Already well into the pot of tea, but plenty for all and later on the hard stuff comes - coffee. Don't worry there are heaps of herbals and green teas around but I shall make one of my confessions. I hate chamomile tea. I recall giving some boxes away and how the friend could not believe that I hated it.
One of the weird sober gratitude things I have is a desire to rid myself of stuff, plans that don't work for me - and chamomile made the ex-list. No offence here - there are zillions of people who like it and who find it calming. I am also more honest that ever about my tastes in things - I don't do this in a rude way but if I don't like the style of something I admit it to myself. Its been a kind of a cleansing process that has extended from empty wine bottles to household stuff, clothes, to the screes of paper I have in my work. I am not applying this to people or pets though! I think I did that before I made the quit.
This kind of rambling probably belongs more on another thread so apologies but it is the weekend here.
Det - you recovered from that dodgy food the other day? Hows the Antabuse?
Lavande - you sound like the grannie I need - and needed. Our daughter only knew one grannie for about four years before she died. Thats the cost of having a child later in life.
Mick - hope the spring in the UK is fantastic - not least of all because I will be briefly there by the end of this month. Your pics remind me that I must get the spring bulbs planted this month.
CanToo - welcome back. Sounds like you have been busy as ever.
Patrice - how's work? It must be getting nearer to your hols. Any plans for the weekend?
Catbuddy - are you seeing the Beau this weekend? You sound so happy!!!

SF - Been thinking I must get back into yoga. I practiced it in a low key way for years and then drifted away. I think it will be good for this old body that sits in front of a screen for a lot of the time and its very calming and centering.
Hi there Neltz - we have not been formally introduced.
And everyone else have a great weekend. I see the shops are becoming laden with Easter chocolate. At least there is little in the Easter festivities that screams out AL. Of course that never stops alkies from finding a reason to turn a non AL event into one.
I have very good memories of last Easter - me and the family went to a beautiful island in NZ (its called Stewart Island) and I was sober for 5 days. That was not my final quit but I did realise how much G. and my daughter were with me on stopping - and I really felt the love. Aww - going all mushy now......