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March Maintenance ~ Week 2

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    March Maintenance ~ Week 2

    Hi Lav, sorry to hear you're not up to par. I agree with you about the importance of exercise at this age, yet it is so hard to get motivated!!!

    Hi Star, glad you popped in.

    Pmom, thanks for the hat tip about the article in Real Simple. I'll see if I can find the issue this weekend. I went online to see if I could find the article, but to no avail.

    Busy day at work, but it's done and dusted. 45 days left.....

    What do I think of the Pope? I think it's great that he is from "the New World", I hope he truly is able to move the Church forward and that we can finally leave the sad chapter of sex abuse behind. Pope Benedict reached out to try to mend the wounds but nothing seems to be good enough for the media. They will continue to bash the Church and anything Christian, IMO. I like that he chose the name Francis and I like the folksy style he is showing. I think he should be careful though about all this riding on buses and slipping security. He will likely be a target in today's world as have been other recent Popes. A lot of people could be hurt by his actions of riding a bus instead of the more secure methods.

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


      March Maintenance ~ Week 2

      Hi Everybody. Funny image of the the car all firm and fully packed with maestro and dogs, Cyn. I am still good and I thank you all for your support; I find it impossible to stay in a funk for for long, it takes too much work. The workout plans make sense to me, I feel really alive after a good one, fresh as a daisy all shampooed and scrubbed at the end. People frequently also offer me things that are not good for me, most of the time they let me turn them down gracefully, sometimes I have to throw them away which makes me feel bad. Now I can just pull out the "it's not good for my eyes" story (whether true or not) and I bet those so-called treats vaporize?nobody wants to mess with the dimmer switch. It was gorgeous today and I was outside the entire time except for the gym. I could see heaven. Can't beat it. GET WELL SOON, LAV. Happy 45, Dill Love, Ladybird.
      may we be well


        March Maintenance ~ Week 2

        Good morning...

        I don't have to rush today, so can take a little time to post.

        Lav, the pope thing. Well, I feel that they need to get rid of the entire hierarchy, Pope, cardinals, archbishops, bishops, as they are so corrupt, and still promote pedaphiles to this day. They refuse to admit that molesting children is a crime and the perps should be in jail after going throught the court system. It is a disgrace and harmful to children. Instead, they take hard earned offerings and pay off victims, as evidenced by another big payoff in the Archdioce of Los Angelos, $10 million dollars. Pope Benedict did nothing to stop it, he was in fact in charge of the documents about the sex scandals before becoming pope. The secrecy is a way to keep their crimes going. A disgrace. Many try to minimize the harm done to children throughout the world, but it will not go away. A book about the worldwide scandal and the failure of the church to make changes, Broken Promises, and a documentary about it is Maximea culpa on HBO, are hard to read and watch. It is minimized to a degree impossible to understand. This new pope will make no changes.

        I agree about exercise, I have to find time to work out. I know how healthy I feel eating better. Giving up caffeine has made changes in the way I sleep...I can sleep!!!

        I wish winter would end, we are supposed to get a wintry mix today. Yuck.

        Hope everyone is well and enjoying life. That what our journey is all about. In the past we were miserable,and with every post, I see individuals living life to the fullest. Problems to be worked out, yes, but doing our best and with all our faculities. Yay!!
        Formerly known as redhibiscus


          March Maintenance ~ Week 2

          We had a gorgeous day here yesterday too, so bright, so windy, so March. It was best enjoyed through the window tho. I forgot to add, so nippy! :H Glad you are out of your funk, dear LBH. I quite agree that it does take energy to maintain one and the reward just isn't worthwhile!

          Happy AF Friday.

          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


            March Maintenance ~ Week 2

            Good Morning AF March Friends,

            Cyn-I can't keep up with your whereabouts either. Somehow, I like the mystery, though.:H I can just see you and your husband, packed in the car with the Weimys.

            Star-I don't think we can ever put the sex abuse scandal with the Catholic church behind us. I am not sure at all that the new pope is capable of making positive changes. I picked up some stargazers and pink....I thought of you. They are my mother would say.

            Dill-I so appreciate your interest in my present and previous careers.:l I was in television and radio in the late 80s and early 90s, and while I liked being on TV and on the radio, the pay was HORRIBLE (like $11,000/year for TV and $14,000 for radio), and the stress was ungodly. You can never have a day off from the news. I had to be watching it, listening to it, all the time...even on the weekends. While I was at graduate school, I had heard from one of my classmates that my main instructor had told her I had "emotional problems." When I confronted my instructor, he tried to blame the messenger, my classmate, and he admitted he had said it. Looking back on it, I struggled with anxiety my whole life....always second-guessing myself, worrying that I was disappointing my parents, etc., and I think my instructor was trying to tell me I wasn't cut out for the media because I didn't have a thick enough skin. You're under constant scrutiny....people (politicians, cops, lawyers, criminals) are only nice to you when you want something. I will say, though, that when I was in the media, it was not the sensationalistic, liberal media we have now. We NEVER would have featured the winner on "American Idol" or "Dancing With The Stars." Do I miss it? Not at all. When I did decide to leave the media behind me, several other TV and radio news reporters followed me in getting out of the business.

            LBH-People are probably offering treats because they think you should put on some weight. I've never had that problem, though.:H

            Lav-I hope you finally get over this cold so you can fully enjoy your weekend.

            Cheery greetings to everyone else....happy AF Friday!


              March Maintenance ~ Week 2

              Good morning friends,

              Woke with yet another sinus headache ~ time for this BS to end!!!
              Don't feel like bouncing around at Curves so I'll just stay put & catch up on work stuff. I think my daughter & grandaughter may be coming for a visit later. YB notified me by text message that he's sick & can't see the doc until Saturday morning. Man flu I guess :H

              Star, I just don't see this new pope doing anything differently either. The plight of women, gays & children will remain unchanged.

              LBH, so nice to hear you are enjoying some outside time. It's still too cold here to do anything but at least it's dry at the moment. Enjoy your lovely weather

              Dill, TGIF huh? I am smiling thinking about your countdown to freedom

              Guess I should start week 3 at some point - maybe tomorrow!
              Have a fab AF Friday everyone!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                March Maintenance ~ Week 2

                Hello Marchers!
                Dill - happy day 45, is it? I loved your description: "so bright, so windy, so March", which is just how I think of the month. I used to pretend that I was in an Austin novel or something, striding across the moors with hat ribbons flying, pulling my shrug wrap closer about my coat -- in a way, they knew how to dress for this weather!

                Star - so sorry there is more murky weather. In my 25 years in MN, I remember that March/April could be the real heartbreaker. Keep the hot bath filled, and lots of flowers around.

                Lav - so sorry you're still battling this thing. We've had good results here with a concoction of ginger tea, cider vinegar, local honey, and grape seed extract. Dries up all the goo -- if my hb can cope with it and think that it helps, there's something to it!

                Rusty - sorry to be confusing about where we are in the world...we are still in the desert, but last week we had a little run-out to a city 2 hours away for 4 days. Thank god my dogs are happy to be with us wherever we are, and do not mind the car rides. However, my own personal countdown has month from today we head back home to CT, and I can't wait. We'll make several stops on the way home to see family and friends so it will be about a 9 day extravaganza, but if all goes well, we'll see our own plot of earth at the end of the journey. Purgatory is almost over...

                LBH - I finally saw my acupuncturist who used to treat me here in the desert. Get this - in 2 visits she has made a HUGE difference in my rosacea, the fatigue, the joint pain, and several other issues I didn't even know that I had. I asked her about acupuncture for MD, and she said that though it may not reverse it (though it can happen), she has had very good success in stopping its progression. Something to think about! In the meantime, you are a wonderful messenger reminding me to be grateful for everything that I see, and to really 'see' everything.

                PMom - laudable exercise, you go girl.

                Greetings to anyone I missed - must get going on work, but will be thinking of you all today - happy AF Friday --
                to the light

