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March Maintenance ~ week 4

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    March Maintenance ~ week 4

    Welcome to week 4!! Thanks for the nudge, Rusty! :H

    :bday3::clapclap:Happy 4 Year Anniversary, Lav!:groupluv::wave:

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

    March Maintenance ~ week 4

    LBH, so glad to hear from you. I was on the verge of PMing you as I was growing concerned. I started yesterday and then told myself to give it one more day. You would have been hearing from me today if you hadn't posted. I am really sorry you went through all that! Thank goodness for your ER doc having the heart to go the extra! I have had bouts of rapid heart beat. It's awful. I ended up in the ER several years back thinking I was having a heart attack but it turned out to be super ventricular tachycardia. Treatment was plunging my face in ice water! Not fun. Anyway, that was likely brought on by too much wine the night before. Also I had eaten chocolates and then in the morning several cups of coffee. The doc asked about what I'd eaten and had I had any alc, you know the questions. I lied of course....'just a couple of glasses' the night before. Yeah, right. Anyway, I can relate to your experience, but yours must have been made much worse by the worries about your eyes! Please rest and be well.

    Rusty, well done on the training manual! I am terribly impressed:wave: I have been missing your posts, but I understand how life can get in the way.

    Lav, I can't believe we've been together here for four years. You have been a leader and an inspiration throughout that time. It's been great to see you throw off the chains and become your true self over this time. Well done, little sister!:h

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


      March Maintenance ~ week 4

      Good morning sister Dill & everyone :H

      Up early this morning (Matilda's idea, not mine) but it's just as well.
      I am going to treat myself to a fun day with my daughter & grandaughter. No work, no worries for me today. I love a day with just the girls

      March has gone quickly even though the weather has been less than desirable. I'm sure April will be a big improvement for all of us.

      Star, I have purposely sought out nurse practioners over the years simply because they are more 'human' & tend to be good listeners
      I see one for my primary care & another for gyn care. They are much more open to alternative therapies & I have never gotten into an arguement with either one of them. My daughter found a naturopath last year who spent one hour talking to her about her symptoms, offered her advice re eliminating wheat & gluten & cured her crippling arthritis symptoms in just a few days without a single lab study or pill! He really quieted her fears as well ~ well worth the $100 cost for the visit.
      Just a few ideas for you

      Thanks for the congrats everyone - I am so happy to be here & surrounded by such good company.
      Life is good!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        March Maintenance ~ week 4

        Happy Number Four, Nurse Lav. You have been such a sweetheart, encouraging, steadfast, and kind. I am not certain I would still be here if not for you, you have never given up on me even when you wanted to wring my neck. I love you. We all do. I love hearing about your day, about Curves and gluten free vegan food and computers that sew and adult children and grandchildren and a complex peripheral man and a rich inner life filled with color and grace. Live happy and long. Ladybird.
        may we be well


          March Maintenance ~ week 4

          Thank you LBH!
          I am so happy you are riding this sober bus with us.
          Take good care of yourself & keep us entertained with your fun friend stories :l
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            March Maintenance ~ week 4

            :yay::happy::disco:CONGRATULATIONS, LAV! YOU ROCK!!!

            I posted on your Congratulations Thread. I am filled with gratitude and Lavinitude that you NEVER gave up on me, especially when I had given up on myself. You always emailed me and asked how I was doing, even when I didn't want to respond....not always because of drinking, just because of that lingering feeling of self-doubt. I didn't want to admit that I was feeling vulnerable, scared, etc. Thank you with all my heart for being the beloved and venerable herald of your thread.




              March Maintenance ~ week 4

              Aw golly geez Rusty!
              I love you too, thanks
              Keep up the good work girlfriend!!!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                March Maintenance ~ week 4

                Good morning...

                Hey, Lav, congrats on the four years, and thank you so much for all your support. As I have noted in the past, you have positively influenced me in so many way...websites, vegan cooking, staying the course, and now help with finding a humane health care practitioner. This thread is part of my life and so are you. It has been a beautifull thing to to watch us all evolve through this thread!!

                To all, have a great day!!
                Formerly known as redhibiscus


                  March Maintenance ~ week 4

                  Good morning kids

                  Thank you Star, I am happy that some of my ramblings have helped you along the path
                  It's no secret I have strong feelings about our healthcare system after nearly 30 years, who wouldn't? I cannot change the system myself so I searched & searched for the best alternatives I could find. You really have to find people you are comfortable talking to & who will listen & be responsive to your needs. Thank God for Google, it can be a very useful search tool.

                  I have a full morning of business & Curves then i'm watching grandsons from 3-8pm. As of yesterday Will was still not standing or walking so I am going to see if I can't get him into action, just a little.

                  Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Hump day!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    March Maintenance ~ week 4

                    Happy (belated) Anniversary, Lav!!! I add my voice to the dozens and dozens here on these pages whose lives you have changed...through comfort, challenge, example, and of course, Lavanitude. Bless You.

                    I was just finishing a long post last Saturday when my computer decided to re-boot. I didn't have time again to get back until this morning. It's been wildly busy here, unexpected guests on Thursday that took up the day, step-daughter arrived Friday morning and I have been doing my best to give her a good vacation week, Passover feast on Monday evening, a trip into the saguaro-land yesterday, and in between; taxes, writing, writing, research, and taxes.

                    LadyWarriorHeart - what a frightening episode, thank goodness you were able to tell us a happy ending. And doesn't it just make your heart sing when professionals step up and get to the bottom of inefficiency and stubbornness? Hope you are on the mend now, and that the meds do their job. At the very least your colorful friends can distract you! (I like Rusty's imaginings of your outfit)

                    Star, PMom, et al - congrats on keeping up your spirits with this prolonged winter weather, darn. Hope you see fleurs soon. Rusty, love hearing your voice, you sound good and centered (in a fun Rusty sort of way!) Dill - what's the count today? I'm excited for you. RE: coffee on the road trip, I really do suggest the Starbucks Italian roast packets. Good in a pinch, even an Amoco gas station has hot water...

                    Shout out to everyone; hello Chill and Kas, if you are reading this. Sooty, would love to hear your voice. TDN, you OK?

                    Lav, I don't believe I started right at the beginning with you and Dill in the Newbies Nest, but by summer or September of that year, I was falling into step with you all. What a rich time this has been, and thanks for helping us keep track of the years and the changes in all our lives.
                    to the light


                      March Maintenance ~ week 4

                      I did post on the other thread, Lav, but wanted to congratulate you here, too. You have always been so kind and supportive, and have helped me so very much. I can't thank you enough for hat you do for everyone here. I'm so happy that you had a nice day with your "girls!" Wonderful!

                      I have been reading some, but need to catch up. Have had a hard time lately with having to say goodbye to my wonderful old dog. That happened on Monday--sent him to the Rainbow Ridge--but so hard eading up to it, and now trying to just remember the good times. IToday, while on the road for my job, drove right by the shelter where I got him 11 1/2 yrs ago. I'm glad they were closed, as I would have gone in and made a crying fool of myself. And our one remaining dog, ho came from the same shelter had to have his physical, rabies shot bood titers, and teeth cleaning today. They had to extract two teeth. I take no responsibilty for this, as Mr TDN was sure his teeth were fine. I almost lost it when he told me that he told our vet that 'we" were embarrased. Hmm. . .my vet knows him and knows the truth.

                      Anyway, will be back posting soon.

                      Hugs to all.

                      "One day at a time."


                        March Maintenance ~ week 4

                        OMG! I can't believe I missed Lav's big day!! Well, I guess technically we have all year to celebrate

                        Lav, I'd like to echo what everyone else has said. You are the rock of this thread and without you, a number of us, maybe all of us, would have lost our way a long time ago. I know that after a number of years of being AF its very tempting to stop posting and just "get on with life". I for one am eternally grateful that you continue to share your daily life with us and that you continue to help the newbies along and prop up those who have fallen a bit. I sincerely hope that many years from now, I will continue to log on daily and see your name as having to post. I also really really hope and dream we can meet one day!
                        Hope you had a wonderful day with the wee ones and that under your gentle prodding Will started to become more active.

                        Rusty-whoo hoo! the manuals are done!! What a load off your mind! Now you can welcome spring without reservation!!! So happy to hear your new client is such a nice person.

                        LBH-what a scare and a nightmare you went through this weekend! If not for that superhero of an ER doc I fear we might have lost you!! You deserve a written apology from that PCP of yours and I truly hope you can find a new one even tho I totally get how hard that is. We need you around for as long as you care to be with us!

                        Star-spring is almost here I just know it! Glad you had a nice colorful blazer to go walking in. We should all take a lesson from you!

                        Dill-it's getting so close! I'm so excited for you! Hope the snow has ended for the season!!

                        TDN-I'm so sorry about the passing of Rusty on Monday. I totally understand what you are going through right now. Heap the love onto Dirty Harry-he's lonely too. Please start to post regularily. I sense you need the support right now, maybe more than ever. :l

                        Well, it's been a busy week so far. Busy weekend, work is ramping up and will get crazier but that's the way I like it. Old Kitty is holding his own. Seems to be tolerating the meds well and eating better. He's not tolerating the subqs however. I'm lucky if I get 25ml in him. Not sure how else to do it so he doesn't get so uncomfortable. I'm already warming the lines in warm water. I'll just soldier on I guess.
                        Last nite at quilting I made 3 out of 18 blocks for my nephew's quilt and picked out the most darling material for a quilt for the paphut. Can't wait to get started on it but know I have to finish my neph's quilt first. i bought the material now because stuff goes fast in her store and I didn't want to lose out.

                        I am really looking forward to the rest of the snow melting and being able to get outside again.

                        Hope everyone has a great nite!
                        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                        KO the Beast!!


                          March Maintenance ~ week 4

                          Good morning to all...

                          Lav, goodyou can see Will and what is going on...sometimes healing takes time, but how scary with a little guy. Loved the accolades to Lav, hope you did too!!! Thanks for being you!

                          Pap, what a full life, pleased that Kitty is holding their own, the quilts sound beautiful. I don't know how you do it, with two jobs. I have been going in early, just this week, and feel exhausted.

                          Leaving this weekend to visit my daughter and husband. The weather is supposed to be warmer, in the 50s, and sunny. I need that warmth and light.

                          To all, have a great weekend if I don't have time to get online. Happy Easter
                          Formerly known as redhibiscus


                            March Maintenance ~ week 4

                            Hello Marchers,
                            Cyn, thanks for the reminder about the Starbucks Italian roast. I'll pick some up today! In answer to your question, I have 36 more days. But the countdown is on hold because I officially start my Spring break today. I am really looking forward to this trip although the drive is arduous. Walking down memory lane: I remember when you joined us. I remember you posting and then kind of disappearing then reappearing and I remember welcoming you back. I felt a real connection to you instantly. Wasn't your avatar a purple iris? I started out with a deep blue coffee mug....

                            Lav, how is Will? You have me concerned that he was not up and active at all as of yesterday's post. How is he today?

                            Star, I have little time to sit down and read, so even though I truly enjoy Pavilion of Women, I am just over half way thru. The threads in Madame Wu's tapestry are starting to unravel and it seems so is she at this point in the story. I'm anxious to see what develops next, especially in relation to the Brother Andre character.

                            Pmom, I'm glad things are ticking up at work for you, keeping you active and happy and making the days pass much more quickly. Hope your kitty keeps on improving. You sure do make a good nurse!

                            Hello TDN, where have you been? I'm with Pmom: please post more often!

                            Today will be a good day of trip preparations. We leave early tomorrow morning. I'll be in touch even though travelling, just not sure how regularly.

                            Be well everyone, especially you, dear LBH!:h

                            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                              March Maintenance ~ week 4

                              Good morning friends,

                              Up before sunrise again thanks to Ms Matilda. Don't know what's up with her these days, oh well.

                              I did my 5 hr babysitting stint yesterday & I have to say ~ it was not easy. EB was on a sugar buzz as he had just has his Easter party at preschool
                              Will was miserable because he had missed his nap (because of his brother's school activity). All he wanted to do was sit on the sofa & play with my iPad, refused to eat dinner, refused any attempts on my part to get him moving a little. My DIL did say that he was standing for a little while, playing with the train table at his brother's school. Oh boy, this is going to be a long haul

                              Greetings Cyn, Papmom, TDN & Star! I'm happy to see all of you & glad you are well.
                              Have a nice & safe weekend trip Star. The snow is long gone around here Papmom so there is hope for you as well

                              I need to figure out what I am cooking for dinner Sunday. Everyone will be here except my son who will be working. I am not dealing with ham, etc - no one wants to do all that heavy eating anymore which is fine with me.
                              Have a good AF Thursday everyone!

                              Cross post Dill!
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

