Yep you are fright blondie ..its called value for money!!!and guess what put on a minimal amount of weight too!Fasting day today
Hiya SL..well done for not drinking ...hope it all turns out ok for you..sounds like you were pretty much frustrated by the "drama queens "yesterday!!
Hiya kuya...well theres an idea..setting up a rest home for world wide travellers!!!!You ok? hope so .My daughter was talking about going out to either NZ or Dubai for a while when she qualifies..not really a great difference!!!

Hiya Cantoo the avatar..take it thats you jumping about in the snow?
Hi ppqp ..hows the cold? hope its getting better ...before you even think about going gallivantin off round the world!!:H
Mornin Lav ..quick coffee hope all is ok with you today..any plans? have a good one
Evenin tt all ok with you?
right folks offski ..speak to you all later