am not trying to offend anyone who likes Ikea and many of their furniture' solutions' are practical). She ended up buying a few plates and tea-towels. Guess you can't flat-pack them.
    Guess we won't be getting Ikea to sponsor the Sober Soriority then?

    I think there was lots of positive feedback on the Forum yesterday - a general consensus so far to let things amble along and to not loose the special character of this thread. Cat made the good point about going to the 100 thread for longer musings so I might have a peek there. And the direction your lovelife is takings sounds great Cat. 45 minutes doesn't sound very far to me but then I am not your beau - who sounds like he wants to be much more physically closer to you!

    Apologies for no 'roll call' of sorts but my brain is very tired and I am waiting for G. and my daughter to bring home some curry after her drama class. I will probably get some energy later on but might treat myself to a night off from work and watch a DVD (confession its Mad Men and no, the drinking, smoking and shagging does not bother me) - too much else going on and its a period drama.

    Have a great Sober Friday - beware of kind people leaving packages Patrice!
    Hugs and wake up Mick!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I meant Hugs to all and not just Mick because that would be weird).

    af day Thursday 28 Feb

    Morning all..and how are we today?Went swimming last night....first time for years...really enjoyed it.That was after I had been on the treadmill earlier.Weighed myself..this morning now at 169 pounds...when I came home from holiday week and a half ago (jeez is it that long already?)I was 175.Would definitely advocate that fasting diet to any one.

    Just read thro all the posts on the last thread and seems to me the general consensus of opinion is dont try and mend what isnt broken.It is a daily thread, and by its title you cannot expect everyone to write reams and reams daily when there are little things like "work" that get in the way..and yes there are days when people have got nothing to say.
    I accept that ..thing that I would say stands out more are the ones who have upped and gone after being on here for only a couple of months,and either appeared on other threads or not at all.OK maybe they dont need the support or feel that they are capable of doing it on their own,I dont know.Hopefully that is the case, but I suspect not in all.
    So....laisssez -faire it is the meantime if anyone has any ideas on the way fling them in.

    Tea and coffee on the go for one and all.

    Morning Tree Tops, how are you today?Made some pretty good points its officially the end of your summer ?We should be in spring I look out of the window, I can see the plants starting to bloom and the snowdrops and daff peeking their heads through the ground.Got most of the raised beds in the back covered to protect from frost..planted up my carrots yesterday the onion sets are going in.thanks for the hug and the wake up I feel really embarrassed..not!!! Oh yes part of your thread..I quote" and no, the drinking, smoking and shagging does not bother me) - "I thought you had given up drinking!!!!! :H:H

    Morning Catbuddy..and how are you today?Yeehaw ..well chuffed for you and the Lone Ranger hope it all works out for you ..I seriously do..Nope aint going to talk about relationships..I certainly aint no expert in that one believe me.that road is littered with broken bits and pieces.
    Liked what you said about the 100 day thread for the longer musings..probably like the weekly roll up of whats been happening.And also the daily accountability of it too.I find it quite cathartic writing on here,but I guess that is my own accountability.

    Morning Lady Longwood..and how are you today? both you and Det in the grandest way.. as old timers on here both said that you have seen people come and go over the years.
    Well was lookin at that Longwood website...there are some cracking days out coming up in March ..13 Mar ..orchid day etc.Tell you I would never be in the house if I was there.
    Some coffee for you? Kid free or not known today? have a good one.

    Morning are you today my friend? So pleased to "hear you " being a lot chirpier.
    Last night wasa king prawn stir fry with water chestnuts and bamboo shoots with a smidjin of tabasco and cayenne..lovely.
    Tonight ..smoked haddock and something ..aint worked that bit out yet!
    You have a great day

    Hiya are you today? yep just for that you are going to get another blode joke today? what have you been doing today ? anything spectacular?

    Morning PPQP...and how are you today?Nearly March ,,then hopefully you will be sorted with ole"dingle nuts" and the rest of it.
    As far as pms go..yes I do believe in depends what they are used for.No matter what ..people do make special attachments to each other , including without having seen or met each other, kindred spirit sort of things..again I think it depends on its usage.The "I know something you dont know scenario doesnt really do too much for me.Anyway you should be planning gardens out now!!!

    Morning are you today?Maybe its me, but was a bit ? with your remark to your mates when you said that you had put your drinking on hold for a for me ..and please dont take this the wrong way, it doesnt sound positive if there is a way back if you do drink.Think the biggy for you is the long term issue that you will never drink again..youve got all the rest of it , but that one seems to tie you up.We are /were all the same...its kind of like the I am going to die scenario..if you ponder that long enough it will drive you mad..but we all know its going to happen(just not today thank you very much!)

    It will come...just dont look at it like 12 months you will be like that where did that go

    Right folks .its a lovely morning tho frosty..going to let me rabbits out and do a bit in the garden..take care and have a great day

    Young Chuck moved to Montana and bought a horse from a farmer for $100.00. The farmer agreed to deliver the horse the next day.
    The next day, he drove up and said, ?Sorry, son, but I have some bad news. The horse died. ?Chuck replied, ?Well, then, just give me my money back.?
    The farmer said, ?Can?t do that. I went and spent it already.?
    Chuck said, ?Ok, then, just bring me the dead horse.?
    The farmer asked, ?What ya gonna do with him??
    Chuck said, ?I?m going to raffle him off.?
    The farmer said, ?You can?t raffle off a dead horse!?
    Chuck said, ?Sure I can. Watch me. I just won?t tell anybody he?s dead.?
    A month later, the farmer met up with Chuck and asked, ?What happened with that dead horse??
    Chuck said, ?I raffled him off. I sold 500 tickets at two dollars a piece and made a net profit of $998.00.?
    The farmer said, ?Didn?t anyone complain?? Chuck said, ?Just the guy who won. So I gave him his two dollars back.?
    Chuck grew up and works for the government.

    A blonde is driving down a country road. She looks over to the right, and sees another blonde, in a row boat, out in the middle of a field, rowing.
    The first blonde can?t believe her eyes, stops the car, and gets out to look at the blond in the rowboat. The longer she looks, the madder she gets.
    Finally she says: ?You know, it?s blondes like you that give the rest of us a bad name. You?re just sitting in the middle of a field in a row boat rowing. That?s so stupid! If I could swim, I?d come out there and kick your ass!?

    A blonde walked up to the front desk of the library and said, ?I borrowed a book last week, but it was the most boring I?ve ever read. There was no story whatsoever, and there were far too many characters!?
    The librarian replied, ?Oh, you must be the person who took our phone book.?

    A bigshot business man had to spend a couple of days in the hospital.
    He was a royal pain to the nurses because he bossed them around just like he did his employees. None of the hospital staff wanted to have anything to do with him.
    The head nurse was the only one who could stand up to him. She walked into his room and announced, ?I have to take your temperature.?
    After complaining for several minutes, he finally settled down, crossed his arms and opened his mouth.
    ?No, I?m sorry, the nurse stated, ?but for this reading, I can?t use an oral thermometer.?
    This started another round of complaining, but eventually he rolled over and bared his behind.
    After feeling the nurse insert the thermometer, he heard her announce, ?I have to get something. Now you stay JUST LIKE THAt until I get back!?
    She leaves the door to his room open on her way out. He curses under his breath as he hears people walking past his door, laughing. After almost an hour, the man?s doctor comes into the room.
    ?What?s going on here?? asked the doctor.
    Angrily, the man answers, ?What?s the matter, Doc? Haven?t you ever seen someone having their temperature taken before??
    After a pause, the doctor replies, ?Yes, but never with a daffodil!?

    A guy goes to see a doctor and when they get into the private room the doctor says to the patient, ?What seems to be the problem?? The patient answers, ?You have to promise not to laugh.?
    The doctors said fine, and the patient pulls down his pants and the doctor tried not to laugh at his very small penis.
    The doctor managed to ask, ?What?s the problem??
    The patient then said, ?It?s swollen.?

    A mechanic was removing a cylinder-head from the motor of a Harley motorcycle when he spotted a well-known cardiologist in his shop. The cardiologist was there waiting for the service manager to come take a look at his bike when the mechanic shouted across the garage ?Hey Doc, want to take a look at this??
    The cardiologist, a bit surprised, walked over to where the mechanic was working on the motorcycle. The mechanic straightened up, wiped his hands on a rag and said, ?So Doc, look at this engine. I open its heart, take the valves out, repair any damage, and then put them back in, and when I finish, it works just like new.
    So how come I make $25,000 a year, a pretty small salary and you get $160,000 when you and I are doing basically the same work??
    The cardiologist paused, smiled and leaned over, then whispered to the mechanic?
    ?Try doing it with the engine running!?

    During a visit to the mental asylum, a visitor asked the Director what the criterion was which defined whether or not a patient should be institutionalized.
    ?Well,? said the Director, ?we fill up a bathtub, then we offer a teaspoon, a teacup and a bucket to the patient and ask him or her to empty the bathtub.?
    ?Oh, I understand,? said the visitor. ?A normal person would use the bucket because it?s bigger than the spoon or the teacup.?
    ?No.? said the Director, ?A normal person would pull the plug. Do you want a bed near the window??

    Ways to Annoy People At The Movies

    Throw popcorn in the air and yell, "It's snowing!"
    Go, "Oooooh..." whenever anyone kisses.
    Clap when the good guy gets killed.
    During the previews, yell, "Can you fast-forward it?"
    Whenever the bad guy is doing something devious, say, "Watch out!"
    Laugh very loudly at all the corny jokes.
    Tell the man selling popcorn that the bathroom is flooding.
    Yell out what is going to happen.
    Wear a cape and when its your turn to get popcorn yell, "I'm Batman! Hahaha!" and run away.
    Say that they cannot sit next to you because you invisible friend already is.
    Dress for every movie as if it were the Rocky Horror Picture Show.
    Use empty chairs next to you as catapults with candy. Aim at specific people behind you and see if you can hit anyone in the back row.
    Wear 3d glasses. Complain loudly how bad the effect are.
    Bring a flashlight. In the middle of the film do shadow puppets on the ceiling.
    Bring a remote control. Complain that you can't change the channel.
    Sit front row, the minute the movie starts run out screaming.
    Every time a character's name is mentioned do the Richmeister. (for a guy named Nick say, the Nickmeister, the Nickenator, Nickarino...)
    Bring a beach ball. Toss it around.
    Try to start a wave.
    Become a bookie. Take bets on who will die first.
    Sit in the back and throw eggs at the projection window.
    Every time someone curses cover your ears and scream, "No profanity!"
    Sing with the theme music.
    Bring and use your own air freshener.
    At the ticket booth, request tickets for really old movies, "I'll have two tickets for the Goonies."
    Throw spit wads on the screen. Try throwing them on the upper part of the screen so they can't get scraped off.
    Pass around a collection plate and see if anyone contributes.
    Point a laser pointer at the screen. Give the audience a laser light show.
    Bring a book and a bright light. Start reading the book with the light on. When someone asks you to turn out the light, yell, "Shh, I'm trying to read!"
    Use binoculars. Stare at the audience rather than the movie.
    Bring a Nintendo laser gun. Shoot at the screen.
    Clap loudly every time a person walks into the theater late.
    When someone kicks the back of your chair, scream, "Ahhh, whiplash!"
    Ask what the theater's return policy on popcorn is.
    Ask the person at the ticket window, "Do you work here?"
    Start a standing ovation at the end of the movie.
    Quote all dialogue 4 seconds after it is said on the screen.
    Get up frequently and leave the room while singing "Let's all go to the Lobby to get ourselves a treat"
    Every time there is a gun shot scream, "Hit the floor!", jump on the floor, and cover your head.
    Wear one of those "cat in the hat" top hats.
    Get 3 people together and act like you are Crow, Tom Servo, and Joel from Mystery Science Theater 3000.
    Before the movie starts, stand up, and imitate the Truth commercial saying, "The makers of this film couldn't find any way to make their characters rebellious, rockin`, or cool so instead, they'll just smoke."
    When someone walks by you in the aisle scream, "Ahhhhhh! Bad Touch!"
    Play musical chairs, getting up frequently and moving right next to someone sitting by themself.
    Bring your own beanbag chair and sit in the aisle.
    During a love scene, stand up and run to the screen shouting "Hooters!"
    Before the movie begins, tape fart cusions to various chairs in the theater room.
    Bring a portable air popper, pop your own popcorn.
    Bring a watergun and shoot it at anyone who begins talking.
    Tie a cardboard box around your waist and walk up and down the aisles shouting "Get your popcorn, peanuts!"
    Cough really loudly right at the most important part of the movie, so nobody can here it, like when the killer?s name is going to be said.
    Bring a flashlight and shine it on the walls or ceiling, in advance draw an outline o#*@!uy screwing a chick (or perhaps another guy), then cut
    out the outline and put it in front of the flashlight, so the image can be seen on the wall or ceiling.
    Laugh hysterically during the sad parts in the movie, cry during the funny ones.
    Smuggle in cans of roaches, locusts, ants, and other bugs that can annoy and reproduce quickly. You may even bring in some rats. Then sit in the very back, open the jars, and toss the bugs out on the ground. Since the floor is more slanted in the back the bugs will spread
    throughout the theater faster. Be sure to be the first one to raise and scream "There?s a #*@!roach crawling up my leg!" Then run out into the
    lobby and start yelling "there?s #*@!roaches in here!" Or "This theater is contaminated!" The theater will have to close down and fumigate the
    showroom(s), and after this little "accident" no one will want to go back to the theater anyway!
    Bring a pager or cellphone and set them off every 5 minutes, you can also set off a watch alarm if you have a loud one.
    Say "Shhhhh" every 5 minutes.
    Pass by a room that?s showing a movie you?ve already seen, put your head into the room, and scream the ending.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


      af day Thursday 28 Feb

      Good morning Abbers!

      9 am & all is well so far in Lav-land
      I even see some sunshine & found my daffodils pushing through the ground - yay!
      No kid watching (scheduled) & no pressing work waiting in my shop so I think I'll go outside & de-poop the backyard - too many dogs roaming free around these parts :H :H

      Mick, Longwood Gardens is always calling me - love that place

      Have a terrific AF Thursday one & all!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        af day Thursday 28 Feb

        Blech. De-pooping the backyard. I have to do the same.

        I'm getting inspired for Spring planting. My friend just put in galvanized steel watering troughs as planters. He drilled holes in the bottom, put in a layer of gravel then soil, and is good to go. I'm exploring the same approach for my side yard. Tomatoes, squash and peppers, here we come! I can put the green beans and strawberries in the backyard again.

        We had a birthday lunch at work today. Indian food, followed by cake. I ate both without guilt (big step for me), but am stuffed now. Mick, I won't weigh myself tomorrow. Instead, I'll get some solid weekend hikes in to spend those calories.

        The week has been hellish, but we are almost ready for our meetings tomorrow. I'm so glad to calling this to a close.

        "It is easier to maintain than to start from the bottom again. I can't go back there." Byrdie

        AF since Oct 2, 2012


          af day Thursday 28 Feb

          Happy thursday ABeroooos!

          TT I once had the experience from hell in Ikea in London - was dragged around it for hours by someone else's mother-in-law. I felt as if I was having an aesthetic lobotomy

          hahahaa, i feel your pain.

          Mick sounds like you are on a gourmet roll. nice!

          Catbuddy, i hope things mellow down at work.

          seems to be a pretty quiet thread today. everyone working diligently I presume.

          well I had a rather questionable sushi platter for lunch with a friend. hmmmm....this could be interesting.

          so glad to be home this week and AF to boot.

          back to work....

          be well peeps
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)

