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af day Friday 15 March

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    af day Friday 15 March

    LTLW...for whatever reason, I too couldn't get onto Drink Tracker at first either. Did manage to eventualy but don't use it. BTW, I think Mick is the driver. Looking forward to more sillies from you :H

    ...well done on the morning shopping trip. Another thing you and LTLW have in common, a good plan. Start of down time...hmm. I think the only thing different I do is plan an unusual or more complicated meal for Friday. Keeps me busy and that way if I don't feel like cleaning up it can wait till Saturday. It will be interesting to see what others have come up with.

    Good news...the City has approved our final application for the Community Garden. Full steam ahead. :yay:

    X-Post...:hallo: Gman and FF...thanks for the definition!


      af day Friday 15 March

      :wavin: G, x-post. Shall go take a peek at Saturday's, thanks. How's the cafe girl thing going
      You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



        af day Friday 15 March

        just had a peek..and a wee play about at it :H
        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


          af day Friday 15 March

          Mick;1478193 wrote: just had a peek..and a wee play about at it :H
          A WEE play about? :H:H


            af day Friday 15 March

            ppqp....................a play about at Saturdays thread!!!!!
            af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


              af day Friday 15 March

              porqoui;1478176 wrote: LTLW...for whatever reason, I too couldn't get onto Drink Tracker at first either. Did manage to eventualy but don't use it. BTW, I think Mick is the driver. Looking forward to more sillies from you :H
              Ah, okay. Thanks for letting me know. I will try again tomorrow. Off to sleep now, very tired for some reason? I am so terribly pleased with managing to control myself for 5 days! Best to keep looking at it as a 'just for today' though. Last time when I started to think long term I somehow lost my drive?
              March: 23 days AF, April 26 days AF, May _23_ AF days
              May 29: back to day 1
              June: The battle continues......


                af day Friday 15 March

                Mick;1478203 wrote: ppqp....................a play about at Saturdays thread!!!!!
                If you say so


                  af day Friday 15 March

                  learningtolovewinter;1478204 wrote: I am so terribly pleased with managing to control myself for 5 days!
                  We are so very pleased for you too :goodjob:


                    af day Friday 15 March

                    scottish lass;1478165 wrote: Question as all enjoy Friday - I used to signal the weekend by starting my wine consumption earlier than week days - but it was a signal for the weekend to begin - how do you kind folks mark the start of down time???
                    Sugar consumption :upset::H
                    Good going there, BTW.

                    And yes, Mick you have to be the Scottish one in Dad's Army (between him and Victor Meldrew...!)

                    Kuya - If I didn't know any better, I'd have said you were LTLW with remarks like those about Mick!!

                    Hi Lav - sorry about your sinus cold - have you tried a really hot curry? Guaranteed to clear the sinuses :H

                    PPQ - can't imagine that cold weather. How do you prepare a garden?

                    YaH - your enthusiasm and excitement for your reno is coming through now! Have a great weekend. Is your daughter joining you?

                    Will head over to today's thread... :hiya:


                      af day Friday 15 March

                      blondie...aye Captain Manwairing we re doooommed




                      whats this about curries good for yer sinuses?what do you do..stick yer hooter in it????:H:H:H
                      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                        af day Friday 15 March

                        Finally Mick, it's nice to put a face to yer posts. Yer a fine lookin auld loon, aye.

                        Just been bimbling with the wanes doon to fair Glesga toon. Seeing a show there. Wis braw, then jumped on a train back wi a few marauding drunks. Lovely.

                        More lampooning with workshops all day tomorrow and then running a half marathon race on Sunday. Better than a piss up in praise of Paddy.


                          af day Friday 15 March

                          :H :H You're on a roll tonight Mick. Isn't it :bedtime:


                            af day Friday 15 March

                            RunningCourage;1478262 wrote: Finally Mick, it's nice to put a face to yer posts. Yer a fine lookin auld loon, aye. :H :H :H

                            Just been bimbling with the wanes doon to fair Glesga toon. Seeing a show there. Wis braw, then jumped on a train back wi a few marauding drunks. Lovely.

                            More lampooning with workshops all day tomorrow and then running a half marathon race on Sunday. Better than a piss up in praise of Paddy.
                            You got that right RC.... Good luck in the race tomorrow...PPQP


                              af day Friday 15 March

                              Hi you went doon toon wi the varicoses did ye?glad ye enjoyed it ..

                              Now heres a belter for ye

                              Question..where did St Patrick come from?

                              He was more than likely from Wales or Cumbria in Britain; he was kidnapped by an Irish Chieftan and sold into slavery.

                              af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                                af day Friday 15 March

                                Think St Paddy must have American connections, you should see the celebrations that occur for him over here - have to be seen to be believed, EVERYTHING turns green, and I mean everything!!! - and no one knows a hoot about the blue day!!!!
                                “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"

