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Friday 23rd March

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    Friday 23rd March

    hi Abbers

    how you all doing today?

    I do like starting a thread. Makes me feel, well, all IN CHARGE! :H

    I'm off to the solicitor in 5 minutes to get my life back on track. feeling very very good.

    Hope you are all doing well. Love you all.

    (Sober, Kick-ass defender of children and Mother-Ships)

    Friday 23rd March

    by the way, these are what I'm fighting for

    K Attached files [img]/converted_files/212456=816-attachment.jpg[/img]


      Friday 23rd March

      They are beautiful kate! Fight hard. Good luck to you. B xxx


        Friday 23rd March

        Yes, Kate - those are some beautiful kids. Good luck!! Happy abs day to all. Haven't been posting much ... but I've decided that it is not worth leaving just because once in a while someone decides to kick up trouble and be nasty and mean. I am actually here to work on an alcohol issue and I do discuss my drinking, instead of playing word games all day. So, I am disinclined to give up the site, since it has worked so well for me.

        Today is day 19 AF for the month, and my 14th consecutive day AF so I am pretty happy. Feeling pretty good and am not getting any tugs to quaff this weekend - a very nice feeling. That means that I will round out the month with a nice 27 days AF. I don't intend to stop. I feel like I am on my way again! So all is good!

        Happy Friday to all who come after me. Please think of Camper and Betty Boop (read their posts on general discussion). Both have sick children now and could use our support! And to Bella - who is fighting the best fight!!!



          Friday 23rd March

          Hi all

          Pansy - no diea what's been happening as not been here v much but am glad you haven't bee ndeterred - this site gives invaluable support.

          I'm AF until 7 April due to beginning stages of low carb diet - i did half quarter of a glass of white wine other night at birthday meal and did feel it big time.
          Not an incentive to drink though as it made me feel ill - quite handy.
          anyway good to be back and will se you through the weekend xx
          one day at a time


            Friday 23rd March

            Pansy, stop licking me!! :H :H

            Happy (and healthy) Friday to all.
            Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


              Friday 23rd March

              Hi everyone - Hope you're having a great day I'm trying to enjoy the sun while it lasts here (supposed to rain all weekend ) Mary - good luck - I'll be pulling for you!


              :wave: 8 days AF :wave:


                Friday 23rd March

                Hello All,
                A lovely day in Scotland today.
                I hope you all have a good one.
                Good luck Kate and well done Pansy.


                  Friday 23rd March

                  Kate....well worth the battle!
                  You do not battle alone!
                  :h NAncy
                  "Be still and know that I am God"

                  Psalm 46:10


                    Friday 23rd March

                    Hi everyone! Happy Friday.

                    Kate - they are really too cute. It's a good fight to be in and we are all on your side.
                    Best of luck.

                    Yea- Pansy - glad you are back posting. Congrats for your many af days! There is much more good here than bad but the bad can be infuriating!

                    Hi Nancy - like the new avitar- but I kinda miss belle a little Hope you are doing well.

                    Gotta run - Hi everyone that I missed-


                      Friday 23rd March

                      Hello All~I'm on a late start....

                      Getting ready to pick up my daughter & her girlfriend after school so that she can have a playdate. Yup a playdate. Yup, mommy can be dependable enough & be AF & have her daughter have a playdate.

                      Luv ya Abers!
                      :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                        Friday 23rd March

                        Mornin' Oachkatzschwoafs....hope all is well in your respective Schlamperlshleichswegs (hahahahahaha...thanks Lori my scrumlet!!!!!) this Saturday....(sorry, the melon lives in futuresville)

                        AA....... well STOP giving Panseroo something TO lick is NOT something the Melon wishes to cast her peepers over first thing on her weekend....honestly!! Do you not HAVE a face cloth my boy???

                        Kateybabes......verbal punches all round for the sound chipper my dear!
                        Seabreeeeeezzzzzyyyyy....make sure your togs don't blow off again while the playdate is 'round....could be the end of your daughters social life for a while:H

                        And mornin to all other dear Abbers...and an especially big :h. to Campy Happer and the Busty Betty...thinking of you're both having tough times with your dear children at the moment, and I send all my love

                        I'm off to a birthday party today for one of the classmates of the young man that I work with......L and I have a great day lined up with 'singstar', swimming in the pool, and the endless consumption of cake, pizza and cheese and pineapple onna stick....and they call this work??????? Gosh I just have the best 'job' in the world...with the nicest company!
                        Lucky Melon!!!

                        I'm off first though to purchase a copy of the Grease dvd and the cd soundtrack for the birthday boy as he hasn't got them????????? Can you imagine being a teenager and NOT being able to boogie along to Greased lightening or You're the one that I want whenever you need to???? THAT is deprivation!!

                        Have a good day loons...(either a sort of duck or a complete fruitcake...pick the cap that fits)
                        WeeBavarianmelon xxxxxxxx


                          Friday 23rd March

                          Back again to say hi! It's kinda of nice to catch up on the posters who got to sleep in .... Well, I just see that I wished luck to Bella who I said was fighting the good fight! I meant Kate - fighting for her kids! Bella - I know we are all here struggling for the same thing, but I sure hope you didn't go out and punch someone! And I swear, I am convinced the topa is not affecting me in a dopa way LOL.

                          AA - hope you get a good ride in today. My little kitty is annoying if you look at it too long, but he/she does have the cutest little pink paws. And it will NEVER grow into a CAT. I like that about him. Felix will be back soon, though. I need to find a newer model for spring.

                          To my UK friends, hope all is well. Good luck on the low carb Bear - I do low carb too. Glad to see Popeye and Noella too. Congrats on 8 days.

                          Thanks, Lisa. Posting is a good habit. I think I shall stay mostly on the abs board, though, for now. Just a wee (Popeye you are making me think of my Scottish grandma) bit safer to narrow the zone I guess. Abs and maybe a little chat. I am at that point where I like to see the days racking up - always feels good. So I am staying so far away from drama - it is going to have to look really hard to find me!

                          Hi Nancy - It was nice to grab a quick glimpse of you when the pics were up on that thread. I do kinda miss Belle, too.

                          SeaBreez - hope you had fun on playdate! I wish I could have a playdate.

                          Melon - your day sounds great too! Working with kids really can be amazing when it is good. I had a really nice day with my youngin' friends too! Spring is here and they are full of energy! Hmmm as far as "loon," I think I will pick fruitcake thank you! Melons float right?

                          Hugs and more hugs!


                            Friday 23rd March

                            a late Aloha Friday to one and all. Nice pic Kate/SuperMom!
                            and Melon, I had no idea you were a Germanesque-ebonics linguist! I learn something new each and every day. Feeling so good I think I will get the mountain bike in order and get in a ride Saterday, and if I can find all my gear I'll shoot a pistol match on's been too long and I just love feeling good and energetic again.
                            Everybody be well,
                            nosce te ipsum
                            (Know Thyself)


                              Friday 23rd March

                              Go Kate, am with you all the way! Thinking of you lots xxx
                              :rolleyesmonkey: Tahlula :rolleyesmonkey:
                              Trim the tree to let in the sunshine...

