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Sunny Spring Saturday.

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    Sunny Spring Saturday.

    Good day All,
    It's a lovely day here in Bonny Scotland.
    I've been a bit down recently, but I've just this minute decided to grab myself by the scruff of my neck and pull myself out of it.
    Thank you all for being here.
    This is a great place.

    Sunny Spring Saturday.

    Hi there popeye, i'm glad you are feeling better. I am feeling so much better for being a part of MWO. You are right, this is a great place. Happy weekend to you and DON'T GET DOWN.... enjoy the Scottish sun on your face and think of holidays. Bella xx


      Sunny Spring Saturday.

      The weather here in Baltimore, Md (USA) is quite dreary. It's been raining off & on for a couple of days. But good weather or bad we can carry on and be glad that we have a place to go to air out our frustations, our accomplishments, etc. with our friends @ MWO....IAD
      ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
      those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
      Dr. Seuss


        Sunny Spring Saturday.

        Morning all,
        I am not sure of the weather yet, but it sounds dreary. However, I can hear the birds chirping and the water birds are really ratcheting up their calls - always a sure sign of spring. Sometimes they are so loud I have to walk away from the window or I cannot talk on the phone.

        Popeye, I am glad that you are on the upturn. It is never easy to crawl out ... but once you hit a certain point it always seem to get easier, at least for me. Maybe go see a grandbaby?

        Nice to see you both, Bella and IAD. Glad to see you in chat IAD. It sure was busy last night. Hard to get the handle of it at first. I guarantee the typing will improve though! I will have to call my friend in WV today now that I am thinking of Baltimore ....

        Have a happy AF Saturday all ... and to all who come.


          Sunny Spring Saturday.

          Hi All~

          Going for nice ride to shoreline(Atlantic) to collect shells with the kiddies and enjoy the seabreeze.

          Pops- I'll look over towards your side & sing "my Bonny lies over the ocean, my Bonny lies over the sea..." LOL

          Hi Bella!
          Hi IAD-we'll get you're crummy rain tomorrow!

          Have a great SOBER one EVERYBODY!

          :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


            Sunny Spring Saturday.

            Heya Popeye and the whole crew, happy saturday indeed! Popeye if you're ever feeling blue we can pretend to be you online counsellor you know it's funny but my councellor I last talked to said that men naturally have trouble discussing their emotions but the gals can bump into each other in the vegetable sections of the grocery store and immediately bare their's just not fair I tell ya. Glorious sunny day in north nevada! this weekend I'm going to do two things I've put off for ages....go for a bike ride today and tomorrow shoot a pistol match. Two things I love but managed to fall by the wayside mostly due to my selfish and ignorant behaviour. Day 17 and feeling strong. Everybody be well and know you deserve as much love as you are willing to accept. xoxoxoxoxo
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              Sunny Spring Saturday.

              Determinator, you can open your soul on here. everyone will just help coz thats what we want to do.


                Sunny Spring Saturday.

                Bella, I'm counting on're a gem.
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  Sunny Spring Saturday.

                  G'day everyone. Welcome back Popeye. I was actually worrying about ya, mate. Was going to send out a virtual search patrol! Nice to see ya too, Pansy. Welcome back.

                  It's nice to see everyone after an 'eventful' two drama weeks. Hope we'll have some peace for a change, especially with the 2-year anniversary coming up. I'm still on holiday. We had a couple of days' snow this week, but apparently temperatures will go up to about 15 Celsius next week. End of the week I'm back in Asia with my usual 26 Celsius, ahhhh.

                  Anyway, hope you guys have a grrrrrrrreat weekend! I'm having a great one!
                  Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


                    Sunny Spring Saturday.


                    Yeeeeh. It's the weekend. Everybody have a safe and fun time.

                    :happy: :yay: :wd: :rays:
                    where does this go?


                      Sunny Spring Saturday.

                      Yahaaay! Happy Saturday too - it's cold, wet, miserable, windy, dark here though, so enough already about your glorious spring days!

                      Went to a workshop once where the speaker was talking about the differences between boys and girls brains - he gave the situation of a group coming to the edge of the cliff and the only way down was over the edge - boys, he said, would just jump and hope for the best (did I attach the parachute?!) girls would gather together in a huddle, discuss strategies, make plans, 'talk it through' - it's the way we're wired!!!

                      So any time you want to share or bare your soul, D we'll let you in, won't we girls?

                      Welcome back Popey! Sorry you've been a bit down but glad you're kicking arse and getting back out here - don't keep away when you're feeling a little off colour - we can help you as much, hopefully, as you help others - so good, bad or ugly keep talking ( we know you can, despite being male!):H

                      :rays: Arial

                      Last first day - 15th April 2012
                      Days 1-7 DONE
                      Days 8-14 DONE
                      Days 15-21 DONE
                      30 days DONE
                      60 days
                      100 days


                        Sunny Spring Saturday.


                        Hi guys...Have just checked in and im so happy that you all sound so well, I have been absent this past wk as i have gone back to work and have had so much to take in....they are sending me on all kinds of a result, my brain has been completely fried!!!!......wait for it...drumroll (just use your imagination) 76!!! Massive achievement for me.
                        Iv only been away from here for a short while but iv missed you all so much.

                        Lots an lots of loves

                        Lou Lou x x x x x x x
                        "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


                          Sunny Spring Saturday.

                          D, Pops and Paddy.....hellooooooo, i missed you guys x x x
                          "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


                            Sunny Spring Saturday.

                            glad to see you Lou we've missed you too.
                            Enlightened by MWO


                              Sunny Spring Saturday.

                              Mornin' walperdingers......

                              Pecker up Popeye....use your lovely day to go roamin' in the gloamin, and up the rushy mountain, and down the faery glen.....polish the sporran and lets see a quick highland fling!! Keep looking up my boy............and if you can't look up..take a glance under your own kilt......THAT ought to give you a larf.......tee hee...much love spinach muncher:h

                    're all looking gorgeous this morning, AFometers ticking away nicely, sparkly eyes and glossy coats.....
                              Sunday for the melon....I had a great afternoon at the party with my dear little man yesterday...the weather was hot and the pool was COLDDDDDD...he loves to swim, but has a very thin little body because of his cerebral palsy and so gets to blue and shivery stage very quickly...he loves it so much though, he refuses to get out....I poke him into his rubber ring, and we sail around like a couple of water lillies with him bawling and screeching at me every time I suggest that hypothermia may NOT be the best way to end the party....
                              It was only the prospect of karaoke singstar that finally persuaded him to let me fish him out and bundle him up warmly......we trilled away the afternoon to a selection of rock hits with a number of his chums from the unit he attends...pausing only to ram a few chips or buns down our pieholes......wot a lovely afternoon......I really adore my so called 'job'...'L' is the loveliest person to work with and we have SUCH a good time together..
                              His mom is taking the rest of the family away for a break next week for 4 weeks, so I will move into his house with him, and we will spend a very cosy month together getting up to mischief while the cat's away!!! Zippedy doo dah!!

                              Have a great day is a rest day for me...I've got a lovely day of buggar all planned as I've done the housework completely and have no chores to do apart from lawn mowing and shopping...both of which I rather like....mowing is strangely therapeutic, and food shopping is ALWAYS a day of great excitement as I'm such a greedy bint...hahaha

                              Adios amigos xxx

