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AF March 13th

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    AF March 13th

    Wanted get this in writing, it's pretty early in the day. I know many are in different time zones. I slept well and feel pretty good this morning. Will feed and walk the doggies and start the day. I am starting day 4.....
    March: 23 days AF, April 26 days AF, May _23_ AF days
    May 29: back to day 1
    June: The battle continues......

    AF March 13th

    Hi Winter Lover - usually I start the thread as I live in NZ but its just been so busy lately at home and at work and I can't get myself to writing much at the moment. Its nearly 9pm here on 13 March and I still have work to do tonight.
    Keep on at one day at a time - it is a wonderful feeling to wake up with no hangover. Its also great to say - yayy - I was AF yesterday. Try not to think about drinking and the what-ifs = get on with your day but have a plan. here's an idea.....
    Plan No 1. If you are serious about being AB - toss that wine down the sink. Whats it there for? A back-up? JUst to make your resolve harder? If someone calls in and wants some booze - thats their problem and I am sure that you as a good host can work that one through.You don't need wine in the house - especially at the moment. If it was a piece of food that had gone rotten or was full of maggots I am sure you would think nothing of throwing it away, regardless of whether it cost a small fortune, or was a special treat. You wouldn't knowingly eat contaminated food would you?

    Ah ha, so welcome to our friendly little tribe! I have been reading how other folks are doing but just have not had the oomph to say hello to you all individually but you know I am there in my wee corner of the world - and as sober as ever. I had good talk to a couple of friends today about work/home issues and that has really helped. It wasn't the not drinking I needed help with - it was all the other stuff. Talking face to face or even on the phone is a relief sometimes!
    Have a great AF day all and I will get on with my travail - am sure Mick is about to jump in - in true Jockese style! Hope he has sorted out the weather over there .


      AF March 13th

      MAE everyone...well middle of the week again already .. wheres it gone?..seeems to fly in .thats almost the first quarter in .End of this month we change the clocks..another hour of whats it to be then ..a horrendous hangover hump day , or a happy hopeful one know where my money is!

      hi learningtolovewinter....and welcome..will it get easier you say?probably a lot easier than writing that title down every time!! should be on day 4 now so go for it

      Morning ky, how are you today?..glad things are looking a wee bit better and light at he end of the tunnel......and its not some tosser with a torch bringing you more bad crap!!My mate , over your way..he finishes next month and comes back to uk...or was..his wife fell or did something, has broken her pelvis, and done something to her femur and cant be moved ..she is completely plastered up, so dont know what they will do

      Morning are you? hers a big coffee.Well did you go round to their house yesterday , leave a mess ,touch everything you shouldnt, and generally be a nuisance?that would impress the grandkids:H
      Glad the pounds are staying day today for me..weighed myself this morning 167.1pounds..cant seem to get away from that area Swimming today see what we can do.You have a good day

      Morning are things with you today?you working at your job or doing the house up?Yep we arent as resilient when we fall as we used to be are we?You have a great day..yep I have a couple of jokes left!!

      Morning are you today? your quote "Got home and checked in here and just had to reach out to some of us who needed a little support."
      That is lovely :l
      As for the dissenter in your meeting...its actually a recommended strategy on boards to have makes you think of what ifs and might think he/she is a bit of a dick at the time but it does make you think though!
      So construction work almost done? you konw its amazing how those 2 guys got the women to work together for them :H:H

      Hi Freefly, glad you are still for the wanting to go to the shop happens to us all at times its the dealing with it..It is over 10 years since I smoked and yet yesterday had this real craving for one..lasted about 2 minutes!!!whats that all about???Stay strong ,you can do this ..have you a plan in place for when this happens?

      Morning are you today?lost me on the Thomas Blondie bit tho?Be positive ..there isnt hope for you ..its a given you will do it..its kind of like your driving test..when you sit in the car you have passed..on the way round driving, its you that messes it up!
      Probably not the best example for me..when Isat my test all I had to do was feed the horse!!! :H

      few missing, blondie etc where are you all?Is the southern hemisphere on holiday?and there is all the others who dont use or post here anymore,nurdl tdn shue lillye to name a few..oh well

      Right offski have a good one

      why women are so bright

      * We got off the Titanic first.
      * We can scare male bosses with mysterious gynaecological disorder excuses.
      * Taxis stop for us.
      * We don?t look like a frog in a blender when dancing.
      * No fashion faux pas we make could ever rival The Speedo.
      * We don?t have to pass gas to amuse ourselves.
      * If we forget to shave, no one has to know.
      * We can congratulate our teammate without ever touching her rear.
      * We never have to reach down every so often to make sure our privates are still there.
      * We have the ability to dress ourselves.
      * We can talk to people of the opposite s*x without having to picture them naked.
      * If we marry someone 20 years younger, we?re aware that we look like an idiot.
      * There are times when chocolate really can solve all your problems.
      * We?ll never regret piercing our ears.
      * We can fully assess a person just by looking at their shoes.
      * We can make comments about how silly men are in their presence, because they aren?t listening anyway.

      On a beautiful deserted island, in the middle of nowhere, the following people are stranded:
      2 Italian men and 1 Italian woman
      2 French men and 1 French woman
      2 German men and 1 German woman
      2 Greek men and 1 Greek woman
      2 English men and 1 English woman
      2 Bulgarian men and 1 Bulgarian woman
      2 Japanese men and 1 Japanese woman
      2 American men and 1 American woman
      2 Irish men and 1 Irish woman
      One month later, the situation is as follows:
      One Italian man has killed the other Italian man for the Italian woman.
      The two French men and the French woman are living happily together in a menage a trios.
      The two German men have a strict weekly schedule of when they alternate with the German woman.
      The two Japanese men have faxed Tokyo and are waiting for instructions.
      The two Greek men are sleeping with each other and the Greek woman is cleaning and cooking for them.
      The Bulgarian men, after taking one look at the Bulgarian woman, have started swimming.
      The two English men are still waiting for someone to come by and formally introduce them to the English woman.
      The Irish men began by dividing the island into North and South. They then quickly set up a high-volume distillery. Because they get sort of foggy after the first few liters of coconut whiskey ? causing their manhood to become quite limp ? s*x never becomes a fighting issue? Anyway, they are quite satisfied knowing that at least the English men are not getting any.
      The American woman keeps on bitching about her body being her own temple; the true nature of modern feminism; how she can do everything that they can do; about the necessity for her personal fulfilment; the equal division of all household chores; how her last boyfriend respected her opinion and treated her much nicer; and how her relationship with her mother is improving. The two American men are contemplating suicide.

      A sweet old lady telephoned St. Joseph?s Hospital. She timidly asked, ?Is it possible to speak to someone who can tell me how a patient is doing?? The operator said, ?I can, what?s the name and room number??
      The old laday in her weak voice said, ?Norma Findlay, Room 302.?
      The operator replied, ?Let me place you on hold while I check with her nurse.?
      After a few minutes the operator returned to the phone and said, ?Oh, I have good news, her nurse just told me that Norma is doing very well. Her blood pressure is fine; her blood work just came back as normal and her physician, Dr. Cohen, has scheduled her to be discharged on Tuesday.?
      The old lady said, ?Thank you. That?s wonderful! I was so worried! God bless you!?
      The operator replied, ?You?re more than welcome. Is Norma your daughter??
      The grandmother said, ?No, I?m Norma Findlay in 302. No one tells me shit.?

      After numerous rounds of: ?We don?t even know if Osama is still alive,? Osama himself decided to send George Bush a letter in his own handwriting to let him know he was still in the game.
      Bush opened the letter and it appeared to contain a coded message: 370HSSV-0773H
      Bush was baffled, so he e-mailed it to Condi Rice. Condi and her aides had no clue either, so they sent it to the F B I. No one could solve it so it went to the C I A, then to NSA.
      With no clue as to its meaning, they eventually asked Britain?s MI-6 for help. MI-6 cabled the White House:
      ?Tell the President he?s holding the message upside down.?

      On hearing that her elderly grandfather had just passed away, Katie went straight to her grandparent?s house to visit her 95 year old grandmother and comfort her.
      When she asked how her grandfather had died, her grandmother replied, ?He had a heart attack while we were making love on Sunday morning.?
      Horrified, Katie told her grandmother that 2 people nearly 100 years old having s*x would surely be asking for trouble.
      ?Oh no, my dear, ? replied granny. ?Many years ago, realizing our advanced age, we figured out the best time to do it was when the church bells would start to ring. It was just the right rhythm. Nice and slow and even. Nothing too strenuous, simply in on the Ding and out on the Dong.?
      She paused, wiped away a tear and then continued, ?And if that damned ice cream truck hadn?t come along, he?d still be alive today!?

      A wife decides to take her husband to a strip club for his birthday.
      They arrive at the club and the doorman says, ?Hey, Dave! How ya doin???
      His wife is puzzled and asks if he?s been to this club before.
      ?Oh, no,? says Dave. ?He?s on my bowling team.?
      When they are seated, a waitress asks Dave if he?d like his usual and brings over a Budweiser.
      His wife is becoming increasingly uncomfortable and says,?How did she know that you drink Budweiser??
      ?She?s in the Ladies? Bowling League, honey. We share lanes with them.?
      A stripper then comes over to their table, throws her arms around Dave, and says ?Hi Davey. Want your usual table dance, big boy??
      Dave?s wife, now furious, grabs her purse and storms out of the club.
      Dave follows and spots her getting into a cab. Before she can slam the door, he jumps in beside her. He tries desperately to explain how the stripper must have mistaken him for someone else, but his wife is having none of it. She is screaming at him at the top of her lungs, calling him every name in the book.
      The cabby turns his head and says, ?Looks like you picked up a real bitch tonight, Dave.?

      Ways to Annoy People At The Movies

      Throw popcorn in the air and yell, "It's snowing!"
      Go, "Oooooh..." whenever anyone kisses.
      Clap when the good guy gets killed.
      During the previews, yell, "Can you fast-forward it?"
      Whenever the bad guy is doing something devious, say, "Watch out!"
      Laugh very loudly at all the corny jokes.
      Tell the man selling popcorn that the bathroom is flooding.
      Yell out what is going to happen.
      Wear a cape and when its your turn to get popcorn yell, "I'm Batman! Hahaha!" and run away.
      Say that they cannot sit next to you because you invisible friend already is.
      Dress for every movie as if it were the Rocky Horror Picture Show.
      Use empty chairs next to you as catapults with candy. Aim at specific people behind you and see if you can hit anyone in the back row.
      Wear 3d glasses. Complain loudly how bad the effect are.
      Bring a flashlight. In the middle of the film do shadow puppets on the ceiling.
      Bring a remote control. Complain that you can't change the channel.
      Sit front row, the minute the movie starts run out screaming.
      Every time a character's name is mentioned do the Richmeister. (for a guy named Nick say, the Nickmeister, the Nickenator, Nickarino...)
      Bring a beach ball. Toss it around.
      Try to start a wave.
      Become a bookie. Take bets on who will die first.
      Sit in the back and throw eggs at the projection window.
      Every time someone curses cover your ears and scream, "No profanity!"
      Sing with the theme music.
      Bring and use your own air freshener.
      At the ticket booth, request tickets for really old movies, "I'll have two tickets for the Goonies."
      Throw spit wads on the screen. Try throwing them on the upper part of the screen so they can't get scraped off.>Pass around a collection plate and see if anyone contributes.
      Point a laser pointer at the screen. Give the audience a laser light show.
      Bring a book and a bright light. Start reading the book with the light on. When someone asks you to turn out the light, yell, "Shh, I'm trying to read!"
      Use binoculars. Stare at the audience rather than the movie.
      Bring a Nintendo laser gun. Shoot at the screen.
      Clap loudly every time a person walks into the theater late.
      When someone kicks the back of your chair, scream, "Ahhh, whiplash!"
      Ask what the theater's return policy on popcorn is.
      Ask the person at the ticket window, "Do you work here?"
      Start a standing ovation at the end of the movie.
      Quote all dialogue 4 seconds after it is said on the screen.
      Get up frequently and leave the room while singing "Let's all go to the Lobby to get ourselves a treat"
      Every time there is a gun shot scream, "Hit the floor!", jump on the floor, and cover your head.
      Wear one of those "cat in the hat" top hats.
      Get 3 people together and act like you are Crow, Tom Servo, and Joel from Mystery Science Theater 3000.
      Before the movie starts, stand up, and imitate the Truth commercial saying, "The makers of this film couldn't find any way to make their characters rebellious, rockin`, or cool so instead, they'll just smoke."
      When someone walks by you in the aisle scream, "Ahhhhhh! Bad Touch!"
      Play musical chairs, getting up frequently and moving right next to someone sitting by themself.
      Bring your own beanbag chair and sit in the aisle.
      During a love scene, stand up and run to the screen shouting "Hooters!"
      Before the movie begins, tape fart cusions to various chairs in the theater room.
      Bring a portable air popper, pop your own popcorn.
      Bring a watergun and shoot it at anyone who begins talking.
      Tie a cardboard box around your waist and walk up and down the aisles shouting "Get your popcorn, peanuts!"
      Cough really loudly right at the most important part of the movie, so nobody can here it, like when the killer?s name is going to be said.
      Bring a flashlight and shine it on the walls or ceiling, in advance draw an outline o#*@!uy screwing a chick (or perhaps another guy), then cut
      out the outline and put it in front of the flashlight, so the image can be seen on the wall or ceiling.
      Laugh hysterically during the sad parts in the movie, cry during the funny ones.
      Smuggle in cans of roaches, locusts, ants, and other bugs that can annoy and reproduce quickly. You may even bring in some rats. Then sit in the very back, open the jars, and toss the bugs out on the ground. Since the floor is more slanted in the back the bugs will spread
      throughout the theater faster. Be sure to be the first one to raise and scream "There?s a #*@!roach crawling up my leg!" Then run out into the
      lobby and start yelling "there?s #*@!roaches in here!" Or "This theater is contaminated!" The theater will have to close down and fumigate the
      showroom(s), and after this little "accident" no one will want to go back to the theater anyway!
      Bring a pager or cellphone and set them off every 5 minutes, you can also set off a watch alarm if you have a loud one.
      Say "Shhhhh" every 5 minutes.
      Pass by a room that?s showing a movie you?ve already seen, put your head into the room, and scream the ending.

      Footnote TT..morning see you have jumped in and are on line now ..yep weather is fine today blue skies, wee bit cold but hey thats nothing
      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


        AF March 13th

        Mick, don't you have a job to do??

        #toomuchtimeonyourhands.... LOL
        I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

        They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


          AF March 13th

          MAE Abbers.

          FREEFLY! Yay, how are you my dear, are you popping in or joining our merry gang? Please,please, please stay :l

          Mick that folks on a desert island had me in stitches :H:H

          All good here, busy today out of the blue so no feet up for me.......need the money so really not complaining.
          Takes my mind off missing my son and my new full time nurse is really trying hard to impress and will do fine.

          Still can't believe how this summer is holding, we are officially in a drought, but hey ho tis an ill wind and all that.

 some point you were bound to get it.....and you know 'it' is an awesome place to be. I love never worrying about booze anymore. Any fleeting thoughts make me smile and every day I remember how bad I felt every bloody was HELL. No thank you !!!

          PPQ ...... You are a little Tigger ATM..... So nice to see, glad you are happy.

          Hi to our newest member ITLWVST ......or was it, I am sure it was ILWINS........oh fuck it......Hi Winter and :welcome:

          Hi to you Lav, and thank you for your constancy, it means a lot :h

          Laters peeps



            AF March 13th

            pings...........nope.retired EARLY I HASTEN TO ADD in case you think Im a million years old!!!:H:H:H
            af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


              AF March 13th

              Oi Pingu, you get lost or summink ? :H:H

              Up the page, click on general and no talking to strange men ( like Mick ) :H

              Nice to see you outside the army, you on R n R ?


                AF March 13th

                Greetings Fabbers near and not so far!

                All good here.

                Liked the ice cream truck joke Mick.

                Wishing everyone a safe, sober and magical day/evening.

                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                  AF March 13th

                  mae and :welcome: LTLW - congrats on your af days so far. There's no need to drink when all the fun is here with Methuselah Mick's jokes :H

                  Mick - did you get your Epsom Salts? They're cheap as chips, so should hardly be a dent in your wallet Unforuntaely I don't have a bath, so can't soak in them, unless I buy an extra large basin

                  Hi Kuya - can't believe there's a drought! Good to be keeping busy.

                  TT - Hope you're not still up working this late at night.

                  Spent most of the day with customer support people; very frustrating!

                  Well done on the weight loss Mick - really need to get my finger out re this excessive sugar consumption!

                  :hiya: to everyone. Have fun.


                    AF March 13th

                    Hi Mr G

                    Yeah Blondie, a drought in NZ means it ONLY rained hard once this week ! :H:H


                      AF March 13th

                      MAE ALL...

                      LTLW....morning and welcome to your day 4. You got more guts than me...starting the thread. On day 4 I'd just be sitting here (at 3 in the morning) waiting for Mick. Hah...9 pm was the start of my safe zone as well. Like TT, I got the same question going through my mind...what's the bottle of wine for? And it will make your resolve harder, speaking from personal experience.

                      TT...yup life gets busy doesn't it! So glad you've got friends to talk things out. I found that once I actually verbalized things, they didn't seem so overwhelming. Hope you got your work out of the way quickly and that you're sound asleep right now.

                      Mick...HEY! Where's my coffee!! Man it's hard to handle change! Yup I agree a "devils advocate" makes you see things you might overlook but GIVE ME A BREAK! The other "devils advocate" in my life is the building superintendent. Sometimes his negativity is hard to handle, but I've learned to walk away. Only you would turn my female positivity into a male accomplishment. :H

                      ...yup I seem to have a lot of positive energy these days. Thank dog as it's been awhile. So much for "best laid plans" but busy is good too.

                      ...nice to see you on the daily. Don't let Mick fool you, early retirement was at 64 1/2 years.

                      ...always nice to see you pop in, even if it is for Mick's jokes. Glad everythings good in your world right now.

                      ...pic of the extra large basin would be fun. Now get back to your studies.

                      Going to be a busy couple of days for me. My Garden Guru and I are going to complete the rest of the required documentation for the City Parks final application. We can talk the talk, now just have to see if we can walk the walk.

                      Off to find that elusive cup of coffee...Have a great AF Wednesday all and all to come...PPQP


                        AF March 13th

                        Mick;1477005 wrote: pings...........nope.retired EARLY I HASTEN TO ADD in case you think Im a million years old!!!:H:H:H
                        yeah yeah yeah

                        anyway what am I doing crashing your thread... too much time on my hands... housework avoiding actually and still a dodgy tummy preventing me from going out and having a ball....
                        I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

                        They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


                          AF March 13th

                          Greetings Abbers!

                          I pushed my sickly coughing self out the door this morning & made it thru my Curves workout. Can't believe I'm still feeling out of sorts but I won't let it keep me down too long. I'm way too stubborn for that :H

                          I hope everyone has a fabulous AF Hump day in store
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            AF March 13th

                            ha ...pings..dont go too far ...them purple pants might end up technicolour :H:H:H
                            af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                              AF March 13th

                              just checking in....

                              And doing okay- moving through day 4. But I did think about drinking earlier... I am now headed to a class so AF should be a done deal for today.
                              Good point about the wine. Not sure what I was thinking when I bought it? NOT MUCH probably. Moving on instinct 'wine departemento...' good grief this is a little ridiculous.

                              Question: Was it bad for me to start the thread of the day? Is that bold? I am entirely new and unsure of the etiquette, if there is any? I was in a bit of a rush this morning to get up and out. Wishing strength to all.... (including me!!!!). :h
                              March: 23 days AF, April 26 days AF, May _23_ AF days
                              May 29: back to day 1
                              June: The battle continues......

