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af day Saturday 30 March

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    af day Saturday 30 March

    SL -----

    Family is rushing me off to the shopping frenzy...but I wanted to say....hey lassie....glad you are working on staying healthy and happy!
    Sober for the Revolution!
    AF & NF July 23, 2011


      af day Saturday 30 March

      Ok. A couple of things. First would someone please tell me what MAE means. I'll never find it myself, lol.
      PPQ! I'm so happy to see your blinky eyed bunnies again. I've got a few more car payments and the weather is turning mild so you'll continue to see the pink roadster for a while longer.
      Kuya, thank you for caring. I won't let you or myself down.
      Mick how I've missed your morning jokes. I hope you are well. TT safe travels.
      Back to reading and catching up.
      we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


        af day Saturday 30 March

        MAE lovely FABbers not so near...yet not so far....

        It is always such a treat to start the day by reading here with a cup of streaming fresh-ground French roast decaf. Look at how well and happy and healthy all of us are continuing to become.

        NURDL!!!!! You are soaring, my friend. Methinks your little pink car has a pair of wings. Thanks for swinging in to let everyone know about your latest and really great achievements. Amazing what we can do once we let go of addiction. It really is a drag in more ways than one.

        Mickster....I really appreciate your wonderful jokes and the kindness and care you show everyone who comes this way. AND you are really rocking La Vida AF. Did I ever tell you my step mom is a Scot. Edinburgh and Aberdeen were her haunts. It is a lovely, lovely place. I've been once and would love to go again. I accidentally saw the Queen Mother toodling along near Balmoral. I was a crazy American Chick jumping up and down in excitement as she drove by. She gave us the cutest Royal wave anyway! are the energizer bunny of these boards....You have a really big heart and a really good head on your shoulders. You speak the truth to folks - even when they may not want to hear it. And while it may not always be apparent....those words are important in cutting through the dense brain fog that envelopes the addicted brain. I'm glad you stick with us. We love you...and need you!

        TT...our wonderful world traveller....look at the great new wiring you just wrapped up in flying AF! Every time we break those old associations with dulling our senses with AL....we are building brand new, healthy neural pathways in our brains. You keep enjoying those Dopamine highballs with a twist!
 a veteran of many, many, many northern winters....I have to tell you that you are definitely on the right track by training yourself to embrace the experience. Attitude is probably half the battle....but a good, pharmaceutical grade brand of Vitamin D3 could be the other half. Those of us in northern latitudes are usually quite deficient and need that extra supplementation since we don't see as much of the sun as we need to function properly. Sure makes a difference for me! We still have another month or more before we'll see the ground around here. are one of the smartest people I know. Getting your grandson to move is really brilliant. It's not just good for his's essential for his mental health, too. Your family is really fortunate to have you. you doing, my fine southern neighbor? Still up to your eyeballs in snow? You are such a ray of sunshine - thanks for brightening all of our days!

        Okay....later FABulators! Off to Costco....and maybe a mushy ski!

        Sober for the Revolution!
        AF & NF July 23, 2011


          af day Saturday 30 March

          Hi - so now really 21 days.
          PPQP - last year I did 60 something, and over Christmas to NY managed 30 - so I aim to break my last record.
          Mick - I am not saying what my goal is, I actually have no idea - I tell myslef to just keep going whilst the going is good - I love being AF, but still miss wine - so to say never will make me feel that I can't do it - doing the ODAT business and enjoying all the successes, and then feeling great when every ODAT keeps on going - working really well just now...
          NURDL - so good to see the little pink car back! We were all posting at differnet times, with some consistency in all time zones - so MAE is short for Morning, Afternoon & Evening so noone feels left out
          LTLW - when I posted yesterday, it did cross my mind that I may jinx myself, but I decided to go ahead and assume no drinking in March - I thought if I put it out there in print, it would make me think twice about breaking it - yesterday and today I did actually look longingly at the Easter displays and considered buying the wine, but as I had said only 2 drinking days in March, I couldn't do it:H:H
          I also had a weigh in yesterday and down 1.4lbs, good start! - walked 5 or so miles at the ranch this morning....feeling good about myself, it gives me the strength to handle the rest of the nonsense life is throwing at me, maybe make me strong enough to get everything dealt with.....
          See you tomorrow...Happy Easter all..:l:l
          “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


            af day Saturday 30 March

            Nurdl, hello, great to see you
            Congrats on all your successes!

            SL, 21 & counting huh? Good for you!

            About the indoor jungle gym - I actually have one that I drag outside when the weather is good
            He's not ready for that yet but hopefully soon. Will is normally a very strong & active little monkey!

            I am about as ready for Easter as I can be. Hope everyone has a restful night.
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              af day Saturday 30 March

              So nice to see everyone again. Lav, SL, Turn, Nora and Juja. A lovely day and hoppy Easter to all who observe. May those who doubt our strength get twitchy watching us be happily AF in our celebrations.
              we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


                af day Saturday 30 March

                NURDL....Great to see you :l:l well folks just a quick check in............its 4am...getting ready to go out nice frost outside...oh no. just hidden Easter eggs all over the house with clues for madam to find when she arises!!! strange as it may seem,Iam driving this morning..3 of us going out...I dont have to worry whether I am under the limit, or try and make excuses why I cant drive!!!

                have a happy easter................turn thankyou for the nice comments x
                af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

