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Friday 23 March

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    Friday 23 March

    Good morning to you all! Even though it is lunchtime here, it's going to get too confusing to you non-Aussies or Kiwis if I say Good afternoon .

    Had another great evening last night. Doggie got his walkie whether he liked it or not. In fact, today I even went out and bought some rather groovy Slazenger track pants and a top to match just for walking. I think I will enjoy getting back into that. Especially since I will look soooo groovy :H .

    I am still enjoying abstaining and have no thoughts or desires otherwise. I have been tempted a couple of times so far. My friend wanted to buy champange to celebrate the house sale, I had to tell her no thanks as I have just started a health kick. Then in my supermarket, because I had spent over a certain amount, the delighted girl at the checkout said I was entitled to a free booklet of vouchers for money off liquor at Liquorland!! I took it, as I didn't want to embarrass her and then threw it away in a bin outside. I suppose these are just mild temptations. I expect there will be many many more as time progresses. I suppose saying no will come easier with practice.

    My sleep was a bit more disturbed last night, possibly due to the humidity here. I am planning on stopping the valium from today (it was only ever meant as a 3/4 day thing to help with the first few days) as I think it is making me a bit drowsy during the day. I will look forward to seeing how I feel without it. Of course, I will continue with the Revia.

    Have a wonderful day everyone!

    Friday 23 March

    Right on Bluebell, kicking those cravings in the rear like that.

    it's fun to get "proper" workout gear isn't it? it's really a fun novelty for me to do that
    sort of thing. I must have 25 underarmour t-shirts....ha! I even have one that's metallic green, it's a trip.
    Alooooooha Friday!
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)


      Friday 23 March

      Excellent Bluebell:h
      Enlightened by MWO


        Friday 23 March

        Good news Bluey my treasure.......liquorland used to be my favourite port of call, and a few months ago it would have been such a thrill to get money off the poison....keep feeding the trash my dear!!!!!!!
        You sound trooly chipper....but...workout gear??? Wots that???
        I tend to go out in a pair of second hand gardening shorts, and a painty t shirt with my least smelly sneakers....I really DON'T look the part....I really like the idea of investing in some butt hugging lycra duds with one of those croppy top thingys, but there is still too much of a muffin for that not to be a hazard to passing motorists and small children!!

        Keep going missus
        Weedaggymelon xx


          Friday 23 March

          Wee, please don't get any illusions of me sprinting off gazelle-like into the distance with my Slazenger matching outfit. I am no lightweight so perhaps the true picture may be more like a large Blackpool postcard type woman with a tracksuit on, red face, puffing with sweat drops flying behind.

          BTW I think you are great.


          Thanks everyone. It's been a bit of a struggle this weekend but did not give in and have decided to eat some chocolate instead.

          Metallic green Det? Hold me back!

          SK - many thanks.


            Friday 23 March


            You're giving me nightmares.

            Tracky daks with Blundstones? :wow::wow::wow::wow:

            And furthermore, why do you have a scissor jack between your thighs? Just curious.


              Friday 23 March

              Hells Bells Bluey!!!

              You and Deety win the award for the most desirable exercise couple ON THE PLANET!!!

              Wot a couple of BABES......

              Holding myself back....
              Weemelon....looking a bit like one of Tawns smilies xx


                Friday 23 March

                Melon .... I'm scared. I have to tell you - I'm really scared.


                  Friday 23 March

                  Be afraid Tawns....with the way your peepers bulge out on your smilies...YOU'RE NEXT on the melonstalker list Phwooooaaaarrrrr!!!!

                  Bear in mind chums...the melons idea of a heart throb when she was younger was Spock out of star trek, chewbacca, and yul brynner in the king and I???????????? Go figure.......


                    Friday 23 March

                    Hey Melon

                    how do you feel about John Thaw?


                      Friday 23 March

                      How funny....I have JUST finished reading 'the two of us' by sheila hancock.......
                      I LOVE John Thaw...



                        Friday 23 March

                        Hey Bluebell - Great job!!! My doggie loves me more these days too. I forgot how cute he was on long walks, getting into the flowers and playing w/ the other pups. He used to sit in the corner while I drank my bottle of wine and smoked the cigs...he used to HUFF a lot. Now, hopefully I'll see a lot more tail wagging.


