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March Maintenance ~ Week 2

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    March Maintenance ~ Week 2

    Good morning friends

    Starting week 2 off a bit late - oh well.
    Looking forward to warming temps this weekend!

    Hope you see lots of melting snow today papmom

    Wishing everyone a terrific AF Saturday!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

    March Maintenance ~ Week 2

    Hi Lav, thanks for starting week 2! I'm looking forward to nice temps today and tomorrow and our snow is already nearly all melted. YAY! The picture was delightful.

    Pmom, I think your plans sound just perfect! I'm so happy for you. Sorry about your current house being so far under water. The same think happened to my brother. He finally sold his house but he lost 20% on it. My goodness! That snow was crazy deep!!!

    LBH, You are handling your vision situation with such grace. I am filled with admiration for you. Not the first time.

    The official count is: 48 work days remaining!

    Off to my hole-in-the-wall breakfast spot.

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


      March Maintenance ~ Week 2

      YAY Dill - 48 days sounds doable

      The temp hit 59 here today, actually felt nice out in the sun. Spent a little time shopping in Amish country with YB today, it was his idea.....
      I'll be watching the boys tomorrow evening & have them here for dinner so I guess today really was my day off :H

      Hope you are OK today LBH & Papmom too!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        March Maintenance ~ Week 2

        Hi all-just home from work and some shopping. Beautiful out today-low 50's. I'll take it! I was in W. MA where I swear not one inch of snow fell! Totally bare ground most places!! Significant snow melt when I got home and more tomorrow. Almost seems a shame after all that shoveling!:H
        Today went well-the new rep I trained said she much preferred my style over the person she trained with last week so that made me feel good. We had a busy day and she ready to fly solo next weekend.
        Tomorrow is a local gig and then my Nephew's 21st Bday party. Must remember to buy a card!

        Dill!!!! 48 more workdays??? I wouldn't be able to stand it!! How very very exciting! I hope they go very smoothly for you.

        Lav-glad YB took you out for some shopping today in this nice weather. he really is a mystery isn't he?

        Hope everyone else is doing well!
        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

        KO the Beast!!


          March Maintenance ~ Week 2

          Good morning friends on this first day of daylight savings time
          Now I get to spend the next week making my dogs understand when it's time to eat, etc :H

          I have to haul myself together & gather some food supplies. Two little boys & YB are joining me for dinner tonight just because I'm so lucky

          Hope you have a good day papmom! Enjoy your nephew's BD party!
          Wishing everyone a great aF Sunday,

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            March Maintenance ~ Week 2

            Hi Lav and Pmom and any to come,
            Yes, it was in the mid-50's here yesterday as well Pmom, and sunny too! The ground was soggy with all the snow melt but other than that is was a perfect day for a long walk in the woods. I had a chicken stewing in the crock pot and it made some really delicious chicken and noodle soup. Definitely a good day.

            I'm having a hard time adjusting to the time change too Lav. Have fun with the g-sons. Is YB good with them or is he cranky?

            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


              March Maintenance ~ Week 2

              Good Sunday Morning Marchers,

              It's been a long time since I posted here but I have been reading. I have been very busy with my new consulting clients. They are within driving distance but I have had long daily commutes. Fortunately, my new clients are delightful to work with and the days fly by. I'm still working on my training program and it's coming along nicely. I will admit, I used to lurk on MWO quite a bit, and before I knew it....I had been lurking for over an hour on many occasions. Now, I have replaced lurking with a diligent exercise routine....and I spend between 1 and 2 hours per day, working out. It's paying off, too. I am determined to be a size 10 before June.

              TDN-thank you for communicating my "wellness" to the rest of our friends here. I really appreciate it. I admire you for jumping right in to your exercise routine. The exercise must be a wonderful outlet for can dance and stomp out your frustration with Mr. TDN right in class!

              LBH-I smiled when you spoke about the young man who tried to pick you up. Prrr...cougar!:H. Well, what can we were probably wearing an evening gown. I loved what you said about there being no drama with Lord Bird Heart with regard to abstaining or just focus on making healthy choices. Like you, I don't have sweets or chips (my favorite pig-out food, along with french fries) in the house. If they're there....I'll eat them. Sure hope your eye is better. I hope I have your strength if I'm ever in the same boat.

              Dill-I would be chomping at the bit with only 48 days left before you launch into retirement. Your chicken noodle soup sounds delicious.

              Pap-I can see why your new demo trainee thought your training was better than the other person's. You really have a talent for explaining concepts in a way that can be clearly understood by virtually anyone.

              Lav-enjoy your evening with your grandsons and YB.

              A cheery hello to Cyn, Star, and our friends who have not been here in a good while: Rustop, Sooty, Chill, and anyone I may have missed....have a super AF Sunday.


                March Maintenance ~ Week 2

                Good Morning. No problem for me with the time change as I did not sleep at all. I had a really dark day yesterday; the macular degeneration is worse in my "good" eye but clearly progressing in both and I was plagued by dread. There is no treatment but some people get it slowed down with a fish oil, lutein, and zeaxanthin concoction so I have a big pile. I am hoping for a really slow progression, I need time to prepare. I am not sure how to prepare for being increasingly blind, the main things in my life are solitary and visual. Lord Bird Heart is still out of town but will be back tonight, I am going to try really hard not to pick a fight with him stemming from my own fear and frustration. I was highly tempted yesterday to blow off my troubles for a while with a bottle but I have got to keep what bearings I have, I am still the same person, just dimmer. Thanks for making me laugh, Rusty. Now that I think of it, an elegant blind cougar could be quite an attraction. And I can still see well enough NOW and that is all I have ever had. And I am still going to Portugal. So there. Love, Ladybird.
                may we be well


                  March Maintenance ~ Week 2

                  LBH:upset::l I have no words for you. My mom and I went to our social event with the adults who are both deaf and blind, so I have a particular empathy for you that hits so close to home. I am so proud of you for not diving into a bottle. :goodjob: Yes, yes, yes.....go to Portugal, and anywhere else on your wish list before your vision becomes cloudier. I cannot imagine how vulnerable you must feel with LordBH away from home. I'm glad he'll be home soon. Fingers crossed for a VERY VERY VERY slow progression of the MD.:l


                    March Maintenance ~ Week 2

                    LBH, I just want to say that I so admire you for dealing with this without AL. I will say an extra prayer for you. If you can delay the decline, maybe a cure will be found. We will hope so. You are such a wonderful part of this group and I love reading your posts. I hope Lord BH is home now with you.

                    "One day at a time."


                      March Maintenance ~ Week 2

                      Good evening friends!
                      Kids have gone home, YB is back in his cave so now I get to relax a bit

                      LBH, have you ever heard of WillsEye | Wills Eye
                      Will's Eye is pretty famous around these parts, take a look around their website. I hope you are OK :l

                      Greetings to Dill, Rusty, TDN, Papmom & those who haven't checked in for while.....

                      Dill, YB is pretty good with the kids especially since he started on the Cymbalta last fall. It's done a lot for his chronic back pain & low mood. He's willing to come 'help' most of the time when I have the boys, so that's a good thing.

                      Rusty, you busy girl - good for you

                      TDN I hope spring arrives soon up in your neck of the woods!

                      Have a good night all!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        March Maintenance ~ Week 2

                        Ah Rusty-there you are!! So happy work is going so well and that you are fitting in some significant exercise time. My goal for this week is ONE walk around the building inside for 15 min OR heading over to the fitness center to use the treadmill. I am going to join it tomorrow. I'm done with eating at my desk. I broke that habit years ago and now in this new job I'm right back at it. NO MORE!! Please keep us/me updated on your progress for inspiration's sake.

                        LBH-I am so sorry the MD is getting worse. I hope the supplements can do something for you. And yes, you MUST go to Portugal!! I too am very proud you chose to deall with your dark day in ways other than diving into the bottle. At the end, the MD would still be there and you would be feeling like shite. Hang on tight to us OK? Hope Lord BH's homecoming was serene.

                        TDN-wow, step AND Zumba? You go girl!! How ready are you for this winter to end???

                        Lav-so nice to hear YB is helping out willingly. Hope you had a relaxing rest of the evening.

                        busy day today. Store was busy and I ran out of samples which isn't a bad thing. Neph's bday party was very nice. His uncle and cousin who just lost their wife/mom (my sis's SIL) were there. John seemed so sad when he walked in but soon was enveloped in family (his 2 sisters were there as well) and by the end was actively participating and cracking jokes. I so give him credit for showing up. He's chaperoning his daughter's spring break school trip to Sicily in a week. His wife was supposed to go. I'm glad he's going. It's just him and Julie now. Anyway, I'm constantly amazed at how grown up my nephew is. he and is GF are going to babysit my nephew Nate next Friday while my bro and SIL go out on a "date". So neat. My other nephew (the one I did the Tshirt quilt for) was supposed to go to a Rhianna concert tonite (not his decision LOL!) but apparently she has laryngitis and had to cancel so he was able to join us. Nice surprise. He's on spring break now. Good food, company and now time to hit the hay. Nite all!
                        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                        KO the Beast!!


                          March Maintenance ~ Week 2

                          Good morning...

                          Sounds like Pap had a good weekend. I likeyour committment to change in small increments...eating at your desk gives you old job?

                          LBH, MD is scary, my Dad has it and is managing the best he can. Take whatever you can and know we admire and are sending your positive healing energy. Portugal is a definite trip and experience to look forward too!

                          Lav, glad you had a fun companionable weekend.

                          Dill, 48 days!!! The snow is melting here too.

                          Rusty, do you work out at home or at a gym? I have no time to go to the gym during the week. I too am limiting my time on the internet.

                          Had a great weekend, but feel tired out starting my week. I am getting kind of old for concerts! I love Chicago, rainy and cold, but a great city. To all, have a great day.
                          Formerly known as redhibiscus


                            March Maintenance ~ Week 2

                            Good morning friends,

                            Slept well but still dragging my butt quite a bit due to the lingering cold symptoms. I really want to get back to my routine.
                            Lots of fog outside this morning but it's supposed to warm up to 60 degrees today!

                            Papmom, you have a busy family, for sure. Glad your snow is melting
                            Greetings to Dill, Rusty, LBH, Star & everyone.

                            OK, let me see what I can get done today
                            Wishing everyone a great AF Monday.
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              March Maintenance ~ Week 2

                              Good Evening. I hope everyone had a fine Monday wherever you were at home or work. I had a good day, one of those where things seem to fall into place on their own, problems that arise can be addressed rather than put off leaving one to spin inside. I'll take it. I am following your countdown, Dill. Love, Ladybird.
                              may we be well

