Kuya- Glad you are finding the quitting fags easier than the booze. Maybe it helps that smoking is such a no-no now and very uncool. I have yet to see attractive stands of fag boxes in the fruit and vege section and doubt that I will on my lifetime! But I suspect its also because of your Kuya-ite resolve to stop.
Mick - is the weight loss and fitness for health or beauty or both? Sounds like you have a plan that works for you and you are being sensible. Will all add to a great summer as well if you are fit and healthy.
(just as a personal aside - I have always wondered why people weigh themselves daily because many peeps, esp pre- menopausal women, have huge daily fluctuations in weight because of fluid retention and hormones. I was a daily scales jumper in a former life and it only led me to grief and eating disorders. Talk about destroying homes - my food disorders caused more pain to loved ones than my boozing did. In fact I think the food deception set in train for me destructive patterns that later worked for AL abuse).
TTLW, Mick, FF and the rest of you Abbers up there in the North! Stop the Snow! I am dreading the cold that I will hit in the UK in a week's time. Bring on the butterflies and spring things.
Lavande - what a week for you and your grandson. Hope he is home for the weekend and you get some relaxing time.
Pauly - we know all about hayfever over here. I have lived with people who got it real bad and altho they were on anti-histamines its still soooo tiring and can make you a No. 1 grouch. AL does not help as you know - it may mask the symptoms but ultimately it all goes in the mix.
Det - great to see you zooming around on the boards again!
Catbuddy - well soon you will be hooked up for your sleep test. We are all intrigued to know what this is like. How the hell do you sleep in all of that?
SL - hope you are gearing up for the weekend and keeping the positive feedback going. You can do this and you can do the trip back to Jockland AF.
SF - great that you had a break too. Hope the weekend is still fun.
Blondie - pizza sounds yum. I did vege burgers (from a packet) and my own spicy cubed potatoes last night. Also made my daughter a lemon cake - yes, the guilts are setting in for me about going away soon. I love travelling and the break from being a domestic goddess but I hate being separated from my girl and G. Esp the girl. Sorry this rant is all about me.
PPQP - are you getting any time off from your busy work this weekend? Any AA meetings coming up? Is AA helpful to you?
YahYah - well done on keeping to your quit. You know the drill and trip-ups and tricks for old players!
BHOG - don't know much about your circumstances but hi there. I see you are in Utah. How bad is AL abuse in that state? Can you get lots of help for quitting booze?
FF - keep on with your resolve and say NO NO NO. "I don't drink that scummy liquid poison anymore."
Any news from Patrice and Teezah? I enjoyed their input but they have gone quiet of late.
I had better run away before the hyperboles and mixed metaphors take over. Its now daylight here - a sort of misty grey day so far but in NZ the weather can change really really quickly.
Super sober silly Saturday to all!