Its evening here now and its been a lovely day - 26 degrees celsius. Trouble was that I had a heap of work to do inside. Thursday seems to be becoming curry nite as we have to dash around collecting daughter from drama and then judo - tonight was Indian takeaways (quite healthy ones!).
Mick - please please get the UK weather to heat up just a little bit as I will be there at the end of the month. Looks like this weekend I will have to sort through my winter clothes in preparation for this trip.
Hiya Kuya - sounds like you are very busy too. Question - when you say you are off for a wander before bed - what the hell are you up to?
Hiya also garden queens - Lavande and PPQP! Yes it is great to see some new avatars on the screen - so hope we see lots of you, Winter Lover and Freefly.
Welcome back YahYah. Hi there Pingu!
SF and SL - keep going at what you are doing so well ladies! Yep - cleaning out and sorting is good for the soul. I just can't convince daughter and G. of this view. Anyway - thats their concern and its not worth the energy for me to get too hassled about this.
SL - Yes you have it! We all have our doubts and insecurities and there are times when its truely awful. I do not know how I would react to some extreme disaster. I would hope that reaching for the bottle would not be part of my reaction.
Its too lovely an evening to think of doom and gloom. Its balmy outside, the light is soft and relaxing and from where I sit there is so much bush and so many shades of green- the other night my daughter told me that green is the colour that we humans can detect the most shades of.
Have a fabuluso Thursday and stay safe and warm (except Blondie - gidday! howz things? and Kuya - who is probably splashing around like a nocturnal mermaid right now).
Apologies if I missed one of our regular Abbers but I will catch up with you soon enough! :thumbs: