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March Maintenance ~ week 4

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    March Maintenance ~ week 4

    Woke up freakishly early as my son's cell phone alarm was left upstairs. Grrrrrrrrr. But it gives me a chance to visit with all ofyou.

    Lav, wishing little Will a quick recovery. Let us know what you prepare for Easter...I am not into ham at all....

    Dill, I understand about not having time to read. I love the way Ms. Buck creates a character, rich, many is really a great story. So glad we can share it. I have no book buddies in my life. Currently I am rereading Mexico by James Michener...since I am going their next week for my 30th anniversary trip. I want to reread a great book.

    LBH, hope you are feeling well. Stop in any time you can.

    Off to eat breakfast, have a great weekend.
    Formerly known as redhibiscus


      March Maintenance ~ week 4

      Well Good Morning once again friends!

      I hope everyone is doing well
      I'm up early once again......need to have a serious talk with Ms Matilda about this :H
      I'm off to Curves then back here to do some dairy free, gluten free baking for Sunday! I'm going to make those strawberry cupcakes again, they were so good I have a few new recipes I'm going to try out as well.

      I hope everyone has a great AF Friday!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        March Maintenance ~ week 4

        Cross post Star - good to see you!
        I found a recipe for turkey cutlets with rhubarb chutney for Sunday. You can look for it on Healthy Recipes, Healthy Eating, Healthy Cooking | Eating Well

        I hear youo about being up way too ealy :H
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          March Maintenance ~ week 4

          Good Morning. I am starting to feel myself again physically and emotionally?thank goodness, I didn't realize what a mess I was until I started to get better. I hope little Will is right there with me coming back into life. I didn't know you will be going to Mexico, Star. I love Mexico. No matter what you hear virtually ALL of it still does not require body guards armed with machine guns, but I do avoid my graduate school vacation haunts along the borders where I used to go for what was among the world's best inexpensive hotels and the world's best inexpensive food and the world's best beach camping. I hope one day they come back. There really is a mean gang war now but it is easy to pop over it to the central beauty or to more isolated or enclaved resorts and beaches. It is actually a good place to find caring health providers so unlike the abusive imbecilic behavior you encountered. I can't tell you how sorry I am you had to endure that. I think the folk art of Mexico is also some of the most amusing and sweet ever...and timely?wonderful Easter pieces of the Last Supper, everybody eating huge slices of watermelon. Mexico City has wonderful art museums, transforming. Love to all, Ladybird.
          may we be well


            March Maintenance ~ week 4

            Greetings Marchers,
            I'm road weary but wanted to check in before turning in!

            Star, I did not know you were going to Mexico! That's exciting. I never read Michener's Mexico. I'll put that on my list. I will have so much more time to read very, very soon. It is fun sharing a good book, isn't it.

            Lav, I'm going to check out the turkey cutlets recipe. It sounds delicious. I am not cooking this Easter since I am traveling, but I myself DO like a good old-fashioned bone-in ham. If I were home, that's what I would make. Mmmmm. with asparagus and yams.....

            LBH, I am so happy to hear your are feeling better. Recovering from illness or injury really does make one appreciate simple good health. It's easy to take it for granted. I wish I could have adventured with you in Mexico back in the day.

            I'm in Nashville right now, just staying the night. This is our half-way point. Tomorrow we are on to New Orleans. My son is house-sitting so I don't have to worry a bit about Tessa. That's so nice.

            Be well, everyone.

            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


              March Maintenance ~ week 4

              Hello Friday Maintainers -

              Wishing you Bon Voyage, Star and Dill - I hope your travels are safe and you find beautiful things to see, hear, and do. Happy 30th, Star!! How wonderful that you are celebrating with a trip.

              Lav - I hope little Will starts to come around...if anyone can do it, I imagine you can. Turkey cutlets with rhubarb chutney, that sounds wonderful, and the rhubarb chutney sounds very spring-y. Let us know how it turns out!

              TDN - so VERY sorry about the loss of your dog. It never ever gets any easier, and is for me always a load of grief that takes time to wade through to the other side. Pap - glad that kitty is doing better, but sounds like a bit of a trial, you are kind to work so hard. Wishing you warm days to melt away the snow.

              LBH - I hope your return to feeling better continues to grow, it must feel like a delicate crocus coming up out of the snow...

              If you are an observer of Holy Week, I wish you a good Good Friday, and happy AF Friday as well...
              to the light


                March Maintenance ~ week 4

                X-post, Dill! Glad your journey is going well - if I remember correctly, there is a Whole Foods on a western exit off of 40 which was a life-saver for us when we did our x-country trip. Funny how life-lines appear bigger-than-life when traveling.

                Star and Dill, I would love to be in a book club, maybe here on the thread? Problem is, I only read about 5 minutes at night before I fall asleep with the book open, or find it doing a little flippy dance trying to stay printed-side-up...
                to the light


                  March Maintenance ~ week 4

                  Good morning friends!

                  It may be Spring but waking up to 28 degrees is not great
                  The weather is just ridiculous.

                  Happy travels Dill, hope you enjoy your visit with your daughter

                  Greetings Cyn!
                  I hope you are experiencing warmer days

                  I remain concerned about my grandson but determined to 'push' him along as much as I can. Until he is seen by someone who can put a name on what is going on with him & recommend appropriate therapy I am going to be his therapist. I put the ipad away last night & pulled him off the sofa to sit/lie on the floor for 30 minutes last evening. He wasn't a bit happy about it but that's OK. I figured he would at least make some attempts to move around a little once he was on a firm surface & he did. I told my DIL that she needs to do this with him at least 3-4X/day - she agreed.

                  OK, I'm off to go feed the zoo
                  Wishing everyone a great AF Saturday! LBH, so glad to hear you are feeling better!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    March Maintenance ~ week 4

                    Greetings from New Orleans!

                    We're having an awesome time visiting with our grandson. Also, seeing my daughter's new wine shop for the first time. She has done a fantastic job with it and it is doing well. Ironic, is it not, that she should own a wine shop. If she only knew how much damage I could do to her bottom line if left to my own devices there! LOL!

                    Cyn, I was in the situation this morning where my only coffee option was the motel lobby. I'm pretty sure they made the coffee with yesterday's dish water. Blecchh!! I was so grateful that I had my pack of Italian Roast instant, and It was really good. Thanks so much for that tip. You can join our little reading club any time you want! Such as it is. I don't have a lot of time to read, but I am reading the book Star suggested and am really enjoying it. I think you might too. Pavilion of Women by Pearl Buck.

                    Lav, you are so right to be getting Will away from the ipad and moving. Keep working with him!

                    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                      March Maintenance ~ week 4

                      Good morning everyone & Happy Easter!

                      Cloudy & waiting for rain, oh well.
                      Once evryone is here the weather won't matter

                      Dill, so glad you are enjoying some time with your grandson. I thought about your daughter's wine shop when you mentioned you were going. Great that she is doing well. I still have not stepped foot in a wine shop since my quit & that's just the way it needs to be

                      Wishing everyone a very nice day with friends & family.
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        March Maintenance ~ week 4

                        Just want to wish everyone a Happy Easter! Dill and Star, so happy that you are able to enjoy your trips! Lave, glad Will is coming along. Hope he has a good day with the family. Turkey dish sounds delish
                        LBH, glad you are doing better, too. You have been trhough some scary things, yet you remain positive.
                        PapMom--did you have a demo yesterday? I did one for my friend, but she was so discombobulated (sp?) by the Natura recall. She had to pull so many bags from her shelves. How is your kitty? Prayers that he is doing better.
                        Thank you all for the kind words about my dog's passing. Still strange aking up without him. But he is in no pain or discomfort no. Grateful for that. And yesterday, Mr TDN brought harry to my friend's shop, and I had two professional 8/10 photos done by a friend. One would have been enough, but i felt bad that so few people were doung the pics. And I also met a great pet communicator ho uses Reiki to reach the animals, and we did a 20 minute session. There were lots of distractions, but Harry did very well. It as apparent that he was listening to her, and at first he tried to avoid her. But then he relaxed. He is still looking for his brothers. I plan to get him out in public more. He used to be too wild for that, but has calmed don considerably. He is at least 10 1/2, so he is a senior, too.
                        Cyn, Rusty, and everyone else--hope you all have a wonderful AF Easter with your families/friends! We are going to church, then back home for a bit before heading out for a late lunch.
                        "One day at a time."


                          March Maintenance ~ week 4

                          Happy Easter my Friends!
                          Sorry I haven't posted in a few days. Work has been busy, Kitty has taken a lot of my time AND I've got a nasty cold which has kept me up for 2 nites in a row. This Papmom is no good without her beauty sleep!

                          TDN-yes, I did the demo at Pet World in Natick yesterday. A new vendor of pet scales was there for the pilot roll out. There website is not up and running except to send an email for more info but their FB page is OK. You can find it under Pet Step (you can get to it off of my page-I just shared a photo from them). Your friend might be interested in getting them into her store. It's free to everyone-store owners, pet owners. Not sure how he's making money on it!! . Almost all of the Natura reps have jumped ship, mostly due to a change in demo rep management company. Primal picked up one and we just picked up one for CT. That all happened before the recall. I think P&G should get out of the pet food business. JMHO. I hope your demo went well. We had Vest a Dog there again this time doing easter bunny pics. My table was behind them which I was not happy about but I didn't have a choice. Most people coming by my table were heading to the fish/reptile area. Needless to say I didn't need the 100 samples I had brought! Oh well. I now have 2 weekends off. Whew!

                          Dill-glad you arrived safely in NO. Hope you have a great visit and so happy to hear your daughter's business is doing well. I stepped into a liquor store for the first time in 2.5 year at Christmas to get a hostess gift. Because she was so ill there wasn't really anything else to bring and I think the wine was more for her hubby. I felt extremely wierd in there and shocked to find the SAME clerks behind the counter!! No turnover in that store!!

                          Lav-good for you for forcing will to move. keep up the good work. It's been 50+ yesterday and today but rain is moving in. Most of the snow is gone. I don't feel well enough to take advantage tho. I left the demo early yesterday and came straight home and went to bed!

                          Star-have a great trip to Mexico! Did you mention which part you will be going to? I've been once, to Cancun. It was OK but it was a college spring trip (I was a chaperone) and it wasn't very relaxing.

                          LBH-so glad to hear you are feeling better and more like yourself! I bet it's just gorgeous this time of year in your neck of the woods! Any pics you would like to share?

                          Kitty had a bad night last nite which also contributed to my sleeplessness. I think I forgot to give him his antacid yesterday morning in my cold fog and he got really nauseous. It was his day to get the appetite stimulant but I swear it didn't get into his system. Couldn't find the pill anywhere tho. Today he is eating a bit better. He's still jumping the baby gates but not as willingly. I fear I will have to make the dreaded decision soon. I'm just happy I didn't have to do it today.
                          My paphut is also ill. It has major rot on a peice of rear framing. I'm not sure this is a DYI project so will need to look around at RV service places (if I can get it down there) or at the very least find a carpenter with some hydraulic jacks. I may be getting rid of her after all and taking a loss. I will still go to the trial in July but will stay at a hotel if the worst scenario happens.
                          This afternoon the whole family is meeting at my sisters for Easter Dinner and birthday celebrations. Happy I have a bit more energy today despite the lack of sleep. Just really congested but off to take a nap now.
                          Hi Rusty, Rustop, Sooty, and anyone else lurking. Have a great day everyone and safe travels!!
                          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                          KO the Beast!!


                            March Maintenance ~ week 4

                            HAPPY EASTER, MARCH FRIENDS!

                            TDN-great to see you!:l What a lovely idea you had to take photos with Harry in them. I hope you have a relaxing lunch out with your friends.

                            Dill, I hope you have a great time in New Orleans. Thanks for checking in.:h I'm thrilled your daughter's wine shop is doing so well, and I smiled when you mentioned the irony of it. No unsupervised visits for you.:H I hope the weather is better in NO than it is here. Oh, I can so relate to the in-room motel coffee. Blech is right. Starbuck's packets work for me, and then sometimes I just bring my own coffee and filters.

                            Star-enjoy your trip to Mexico.

                            LBH-I have never equated Easter with eating slices of watermelon, but I bet the artwork in Mexico City is fascinating. I am so glad you're feeling better....that was quite a frightening episode you had. Do you and LordBirdHeart celebrate Easter?

                            Lav-I hope Will is feeling better today....he surely will improve with the help of Nurse Lav.

                            Pap-so sorry you're sick! I hope you feel better soon. Too bad about Kitty and the Paphut.

                            Cyn-I agree with you on reading before bed....I fall asleep after five minutes, too.:H I'll have to learn to go to bed earlier, I guess.

                            I am at my mom's, doing some work before a small group of family arrives. My sister and family got stuck in Charlotte, NC last night on their way home from Turks and Caicos so they will miss having Easter dinner with us. My class starts Tuesday, and I think I'll be ready. I will be VERY busy so I'm giving you guys advance notice that I won't be posting or lurking much.

                            A shoutout to all of our missing friends: Rustop, Sooty, Chill.....Happy AF Easter!


                              March Maintenance ~ week 4

                              I just couldn't let us miss a day of posting!! You all must be in a chocolate coma! Hope all is well. I'm feeling better but kitty is not. Won't be long now. Just waiting for him to give me the word.

                              Rusty-hope you had a really nice time last nite and good luck with your class!! We'll be here when you need a break.
                              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                              KO the Beast!!


                                March Maintenance ~ week 4

                                OK, now you guys are scaring me! Where is everyone?????? Lav? TDN? Dill? Star is in Mexico so she probably can't post. LBH? Anyone? I'm just getting echos back.......... :upset:
                                New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                                "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                                KO the Beast!!

