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March Maintenance ~ Week 3

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    March Maintenance ~ Week 3

    Good morning kids!

    Guess we should start week 4, huh?

    Woke up to snow here too Star & it's still coming down. Hoping the roads remain clear as I need to get myself out & back into a somewhat normal routine.
    My DIL has to return to her classes & internship this week so several of us will be caring for the kids. I hope we are all up to giving Will the care & motivation he needs to get moving again. I know I'm ready

    Star, I found a hot yoga studio while on my drives back & forth to the hospital. It's located in a very expensive section of northern Delaware so I imagine it's an expensive class. I am happy with my Curves membership for now & can dig out some yoga DVDs that are sitting around here if I feel like a change

    Papmom, sorry about the leak in the Paphut
    Do you have an RV dealership nearby? I'm thinking about a place that we bought a used pop-up camper from years ago. They sold all sorts of replacement parts there as well. Maybe you could get some ideas from a place like that.

    Greetings to Dill & everyone!
    Have a great AF Monday & don't let the snow mess up your day!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      March Maintenance ~ Week 3

      ?I once heard a sober alcoholic say that drinking never made him happy, but it made him feel like he was going to be happy in about fifteen minutes. That was exactly it, and I couldn?t understand why the happiness never came, couldn?t see the flaw in my thinking, couldn?t see that alcohol kept me trapped in a world of illusion, procrastination, paralysis. I lived always in the future, never in the present. Next time, next time! Next time I drank it would be different, next time it would make me feel good again. And all my efforts were doomed, because already drinking hadn?t made me feel good in years.?
      ― Heather King, Parched

      Feeling good today though, and for real. Not an illusion.

      No school today due to weather, so day 39 was quite easily done! On to 38! I enjoyed the suspension of time that comes with a "snow day". No hurry, no stress, nothing to accomplish and the day was simply and with clarity, enjoyed.

      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


        March Maintenance ~ Week 3

        Hi, Maintainers. I am so glad Will is on the mend, what an ordeal for such a wee boy and for all who love him. I have followed along almost every day but am saving my eyes a bit to do the business end of life. Today I actually had my own turn at drama, I am feeling good now but over the past week I developed a rapid heart rate and blood pressure at levels really bad for my macular degeneration. At first I thought it to be anxiety over my eyes but I also had never (after multiple efforts) had my effective blood pressure medication carried over to the new health plan, the new primary insisted on trying a different one and I guess the trial failed the rest of the way after she then doubled it last Monday. You will enjoy this however (the ending that is)?I was so uncomfortable overnight ("resting" pulse 120?BP with medication 160/110) that this morning with my pulse pounding in my ears and lots of chest pressure and shortness of breath I went to an emergency room. I was shivering and clammy and the staff were wonderful, giving me a million tests (I was there for five hours) and medications that made everything come into normal including my emotions. I was thin and strong, very confusing. Now the good part. The ER doctor (who it seems has a miraculous combination of science, heart, and BALLS), tried to call my primary before the end of my ER admission, was on hold for twenty minutes, and then WALKED through the parking lots to the other side of the complex, through the maze of bureaucracy, through doors and more doors and into her office. She was having lunch. I got an appointment fifteen minutes later, I could barely make it still attached to all sorts of cords and with a bill to pay. So I MAY be getting my old medication after all. I already have a denial from the pharmacy in an email regarding a new procedural error. It would certainly have been easier to do it in the first place, even the INSURANCE company wanted to provide it, they just need the form filled out. OK one last greeting to all, I can relate to parties and moving by them more quickly, dear Pap, it is easier just to be; you are almost down to 30 Dill, so meaningful to me; and I loved your quote!; I see you are "flexible" Star, I always wondered about your secret at not getting bent out of shape; Cyn, et. al hello. You will like this visual image?On Friday I had lunch with a stern tall beautiful Israeli hippie in her seventies (it happens...); a stocky spiked hair much younger adorable Hispanic lesbian from a wild old local barrio neighborhood, she looked like a tree stump all dressed up in Roswell Alien Landing stuff. I looked cute also. Love, Ladybird.
        may we be well


          March Maintenance ~ Week 3

          Good Evening Friends,

          Wow, shouldn't we be on Week 4?:H Sorry I have been training manuals are FINALLY done! I feel like I need a vacation now.:H But I worked with my new client who is located about an hour and a half from my house....a really soft-spoken, gentle guy...a true gentleman.

          Lav, your 4-year anniversary is tomorrow. Can't wait to celebrate with you. I'm so glad Will is on the mend. I am with you on having him get a neurological exam. Your nursing background comes in so handy in so many ways....I hope your son and DIL show their appreciation for the time you devote to your grandchildren.

          Dill-that quote is one of my favorites...and for me, at the end of my drinking career....I used AL to procrastinate and to NOT deal with unpleasant and arduous business tasks. I am thrilled that you got a "get-out-of-jail-free-card" today with your snow day.

          Pap-I read your post about tearing up when your new boss paid you that of-so-deserved compliment about your hard work and competence.:goodjob: I am happy for you. Good luck with the paphut repairs.

          Star-Your party sounded like it was so much fun. I agree with you....I like to leave the party when I'm still having fun....those are the best parties. And dancing....oh, I love to dance!! I never tire of it.

          LBH-what a horribly frightening experience...and, a doctor who actually has the b*lls to challenge another doctor.:wow::yay: I died laughing when you talked about your luncheon date with the adorable Hispanic lesbian dressed in Roswell Alien Landing gear. I bet you looked smashing....but what may I ask, was the outfit du jour? Wait, wait, wait. I have it: A miniskirt made from arroyo bark, a cami made of aloe vera leaves, and a pair of go-go boots you found buried in LordBirdHeart's closet because he secretly has a shoe and boot fetish? Just once, just ONCE, I wanna go to lunch with you (well, actually more than just once) because my friends and acquaintances, in their most extreme fantasies, couldn't be more fascinating than you and your friends.

          Big hellos to everyone I didn't mention. Hope you're having a lovely AF evening.


            March Maintenance ~ Week 3

            Hi there Dill, LBH & Rusty!

            Nice you had a snow day Dill & enjoyed some peaceful time

            LBH, you absolutely amaze me!
            I am happy that your medical emergency was handled swiftly & efficiently. That stuff tends to scare people out of their wits. I hope your PCP learned something important today.
            I wish there was someone with a camera following you around when you meet with your friends. I am picturing a very colorful table of lunching ladies :H :H

            Rusty, isn't it amazing how much we can actually accomplish with a clear head?
            Glad your new client is a good one.

            Stopped by to check in on my patient today. He is improving a little each day but I won't be happy until he is up on his feet & causing havoc as usual. Hopefully that will be soon.

            Have a great night one & all.
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              March Maintenance ~ Week 3

              Good morning all...

              More snow today!! We are really in IT, whatever IT is. Purgatory from spring, maybe? Made it through yesterday with a bright blazer and cool boots. I'll do whatever it takes to make it though this disappointing weather.

              Rusty, glad you completed your manual. What a lot of work. I received the go ahead to do the extra work at work, lucky me. I'm up for a challenge, along with my usual duties.

              Dill, lovely quote, so true. Alcohol drains me, if that makes sense. Waiting for the fun to start can be a long wait. Lucky you to have a snow day. Hey, did you finish Pavilion of Women? I have had little time to read, but want to pick up more Pearl Buck books.

              LBH, loved the ER doctor story, he sounds like a healer!!! I hope your regular doctor gets you the mediciine you need. I went to the doctor last week, first physical in years, and was criticized, hurt, and insulted. Warned about juicing, told to get a bunch of tests I don't need, then roughly examined and hurt for two days. My blood pressure was perfect, and I feel great. What is wrong with our medical doctors? I would love to find somebody who cares, listens, and follows through. I also had to wait, and for no reason. Love your warrior attitude and send you strength.

              Lav, so I can see reasons you no longer want to nurse if you have to work with uncaring, callous individuals. You are caring and competent, your grandson will get the best of care. Just make sure to take care of yourself. Four years AF is a great accomplishment!!!!

              Pap, hello, hello, enjoy your day.

              Off to have breakfast, then pick out something cheerful to wear to work. Be well, do good work, stay in touch. (Copying NPR).
              Formerly known as redhibiscus

