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April Achievers!

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    April Achievers!

    Good morning friends,

    Matilda had me up during the night & up again before sunrise. She doesn't seem to be sick, just a touch hyper. I wonder if it was because she was wound up yesterday having the three kids here or possibly because of the full moon - geez.

    Star, my family stopped acting like a family when my mom passed away. I tried for the longest time to keep everyone together but eventually got fed up with that thankless job. Having three brothers I totally understand the term 'unresponsive'.

    Papmom, busy, busy!!
    A full day of peace & quiet is just a dream

    Because I have no real life of my own....I have been called on for more babysitting this evening.
    I guess I'd better stop for some supplies on my way home from Curves. Keeping two stinky little boys full can be a full time job :H

    Be on the lookout for ticks!!!
    I just found one crawling on my neck, eeeww!!!!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      April Achievers!

      Good Morning, Friends!

      CONGRATULATIONS, PERSE, ON 3 MONTHS AF!!!:happy::goodjob: Wow, where did that time go? We love having you here!

      Lav-I'm glad your wisdom tooth extraction didn't derail you too badly. You need all the energy you can get when you're babysitting two and three kids several days a week.:l

      Pap-how's the job? Is it any better?

      Star-I know what you mean about uncooperative family members. UGH! My mom is ALWAYS the one making the first call to her two brothers. They never initiate contact with makes me so mad. However, when they need love and support because they are sickly and vulnerable....who do they call? Then we have our overbearing and controlling sister-in-law...blah, blah, blah. Every family has something, right?

      Dill-not too much longer...hahahaha! These last days of your career are going to whiz by, I think.

      Big hellos to everyone I missed....LBH, BHOG...Cyn.

      Ok, I'm home today. Off to the gym. Happy AF Friday!


        April Achievers!

        I can't believe we are nearing the end of April. I have had a weird week and have been on the computer a LOT which is very tiring for my brain given my wacky vision du jour. My uncle on the East Coast died and although we were not close, it is unsettling as for many years he has been my only relative aside from a few distant cousins. He wasn't even a full uncle just a "half". It is hard to envision a smaller family. Then, yet another bright intense investigator contacted me regarding my father who has been missing and assumed to be dead since I was three. Three. I can't emotionally read through all that f-ing mess anymore even if I could see it. So I spent the morning working alone in my garden where it is easy to look at things particularly when they are all shiny and freshly beautiful with spring. I have been thinking a lot about it, and I am going to take off from MWO at the end of the month although it goes without saying that should I fall into a vat of martinis I shall return without hesitation. I think I have received and contributed what I can in the virtual world we have lovingly created and I need to build upon things that are not so solitary in my real one. I also need to rest my peepers, save them for banking and that sort of life business. I am sorry not to get to know you better at least at this time, Pers, you have a very cool, intelligent voice. I am sure I shall pop in from time to time as I have been, just don't look for me or worry about me if I am away. I promise again to let you know pronto if I am in danger of returning to my old "ways". Like everybody else, for me a decent night sleep and clarity are not to be underestimated. I'll still be around for a few days so don't let your guard down:H. Love, Ladybird.
        may we be well


          April Achievers!

          Rusty;1497293 wrote:
          CONGRATULATIONS, PERSE, ON 3 MONTHS AF!!!:happy::goodjob: Wow, where did that time go? We love having you here!
          Thank You Rusty. The time has flown by. I feel so grateful for you all and beginning to think about the imminent changes ahead. I have treated the last 3 months like my personal ICU and have kept myself very sheltered. Now it's time to venture into the 'real world' and learn to function within it, sober. I was feeling (for the first time in 3 months) the slightest bit tempted due to an upcoming trip to California. I think I have navigated that now and have a solid plan in place. My daughter will be with me and Very supportive of my abstinence. You have all been invaluable. :h

          LBH ~ Always so graced to hear from you and I too wish I had gotten to know you better. I hope that your time away gives you all that you seek and we will hold you in heart and thought.

          Do your critters often act up during a full moon Lavande? Hope you are enjoying time with the grand~chillin's. How's your weather? It is FINALLY starting to warm here.

          Sounds like you have earned a well deserved warm weekend Star! I hope you get some lovely yard/garden work in. We have really had to be patient for spring this year. I really love your appreciation and spring descriptions I agree that we have much to be grateful for waking up hangover~free every day, YAY!

          What have you got going on for the weekend Pap? Weather nice in your slice of the US?

          Hiya Dill ~ I have PT twice a week right now: massage, electro~something, heat and stretches. I also do yoga and aqua aerobics in the warm therapy pool. What specifically helped you? I also am looking into acupuncture and deep tissue massage is my splurge.

          Hellos and Happy Weekend to the rest of the Gang. XOXOXO, P.
          "People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; never throw out anyone."
? Audrey Hepburn, Actress and Philanthropist :heart:


            April Achievers!

            LBH, so sorry to hear you are leaving us. Your style of writing is so wonderful, and your spirit and energy such a delight. I understand about your need to conserve your eyesight, and the effort it takes to post. You will be sorely missed.

            Our thread grows smaller, and changes come, such is life.

            Thanks all for the support regarding my family. Bad news yesterday, found out my Dad was just diagnosed with a melanoma. I was in shock most of the day, felt exhausted, then slept and went out with a friend. We enjoyed a musical, and went to a restaurant bar, where she had a drink and I had water. I was grateful to be AF, in control of my emotions, and focused on health. The musical was awesome, brought up my spirits, walking back to the car, full moon, reasonably warm air, it was soothing. Right now it will be day to day for me. I have been there, done that with my Mom. You really don't know what will happen, the stage they are in, and/or the prognosis. So, time for faith and one day at a time. Drinking would make this a nightmare, the pity parties, feeling sick, weak and even more anxious. I am focusing on being there, first for myself, then for my family.

            Lav, understand what you mean about not trying to bring everyone together anymore, it is too exhausting. I have to understand I am not in control, but that was not my intention. It was to have family time, period.

            Rusty, glad you are home for the weekend, and can exercise and relax, as you choose. I love my days off, filled with both the business of keeping my home in order, taking care of myself, and having a little fun. The weather should be springlike, yay!!

            Pers, sounds like you are able to do all kinds of interesting things for your health. I love alternative therapies and know that they are vital in feeilng well. I wish insurance covered more than meds.

            Dill, the time is ticking away, May is this week. Hope your weekend is what you need.

            Today I plan on yoga, walking with a friend, then cleaning up the inside of my house. Later, outside work, enjoying the 60s, cutting down grasses, old growth on my hostas, and making plans for my little herb garden. Last year the parsley was so fun to gather and put in my soup. I do eat soup even in the summer, I am addicted.

            Things I want to focus more on: sunrises and sunsets. I want to just observe, breathe and watch the miracle of nature. Last night the full moon was huge, bright, clear and magnificent. Right now I can hear the birds singing their songs of joy for another day, something we don't get to hear in the winter.

            Hope you all have a great Saturday.
            Formerly known as redhibiscus


              April Achievers!

              Good morning friends

              I have been up for an hour & enjoying my coffee in peace & quiet.
              Had my grandsons here until 10 pm last night - way too late.

              LBH, we do understand your needs right now but I'll hold you to your promise to return if/when the need arises. Please know that we will be thinking about you, always.

              Perse, I hope you find the right treatment & relief very soon. It is nice to consider all of the treatments available, you just never know what is going to work

              Star, sorry to hear about your Dad's Dx. Is he going to have any surgery or other treatments?
              Being totally present for him is a blessing for the both of you.
              The extended family stuff is something I just won't waste any time or headspace on anymore. It just is what it is I suppose. I had another one of those late evening calls from my SIL giving me an update on my brother. She is clearly looking for support in her decisions about my brother's care but I'm not giving it because I totally disagree with everything she is doing. She is going to have to go elsewhere. She is looking out for her interests, not his. Yeah it gave me nightmares, again!

              I plan to be physically as busy as a bee today & keep my thoughts positive. I cannot change anything or anyone but myself, right?

              Greetings to Dill, Rusty, Papmom & anyone else checking in today!
              Have a great AF Saturday.
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                April Achievers!

                LBH-I sooooo wish you wouldn't leave but I realize that is just selfish thinking. You say you have nothing more to offer? I totally disagree! your insights into life and your descriptions of your eclectic wonderful life is like a tonic for me and I'm sure many others. Oh, and your writing style!! But, I do understand the need to conserve your eyesight and computers can be so hard on the eyes. I'm just very sad right now! :upset:

                Pers1-A belated Happy 3 months!! It is a milestone in this journey to be sure!

                Star-your post this morning was most excellent and eloquent! I am so sorry to hear of your dad's dx as well. I will pray that it can be cured or at least slowed down. You are so right that being AF is the best thing you can do for you and him at this point. :l :l

                Rusty-hope you are enjoying your weekend off and that the weather has finally turned to spring for you!

                Nice demo today-small locally owned store about 10 miles from me. Busy busy, lots of dogs and tons of cat people which I don't always get. Got myself a pedicure right next door after my shift was over AND signed up for knitting classes at a knitting shop in between the pet supply store and the nail shop. Really efficient little plaza I'd say!! The pedi feels awesome and looks so cute in hot pink. I'm ready for flip flops now!

                Tonite is my second nite without eating Klondike bars. I've been knitting instead. I miss them but I think I miss the ritual more than the actual food. Everything is so similar to when I gave up AL. I'm hoping the knitting will become my new ritual. I also took Mickey for walk this morning and met a new papillon owner. Hope we become friends-she lives right around the corner from me. took DD for a walk on Thursday morning, so I am trying.
                Nite nite.
                New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                KO the Beast!!


                  April Achievers!

                  Good morning friends

                  Nice day here in cow country so I will spend as much time as possible outside.
                  We are due for rain the next three days, oh well.

                  Swearing off the Klondike bars papmom, good for you!
                  I have recently discovered that I can make pretty good vegan ice cream
                  I ran across a recipe for vegan cherry garcia ice cream last month & have made a few batches. Yesterday I made a batch of Rich chocolate banana, yum. Vegan ice cream is a lot lower in saturated fat & zero cholesterol so it works for me. I make regular ice cream for the kids so they are not consuming the additives in the store bought stuff. Never had the time to do any of this when my own kids were little so I'm doing it now.

                  I hope everyone has a wonderful AF Sunday!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    April Achievers!

                    Hello AA's, we are fast approaching May. Any name ideas?

                    Pers, the thing that helped me most in the therapy was the traction. Also the exercises. My PTA was very good at choosing just the right exercises to help in my recovery. Are you doing any traction?

                    Lav, I feel for you. It must be so hard to know things could/should be done differently for your brother, but have no control to make it happen. Such is the case in so many situations. Keep busy with those things that you can positively influence. It's all any of us can do.

                    Pap, your day sounded really good. I'm surprised you signed up for knitting classes but only because I thought you already knew how to knit. Are you looking to become more advanced? Do you crochet? I do both. I enjoy crocheting more than knitting but I like both. I haven't had a klondike bar in YEARS! But just recently I've been having ice cream in the evenings which is very unusual for me. It's because the grandkids are here. I get it for them and I find myself putting some in a bowl for me as well. I'm going to have to stop that! I've been doing pretty well losing some pounds but that won't continue if I keep snacking with the grandkids!

                    Star, what a lovely post yesterday. I saw that moon too. Perhaps we were looking at it at the very same moment! I'm so sorry to hear about your Dad. I will keep you and him in my prayers. I also know what you are feeling about trying to keep family in touch. I am at that stage with all my and Mr. D's parents, aunts and uncles gone. And in my case, two brothers as well. I have a desire to get together with family but distance seems to be winning. Last summer I was thrilled to be invited to a grandson's graduation party up in the Cleveland area. Several of the family were there and we really enjoyed it. I hope there are more such events coming. Otherwise it's weddings and funerals and I really don't enjoy the latter.

                    Hey Rusty girl, are you back from the gym yet?!:H Are you taking any exercise classes there or do you have your own work out plan? Do you have a personal trainer?

                    LBH, I'm not sure I'm ready to let you go. But I understand what you are saying and I wish you well. Life is change. Would you be open to receiving occasional emails? I promise to use a large font!

                    Things have been such a struggle in my virtual world lately with my work being so intense (thank goodness June 3rd isn't far off) and my son's troubles. I'm glad Mr. D and I have been able to support him and give a safe haven to the grandkids but I'd be lying if I said it hasn't been a strain. Finally tho I have something good to share. My son was offered a job yesterday!! Hurray! It's an assistant store manager position with opportunities for advancement in the near future! Finally a ray of light.

                    Have a great AF Sunday.

                    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                      April Achievers!

                      Hey, good morning...

                      Spent lots of time outside yesterday, picking up sticks, mowing, cleaning up the yard. It was wonderful. Woke up this morning with rain, wish it could have waited till Monday, but I will enjoy a day inside. There is always something to do!!

                      My understanding with LBH is that her eyesight is so precious and there are so many problems with her eye condition, that she is just reading or computing when necessary, only. Our loss, big time.

                      Lav, we won't know anything about my Dad's prognosis till he has the tests and surgery. That is the horror of any diagnosis really. The waiting. The worrying does not help, so I am doing my best to be positive and take it as it comes, one day at a time. Homemade ice cream, wow, I want some!!

                      Read a lovely article on trust. Just trusting that the Universe will work things out, of course with effort from us humans, but not to lose our minds in worrying about a future that may or may not happen. It is a different mindset entirely. Let me know your thoughts.

                      Pap, so proud of you working on your health. Those Klondike bars sound like they could be my downfall, too. Right now with me it is Junior Mints. Whew, those candies are so tasty, but after I eat them I feel disgusted with myself and kind of have a stomache ache. So, we will soldier on and stay away from those sweets on a regular basis. My daughter bought a pedicure for me for my birthday, and how in the heck do you get the polish off? They must put on super human polish that need super super remover to get off. I like to do my own nails, a different color every week. Part of my Sunday night ritual in the warmer weather. Weird, huh? But fun. How nice you have a neighbor with a doggy like yours. Getting out in the warmer weather really makes a difference. Hurray for Spring!!!

                      What is it about a soft April rain that is so mindblowing? Maybe the flowers, deep rich green grass, birdsong and green mist on some of the trees? Taking time to notice the lovely natural world. Wishing a peaceful springlike Sunday to all.
                      Formerly known as redhibiscus


                        April Achievers!

                        Cross-post Dill.

                        We probably were looking at the moon at the same time. So happy that your son found a job, I know how depressing it is to want to work and have none, plus the money situation gets more intense as the unemployed time goes on. I wish him well. I am sure it is super stressful, so good you are AF, can you imagine if you were not? It would be even harder on you. It is almost May and you can continue to count the days.

                        May names? Hmmmm. Meaningful, magical, magnificent, merry, marvelous, mighty, momentous (spelling) manageable, miraculous....

                        Have a good peaceful Sunday.
                        Formerly known as redhibiscus


                          April Achievers!

                          Sunday Greetings. I extend to you my deep sympathy regarding your father's illness, Star. You have a beautiful spirit and you share it with his own across miles and afflictions. I know you are brave but some things are just so daunting, its where the rubber meets the road. Nurse Lav, I am sorry that the members of your family of origin are estranged from one another and that your husband can be such a verbal buffoon with his negativity; while my family is deceased, if they had lived I imagine my ideals of how things might have been would have been sorely challenged. I am so glad your diagnosis is something that can be addressed, Pers; to add my own history, I have had very good results with acupuncture and supplements such as turmeric and boswelia. Most of the time I move like a young person. And Good going Pap on your beating back those Klondike bars and other temptations that threaten your well being. I know that when you reach your personal goals regarding weight loss you will feel as transformed as when you quit drinking, possibly even more. Moving through life as a healthy thinnish person is so much easier physically and emotionally. And of course you will email me Dill, big fonts are fashionable. You are stuck with me you know. I laughed with all of you talking about manicures and pedicures: I somehow have never had one. It shows. While it seems I look much younger than I am there is a notable exception with regard to my hands. I have really long fingers (easy to hit over an octave on the piano) but with everything I do they are now boney, horrid; my hands appear to be grafted onto my body from that of a hundred year old witch, scary crone hands. I am pointing a hideous finger at RUSTY! I am having a good day, this morning it felt like I could see like an eagle outside. Maybe it was the influence of the huge international Indian pow wow a couple miles to my west. Drums. There are 10 thousand participants, nearly 700 tribes, 3000 dancers in the basketball arena, tourists flooding the surrounding blocks, all in the middle of the city. On my way back from a nearby store I saw a lone fellow just walking down my street in beaded white leather with foot long fringe everywhere, long feathers. Where was he going? Then when I got home the best part of the day so far. Neighbors across from me are a young female couple with a tall blond four year old. She was moving around the yard carrying a huge foam sword and stating over and over "All great choices come to ME". That was good. Later, Ladybird.
                          may we be well


                            April Achievers!

                            Hello Achievers!

                            Wow, what a page I landed on upon 'homecoming' to the thread.

                            We arrived back in the East after dodging minor earthquakes (seriously) in OK, tornadoes in KS, snow in NE/IA, cancelled a jaunt up into WI, and by Elkhart, IN we decided just to put pedal to the metal and drove 12 hours to get home. The dogs were ecstatic to see their free-running spaces, and I have been walking around the house as if I am in a dream, and trying to acquaint myself with the 'former' owners.

                            LBH, I had a heart pang to read about your decision to move on from the thread, but understand and always. always wish you healing and rest. I have not been very good about fostering the ties with my living family. Part of this trip home (and a pre-trip dash to CA) was to make the time to find, see, hug and look into the eyes of a niece and nephew and their growing broods, and of course to be with my mother: one never knows when it will be the last time. All achieved. My family of choice - friends in the Midwest - I had to put off until later, sadly. But I am coming to accept limitations. Who knows, I might actually have to get a FB account to stay connected...

                            Star, thank you for your beautiful posts. Holding your hand virtually as you wait. Been there, done that; I agree that the waiting is the most trying part.

                            Lav, so sorry to hear about the troubles with your brother's health and SIL's attempt at manipulation. Thanks for the reminder to us all that we can only change our own behavior...

                            Congrats Pers on 3 months, such a milestone. Hey Rusty, how is spring springing in WI? Pap, so glad to hear you have another pap lover close by. Dill, the clock it ticking, how exciting.

                            Much much else to speak of, but I am still trying to piece myself together and remember who I am here. Yesterday morning, spent clearing brush and releasing Pachysandra from a weight of leaves, was positively cathartic. Onward.

                            (LBH, thanks for the vision of that little girl...I shall adopt that stance toward life...)
                            to the light


                              April Achievers!

                              Good Monday morning April friends!

                              The rain has arrived & will be hanging around through Wednesday I hear - swell. We actually do need a bit of rain here so I'll try not to moan too much.

                              LBH, I am another one who is not fond of professional manicures/pedicures. A manicure is a total waste of money when you have a job that requires you to wash your hands every 5 minutes. Now I just have farmer hands :H I clean them up when I really need to do so!
                              I imagine the pow wow must have been an interesting event ~ maybe the spirits did influence you in some way
                              Take good care of yourself & I will 'see' you on Facebook, hopefully!

                              Wow, welcome back cyn
                              Glad you are back home, safe & sound!

                              OK, I have lots of stuff to do but I'm going to Curves first. It helps me keep my mind & body in the healthy zone which is where I want to be.

                              Have a great AF Monday one & all.
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                April Achievers!

                                Good morning to all..

                                A weird experience with this site yesterday, could not get on without logging in and it took me two days to remember my passwords!!!!!

                                LBH, thanks for the lovely post, it is always so good to hear about the happenings in your area. I was reading about Taos, NM, as a possible place to visit, and Native American festivals abound in that area, beautiful scenery, biking, hiking, skiing in winter. Your ballon festival sounded similar and fun.

                                Cyn, so good to be home, and I understand. I have never left my home for such a long period, but even after a week, I am so delighted to be back. Spring is such a special time, the sights, sounds, and smells, after a winter so cold and snowy. I too did some cutting back and loved the smells of the earth, warm sun on my back, and had pink cheeks later in the day. The breezes were heavenly and the weather in the 60s perfect. Visit us often, especially with LBH taking a hiatus.

                                Lav, hope your Monday was great, Curves is important for your health. I am not as busy at work right now and have time to do my stretches and yoga, maybe a walk later in the day. It is so vital for me to keep moving or I feel achey and stiff. Today and tomorrow weather sunny in the 70s, and spring will burst out even more clearly.

                                Anyone who gets up early tomorrow gets to pick the May thread title, right? To all, have a great day!!
                                Formerly known as redhibiscus

