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March Maintenance ~ Week 3

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    March Maintenance ~ Week 3

    Good morning friends,

    It was time to move on to another week so here we go
    Woke to overcast skies & the weather folks talking about something possibly falling from the sky later in the form of rain or snow

    I need to spend some time in my shop today then probably take a nap - exciting life, huh :H

    Wishing everyone a great AF Saturday!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

    March Maintenance ~ Week 3

    Hi Lav, thanks for starting us on week 3! It's a fabulous sunny day here and already 50 degrees. Definitely a day for a nice long walk in the woods.

    Rusty, thanks for responding to my questions. I was surprised that the job was so low paying. I assumed local news people made more than that, they are local celebrities in their own right. And there is so much pressure. Good for you changing careers. It was a smart move.

    Cyn, Pmom, LBH, Star, have a lovely af Saturday.

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


      March Maintenance ~ Week 3

      Posted this yesterday at the end of last week, so re-posting here - happy Saturday all.
      Hello Marchers!
      Dill - happy day 45, is it? I loved your description: "so bright, so windy, so March", which is just how I think of the month. I used to pretend that I was in an Austin novel or something, striding across the moors with hat ribbons flying, pulling my shrug wrap closer about my coat -- in a way, they knew how to dress for this weather!

      Star - so sorry there is more murky weather. In my 25 years in MN, I remember that March/April could be the real heartbreaker. Keep the hot bath filled, and lots of flowers around.

      Lav - so sorry you're still battling this thing. We've had good results here with a concoction of ginger tea, cider vinegar, local honey, and grape seed extract. Dries up all the goo -- if my hb can cope with it and think that it helps, there's something to it!

      Rusty - sorry to be confusing about where we are in the world...we are still in the desert, but last week we had a little run-out to a city 2 hours away for 4 days. Thank god my dogs are happy to be with us wherever we are, and do not mind the car rides. However, my own personal countdown has month from today we head back home to CT, and I can't wait. We'll make several stops on the way home to see family and friends so it will be about a 9 day extravaganza, but if all goes well, we'll see our own plot of earth at the end of the journey. Purgatory is almost over...

      LBH - I finally saw my acupuncturist who used to treat me here in the desert. Get this - in 2 visits she has made a HUGE difference in my rosacea, the fatigue, the joint pain, and several other issues I didn't even know that I had. I asked her about acupuncture for MD, and she said that though it may not reverse it (though it can happen), she has had very good success in stopping its progression. Something to think about! In the meantime, you are a wonderful messenger reminding me to be grateful for everything that I see, and to really 'see' everything.

      PMom - laudable exercise, you go girl.

      Greetings to anyone I missed - must get going on work, but will be thinking of you all today
      to the light


        March Maintenance ~ Week 3

        Cute and Clean Pope Joke

        Good Afternoon, March Friends,:h

        Lav, thanks for starting us on Week 3. I don't know what we would do without you....we would still be in a fugue state... stuck in January!!:H

        Cyn-I am soooo glad the acupuncture treatments have been successful! I have thought of seeing an acupuncturist to get treatments on my neck. Safe travels back to CT.

        Dill, the only media people who make any serious money are in markets like Chicago, NY, LA. Not a single one of my friends whom I went to graduate school with are in the media anymore. They all made the decision I did. Do it for a few years....and then find something more lucrative....especially if you want to have a family. Thank you again for your interest.

        Ok, so everyone knows here that the Catholic church as a new pope. So, I thought you would enjoy this:

        White smoke means there's a new pope.
        Black smoke means there's been no decision.
        Yellow smoke means that one of the cardinals peed into the chimney!:H:H

        That's all the humor I can offer today. Not really....yesterday I felt like I had reached a dark space with the creation and writing of my training manuals. Feeling kind of lost and lonely, I picked up my phone and called my sister, my best friends, and my delightful cousin, whose mother was alcoholic Aunt Rusty. My cousin's laugh and her gentle encouragement was just what I needed. I took a break, worked out, and was clearheaded and enthusiastic once again.

        A warm hello to Star, Pap, LBH (COUGAR), TDN, and friends we haven't seen in a while....Chill, Rustop and Sooty. I MISS YOU GUYS!

        After cleaning this morning, and visiting with my lovely new neighbor, I am ready to get back to the books. I hope everyone is enjoying a peaceful AF Saturday!


          March Maintenance ~ Week 3

          Good morning everyone

          Just thought I would drop by quickly to wish you all a very happy St Patricks Day. Sorry I have been missing in action. A friend of mine ended up in hospital and had to have surgery. It was unexpected and she was worried she would loose her job so I said I would fill in until she is on her feet. It has been all go, go go since. Thinking of all of you who are going through your own problems and hope to be back soon.



            March Maintenance ~ Week 3

            Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!!!

            Feeling great, no big celebration for me, and that's the way I like it. I have decided that I am more of an introvert, and can stop feeling guilty that I like ot be home often, and frequent socializing is not for me. It is a relief.

            Attended a yoga class yesterday morning and it was really good. I hope to go two times a week, as that is all I can spare with my work schedule. I needed a new activity, and this is it.

            Rustop, so kind of you to fill in for your friend. Good to hear from you.

            Rusty, hello to you. Your manual and training program are progressing, moving forward, and that is all due to your persistence and perservence. Nice that you have a great neighbor.

            Dill, we do not have warm weather, lucky you. A walk outside sounds heavenly.

            Lav, your life sounds like a solid, useful, peaceful life, and there is alot to be said for that!

            LBH, hello to you, hope you are doing well.

            CYN, alot of traveling would be hard. I love to travel, just in small bits, though.

            Today, hopefully lots of relaxing, I worked hard and spring cleaned my kitchen yesterday. Laundry done, so a little grocery shopping and then an afternoon of reading. It is so good to feel good, AF and now for me caffeine free. I am sleeping even better and less nervous. Getting up later so not as many posts, but that is OK. Wishing you all peace and relaxation.
            Formerly known as redhibiscus


              March Maintenance ~ Week 3

              Good morning friends!

              Sitting here with my coffee & still coughing
              I assume this funk will go away one of these days.

              Star, you sound great, I'm happy for you!
              You know I actually did go caffeine free for a solid year several years ago. For some strange reason it made absolutely no difference in my life. My B/P remained high, my anxiety & sleeplessness remained the same, it was strange. Of course I was still guzzling wine at the time & depressed as hell. That's all in the past now so I'm happy

              Rusty, glad to hear you are making so much progress with your work. Good for you!
              Any special plans to celebrate your Irishness today? I don't have a drop of Irish in me but may end up making some Irish potatoes

              Rustop, good to see you! How cool that you are able to jump in & help your friend out that way. I don't think I've ever heard of anyone doing something like that.

              Greetings to cyn, LBH, the busy little papmom, Dill & everyone else!
              I see Chill & Papmom most days on Facebook.

              OK, time to go feed these animals & get them out of my face!
              Have a great AF Sunday everyone!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                March Maintenance ~ Week 3

                Happy St Paddy's Day, Marchers!

                Rustop - so good to hear from you! I can't imagine what your corner of Ireland is like today -- you'll have to fill us in on the celebration. So nice of you to help your friend, I hope that you get some rest and recuperation time soon as well.

                Star - you sound so good and centered. Did you read the book 'Quiet'? It has really made a difference for me to understand and value my introverted self, a great help.

                Rusty, congrats on the manual - I too spend long hours writing by myself, and I can get really 'spinny'. I am learning from you good ways to cope with all that. Lav - happy potatoes to you. Being Celtic through and through, I LOVE anything having to do with potatoes. Dill, hope you get your walk in...

                Greetings to all - LBH how does your garden grow? Thinking of you ----
                to the light


                  March Maintenance ~ Week 3

                  Happy St. Patrick's Day!

                  Yes, Cyn, I did get my walk yesterday, but the weather turned very cold and gray seemingly right in the middle of my walk. The temp dropped and the wind grew stronger. Ah, March!

                  Awww, Lav! I wish you could get over that nasty cough! Here's some virtual chicken soup for you...

                  Hi Star, I'm enjoying the Pavilion of Women, but I don't get much time to sit down and read. Love Madam Wu!

                  Rustop, great to see you. Very good of you to help your friend in such a big way. I hope you can settle down and post a bit more often.

                  Rusty, loved the Pope joke!

                  Off to a quiet evening. Gonna try to reflect upon the day and find some things for which I am grateful. Rainbows and Shamrocks count, don't they? I'd be grateful for a pot of gold as well, if I had one!:H

                  Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                  If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                    March Maintenance ~ Week 3

                    HI All, i'm here. Working 2 jobs is keeping me busy as is trying to care for my sick kitty. he seems to have gone on a hunger strike (of course right after I ordered and got delivered $70 worth of the food I thought was the only one he would eat! It was heavily discounted on the web so I thought it was a good gamble. At least my other cat will eat it) and I'm now reduced to force feeding him until we can get to the vet tomorrow nite. I did pick up a premium chicken dinner can today at my demo and he ate more of that than anything all week combined although still not enough to be sustainable. He is also not tolerating the subq fluids anymore which is not good. I fear the end is very near which makes me very sad.

                    Rusty-so happy for you that your writing and consulting are going so well! Keep up the great work!!

                    Rustop-so great to hear from you! How wonderful that you were able to step in for your friend like that! Hope you can check in more often. We miss you!

                    Dill-loved the green font! I'm jealous you have the time for long walks AND that it was warm enough for a while at least to take one!!

                    Lav-please take care of yourself and don't let that bug turn into the big P!!

                    Star-great job on the yoga! Its awesome when we find something outside the house we click with. That's how I feel with quilting and how I used to feel with agility classes. I'd like to feel that way again with agility.

                    Cyn-loving our mini travelogue! I will try my best to get some warm weather to come in to welcome you but it doesn't look good! They are forecasting 10-12 more inches of snow in my area for Tuesday!! Arggghhhh!!

                    Happy St. Paddy's Day or what is left of it to everyone. I wore my green to work and only saw one other person flaunting their Irish (or in my case wanna be). I guess that area isn't a big Irish hub.

                    busy week at work coming up. Consultant here for next 2 days and that is always crammed full and intense. Must get the most out of her for the time she is here LOL!!

                    good nite all!
                    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                    KO the Beast!!


                      March Maintenance ~ Week 3

                      papmom3;1479224 wrote: HI All, i'm here. Working 2 jobs is keeping me busy as is trying to care for my sick kitty. he seems to have gone on a hunger strike (of course right after I ordered and got delivered $70 worth of the food I thought was the only one he would eat! It was heavily discounted on the web so I thought it was a good gamble. At least my other cat will eat it) and I'm now reduced to force feeding him until we can get to the vet tomorrow nite. I did pick up a premium chicken dinner can today at my demo and he ate more of that than anything all week combined although still not enough to be sustainable. He is also not tolerating the subq fluids anymore which is not good. I fear the end is very near which makes me very sad.
                      So sorry to hear about your kitty. I have been dealing with this far too often myself lately. We had 5 adopted pets at one point, and they were all old except one. I finally had the sense to pick a puppy up off the street three years ago and she is miraculously in good health. When i found her I was pretty sure she wouldn't live. Yet, voila! And what a wonderful doggie she is at that.

                      I think you must focus on giving your kitty a dignified end. My mistake has been listening to vets, spending lots of money with little result, and prolonging everyones misery. At one point a vet wanted to remove my old NYC alley kat's ear due to an incurable infection. Huh?

                      We put another of our doggies to sleep about a month and it was me who put my foot down and said 'no, enough already. she is in pain, she is old, let's end all this.' I was the one cooking for her, carrying her out to peep once an hour, making sure she had enough medicine... you know the drill. One thing though, we had a funeral for her and it made us all feel a lot better. I had no idea this was even possible, but it is. We had her cremated and her ashes remain with us, and somehow this is much better then dropping your family member at the vet and never knowing what happened to their body? Brace yourself, it is expensive. But I think it was entirely worth it.

                      Wishing you the best.
                      March: 23 days AF, April 26 days AF, May _23_ AF days
                      May 29: back to day 1
                      June: The battle continues......


                        March Maintenance ~ Week 3

                        Lavande;1478908 wrote: Good morning friends!

                        Sitting here with my coffee & still coughing
                        I assume this funk will go away one of these days.

                        Star, you sound great, I'm happy for you!
                        You know I actually did go caffeine free for a solid year several years ago. For some strange reason it made absolutely no difference in my life. My B/P remained high, my anxiety & sleeplessness remained the same, it was strange. Of course I was still guzzling wine at the time & depressed as hell. That's all in the past now so I'm happy
                        I have had a similar experience giving up coffee. Giving up wine has far more immediate results. I guess the best result giving up coffee for a while was that after I went back to it, I only had 2 cups a day. Easier done in a hot climate though.
                        March: 23 days AF, April 26 days AF, May _23_ AF days
                        May 29: back to day 1
                        June: The battle continues......


                          March Maintenance ~ Week 3

                          Good morning,
                          Pmom I feel for you caring for your ailing kitty and having to keep up your work schedule. It does sound as the the end is near. I'm very sorry.:l

                          Hi LTLW! :welcome: I must say your name has me curious: why are you learning to love winter? Did you move to a norther clime or is winter a reference to one's later years? I like winter, but grew up on Lake Erie in northern Ohio, so am accustomed to it. I can't say I "love" it though! Maybe for about a week or two at Christmas, then I could gladly return to Spring or Fall. Summer, not so much.

                          44 days

                          Happy AF Monday all!

                          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                            March Maintenance ~ Week 3

                            Good morning friends,

                            Spent the night coughing my fool head off
                            Had the humidifier on, had taken the cough syrup & some Benadryl but still coughed. It has to end eventually, right? Going to try to work in a visit to Curves later, hope it doesn't finish me off

                            Dill, we're counting down with you!
                            My countdown to my 4 year anni is 8 days & I'm happy about that.

                            papmom, I hope your kitty is comfortable. Sometimes we just have to bite the bullet & do the right thing for them, as hard as it is to do :l

                            LTLW, nice to see you here. This is another group of steadfastly sober friends. We have traveled thru the months together year after year supporting on another. Hope you are doing well.

                            Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Monday!
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              March Maintenance ~ Week 3

                              Happy Monday, Friends,

                              LTLW:welcome: I am intrigued by your name, and I am asking myself the same things Dill asked you.. We are a loyal group of ladies here, although we didn't intend this thread to be just for ladies.:H I was born and raised in Wisconsin, where I still live, and I used to LOVE winter until I was in my late 30s and didn't sled or downhill ski anymore. Like Dill, a few inches of snow so it's festive around the holidays...and then I could go right to summer. Please tell us a little bit about yourself. We welcome new threadmates.

                              Rustop-so sorry about your friend's surgery but thanks for checking in. I am glad you are able to help her out. Sorry if I seemed like a nag.

                              Lav-Your cold is still hanging on...have you tried the Zicam spray? It worked for me when I had a cough earlier in the month. Wow, your 4 years IS coming up fast...where did the time go. We'll be here to celebrate with you.:h

                              Pap-so sorry you have a sick kitty.:l

                              Star, I hope your funk has lifted.

                              Cyn-I am thrilled the acupuncture is working for you. Thank you for taking the time to explain your x-country journey.

                              Dill-you grew up on Lake Erie....fabulous! I am a water baby but the only Great Lake I've ever jumped in is Lake Michigan.

                              I spent a quiet St. P's Day was very relaxing. Blew off my manuals AGAIN. At the beginning of Mass yesterday, a wonderful elderly gentleman did a solo of "Danny Boy." It sure got the day started on the right path.

                              After a day of sunshine, it has started to snow again.....well, I guess I'll HAVE to finish those manuals today. I have no excuse.

                              Big hellos to Ladybirdheart (LBH), Sooty, and TDN....thinking of all of you.

                              Have a fabulous AF Monday!

