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Monday 26 March

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    Monday 26 March

    Good morning everyone!

    I hope you are all well and happy after the weekend! Onya Popeye! You did really well!!!

    I had the kind of weekend where I had to find strength I didn't know I possessed! It was soooo hard not to have wine!!!! I JUST WANTED IT!!! I had to really get my head around why I am doing this and really realise that I have the choice. Have wine... don't have wine. Take the consequences (good or bad). I ended up choosing not to have wine (G-d knows how) and now I have the good consequence........ feeling great today.

    On Sunday, instead of obsessing about buying a bottle of wine I packed the kids and dog up and headed off for the beach. My husband was busy with his "man" things in his "man shed" so it was just us. We walked so far along the beach we discovered a really exciting expanse of rocks with little rockpools all over. It was beautiful. The kids were so excited. We found some really beautiful shells and even brought a hermit crab home. Now, if this had been a normal, in my past life (two weeks ago), Sunday, husband and I would have been sitting outside drinking wine. Nothing would have been done or discovered. Instead, we had a lovely afternoon out, came home and cooked a really nice Mexican meal which we all shared, got all organised and woke up this morning fresh as a daisy, all ready for the new day. As I was driving to school this morning my head felt clear, the sun was shining and I felt really really happy!

    Up until two weeks ago I would have just written Mondays off.

    PS Still haven't actually worn my groovy new Slazenger walking gear....but the thought's there.

    Monday 26 March

    Good Morning Bluebell and All to come.

    That's exactly the kind of story to get up to on a Monday.
    I hope you all have a good one.


      Monday 26 March

      42 days AF. 42 = Life, the Universe and Everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Well done BB - you champion - talk about moving in the right direction - brilliant you!

      Howdy pops, hope you are fit and well.


      "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


        Monday 26 March

        Morning to all,

        Bluebell, I could have cried for you when I read that sentence,

        As I was driving to school this morning my head felt clear, the sun was shining and I felt really really happy!

        I have had that feeling so many times now, I know exactly how you feel... Lock that feeling into your brain, then next time you feel tempted, take it out and relive those sensations, remember how you felt, its a great deterrent.. Also, what a wonderful Sunday you had with your children, good for you...

        Hope everyone has a wonderful week,

        Love, Louise xx
        A F F L..
        Alcohol Free For Life


          Monday 26 March

          Louise.... it's locked in.

          You will have no idea how much that has helped me. Thank you.



            Monday 26 March

            its exactly how i want to feel next monday. I will carry that thought with me during the week. congratulations.


              Monday 26 March

              Hello Bluebell. That is lovely to hear what a productive wknd you have had. Let there be many more of thoses to come! B


                Monday 26 March


                What a way to spend the beach...!! I just I had that luxury here....(roll on summer, so I can go to the park).

                And what a great feeling to get up on a Monday morning with no hangover.

                Well done. x


                  Monday 26 March

                  Bluebell - how wonderful to be able to go to the beach - so jealous!

                  Personally, it was the first weekend of Spring soccer for me... I play on Saturday & Sunday leagues, and we had our first scrimmages this past weekend. Since I felt great (first time playing without a hangover in a WHILE) I got very ambitious and ran around like an idiot. Although every muscle in my body is ridiculously sore, I feel really refreshed and ready to go for the first Monday in quite some time!

                  Hope everyone has a great day!



                    Monday 26 March

                    Morning All!

                    Glad to see that everyone is having a hangover free morning! Lovely isn't it?

                    Going with my mother this afternoon to get gifts to put in the kids' Easter baskets. Won't go over board this yr because I'm sober & won't forget where I hid things or bought too much that nothing will fit in the baskets. This yr it will be well thought out & organized!

                    Have a Magnificent Monday!
                    :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                      Monday 26 March

                      Good job Bluebell:goodjob: Hope everyone has a great Monday.
                      Enlightened by MWO


                        Monday 26 March

                        Good job everyone, and welcome Limers!
                        Nearest hangover here is miles away
                        Just nursing my swollen knee back to health and getting ready to drive to Vegas tomorrow for 5 nights. There's a slippery place to take a trip! But I'll be fine. I KNOW I will.
                        Be well, happy Monday!!!!
                        nosce te ipsum
                        (Know Thyself)


                          Monday 26 March

                          What fabulous threads to log on to yesterday (thanks Popeye for starting it) and today - thanks BlueBell! And Weemelon - you brighten up every thread!

                          Many congrats to everyone for your achievements - it is good to be alive isn't it? I had a friend work on our bikes yesterday so they're up and ready to use - it's also my daughter's 18th birthday today so special times - everything you said about your time with the kids rang so true, BlueBell - since stopping drinking we have done so much more - and I remember it!

                          Wishing you all a great week and sending out lots of :l till next time.
                          :rays: Arial

                          Last first day - 15th April 2012
                          Days 1-7 DONE
                          Days 8-14 DONE
                          Days 15-21 DONE
                          30 days DONE
                          60 days
                          100 days

