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April Achievers!

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    April Achievers!

    Good Evening Friends,

    Happy end of the Hump Day to all my lovely pals here.:h I just finished the second day of training, and all I can say is, it's going amazingly well....I am SO happy! I've gotten such positive feedback from my client and the 10 people in the class. In fact, my client told the company CEO that he thought I was a MUCH better trainer than the trainer they had years ago. All the hours, the days that I took off from my work (NO income coming in because I'm a contractor) to devote to creating this class has paid off. I know I couldn't have done this whilst drinking every night, especially once my drinking advanced from wine to liquor, because liquor totally took away my motivation to do ANYTHING. Hence, I just kept drinking.

    Pap and Star-thank you for your kind comments regarding my much improved physical and mental health. I wish I had woken up sooner to the fact that I was ruining my spirit with drinking, but oh well, what's done is done.

    Pap-good luck with kitty.:l This must be so hard for you.

    Star-I appreciate all your contributions to our thread. I read and re-read your posts.

    Dill-I would feel so badly if you left our thread. I think we just went through with a bit of a dry spell....all of us on vacation, or taking care of sick children, teaching classes, that we were putting our priorities elsewhere.

    Lav-I hope Will starts making physical improvements soon....good for you for encouraging him to walk. I wish you had local friends to hang with....:l Like you, I like coming here. I don't have anyone else I can talk frankly with about my AL problem.

    RE: letting the thread dissolve...I must say it caused a bit of a panic in my soul as well. I still struggle, if not always with the thought of drinking, then with other related spirit/life issues. I have come to count on the depth and breadth of character and insight present in our resilient little craft; for life thoughts, spirit inklings, new approaches to old problems. I feel the same way.:h I am so sorry that Easter is usually a sad time for you, but I am delighted you had an untraditional Easter with some friends....and you had a chance to celebrate your faith with like-minded people.
    Perse-wow, I wondered where you had gone as I had seen you post on other threads. Great to see you.

    BHOG-hope you are doing well today. Please share your story with us.

    Ok, guys, I must get to the gym. My reward at the end of the day.

    Lots of love to LBH, TDN, Rustop, Sooty, and anyone I missed....have a fabulous AF evening.


      April Achievers!

      This thread waxes and wanes, and I too have thought it would come to some sort of conclusion more than once. I have always ended up being cheered that it persists. I do promise that should I find it time for me to leave, I shall say farewell rather than just disappear. I am with you Pap and your kitty. And you Lav with your little grandson, I hope he has a neurological workup soon and a rehabilitation plan. And you everybody with your journeys and work and living your lives. I had a good Easter, it was my tradition of (sorry wheat free vegans) lamb chops and a tabouli-like mint and parsley and lemon and garlic and tomato salad made with farro. Lord Bird Heart and I were able to eat outside in a sunbeam. Monday we went to an hilarious and interminable birthday party for a severely disabled seventy-one year old man who fortunately did not die in the middle of it?the darkest humor can be the biggest relief. One of the guests makes the most remarkable "sock monkeys" I have ever seen and gave one as a gift, this one was an aging tulle wrapped drag queen, sweet and brave. Happy to be there, and now here. Love, Ladybird.
      may we be well


        April Achievers!

        Thanks everyone for speaking their hearts about the thread. I really do rely on this safe place for basic friendship as well as specialized AF friendship. This discussion has brought up for me something that I wrote about last week or so...that I have a habit of letting things take control of my life and my time, and that I need to set boundaries so that I have the time to follow pursuits that are my own. This thread is a case in point; it's never that I'm uninterested, just that it is at the bottom of a never-ending pile of 'to-do's. I see that I have to exercise a kind of discipline for me, to make sure that I carve out time and prioritize my own wish list. Dang Karma anyway!...I've been here a few times (ahem). Just posting here every day would be a good 'deposit' in filling the well; I'll do my best.

        Sooty, wherever you are, happy Hump Day. Kas, I was just thinking of your beautiful photos - I hope that spring is coming to you soon. Rustop, I know you'll drop by when you can. Chill - hope you're chillin.

        And all you dear ones still writing here, I'm honored to read anything you write, whenever you write it. Welcome BHOG, and great to hear your voice, Pers. Star - happy upcoming trip, how exciting.

        Take care all -
        to the light


          April Achievers!

          X-post, LBH! Ooooohhh, would love to see the sock-monkey. I saw some brilliant-colored ones recently that were extremely cheerful, gave me a big private smile. Your feast sounds very spring-y; the dinner I attended had spiced lamb, to be wrapped with all the fixin's in lavosh. Messy and delicious, (delicious especially since I did not have to make it). The dessert was a wonderful lime/pistachio angel food cake.

          OK - off to do some work tonight, refreshed from stopping by here...
          to the light


            April Achievers!

            Good morning, good morning...

            Rusty, great to hear your class is going so well, how exciting.

            Lav, encouraging that Will is becoming more actively, although gradually.

            Dill, have fun on your road trip.

            LBH, lamb sounds good to me, although I have never prepared it myself.

            Busy day again then getting ready for my trip. I am excited and think that is reason I am up before 5 a.m. Whew, I will be dragging later. Thanks everybody who recommitted to the thread. I would feel badly to lose these friendships, the encouragement, and support. Somehow, although it started with being AF, it has moved beyond just that topic, and for quite a while. It is a testament to being AF that our focus is not just on drinking or not drinking, but on life: work, love, health, interests, spirituality. Have a great day.
            Formerly known as redhibiscus


              April Achievers!

              Good morning friends,

              Sipping coffee & waiting for some real sunshine!

              Star, I wish you a fun & safe trip! Get some great pics for us

              Cyn & LBH, wonderful to see you both!
              I figure if we can kick our addiction(s) then we can do anything, right?
              Making MWO a priority is my choice, I will continue to take the time to check in with everyone, every day.

              I meant to mention that I do 'see' Chill & Kas on Facebook everyday. Chill is still posting her interesting nutrition facts & links & Kas her beautiful photography. I need to drop them a line & say hello.

              I will be putting on a smallish birthday party for Will on Saturday. He's turning two!!!!

              I am grateful to be a part of his life & able to help him along a bit on his journey.

              Dill, Rusty, TDN, Persephone, Papmom - hope you all have a wonderful day!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                April Achievers!

                Written in the morning of April 5th, while the gremlins were messing with the MWO site:

                Good morning AA's,
                I'm back home and getting things organized and put away. I can't believe how fast the time went and am sad that it will be months before I see my grandson and daughter again.

                Star, have a wonderful time in Mexico! You will enjoy it AF. I have a question. Is Mr. Star still sharing your journey? Is he also AF, or mostly so?

                Cyn, it was interesting reading your post about setting boundaries. You have struggled with that ever since you've been posting on here. Some struggles are life-long, eh? Some things just don't come naturally and need extra attention/effort. But how to keep it going is the question!

                LBH, your Easter meal sounds like it was wonderful, especially being able to eat outside enjoying the sunshine. One of the best things about our trip to NO was getting into the warmth and sunshine. It was interesting on the trip from Ohio on southward, the spring is usually infolding as we drive. This year, however, the cold has kept spring at bay all the way down as far as Alabama! We didn't see signs of spring until then. Usually we start to see in Kentucky and Tennessee.

                Rusty, :l I have NO intentions of leaving the thread. I was feeling like the thread was leaving me~ I'm feeling better now.

                Off to seize the AF day. Peace and strength to all. I don't know about all of you, but I still need strength and am still taking it ODAT.

                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                  April Achievers!

                  Good evening friends
                  Glad to see things are fixed around here. Thank you to whoever takes care of that stuff for us!!

                  Getting ready for a small birthday celebration tomorrow for Will ~ turning 2.
                  I was so happy last night when I was able to coax him to slide off of the sofa & take a few steps holding on to the coffee table). He came over to where I was sitting on the floor to giive me a hug :l

                  Dill, gald you are home safe & sound. I'm sure it must be hard to have to wait so long between visits. Gosh, I don't know what I would do if my kids moved a great distance. I have become very accustomed to seeing the little ones frequently over the pasy 4 1/2 years.

                  My 'twain cakes' are cooling. I'm not strong in the cake decorating department so we'll see how they turn out ~ I'll do my best.

                  Hope everyone has a good evening!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    April Achievers!

                    Lav, the photo of you and Will on FB was a heart-wrencher, just beautiful. Dill, I too am ODAT as you know, I think it is a fine way of looking at all kinds of things regardless of whether they actually ail you. I am off in few to one of my usual pleasures, a gallery show opening of contemporary abstract art. The (often) younger artists can be such a treat, the way they just put it out there. The show tonight is entitled, "That Sound Under the Floor is the Sea". Hard to beat that image, at least in my old brain. Love, Ladybird.
                    may we be well


                      April Achievers!

                      Aw, thanks LBH. I was so surprised he just up & moved
                      I hope you have a great evening, the show sounds very intriguing!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        April Achievers!

                        well shoot! where did my post from last nite go? gremlins indeed! hmmm, maybe I just dreamed I posted? crap.

                        Lav-missed the FB pic? Not getting any updates from you lately. I'll have to look into that!! So happy Will took a few steps!!

                        LBH-as usual you lead a most interesting life and your corner of the universe is so diverse and interesting! Love living vicariously through you!

                        Dill-welcome home! Hope you and we all don't have to wait to much longer for spring. How nice you got a preview!!

                        Star- hope your packing goes well. I'm excited for you!!

                        Last nite I went to a knitting class about 40 min away. My friends from my old job go every Thursday nite and invited me to join them. Well worth the drive and the $$. I had such a great time catching up with them and relearning how to knit. Left with a big smile on my face and a good start to a new project!!

                        Today finished a 28 day stretch of working without a day off. I will NEVER do that again!! I now have the next 2 weekends off and hopefully the weather will be nice enough to work on the paphut and some of the yard. I'd love to open the yard up again for the paps but have to do some repair of hurricane sandy damage first. I also have to do my taxes which I have started and hopefully will finish tomorrow. I'm a little nervous as I changed my withholding last year estimating I would get about 1K back instead of my usual 3K. Just hope I didn't over withhold!! I owe my dad some money for the jeep so would like to pay him back asap.

                        Kitty is holding his own although not eating tonite. He got me good trying to get his antacid down. Doesn't seem to like the pill pockets anymore. :upset:. He didn't greet me at the door as usual but was waiting for me in the bedroom, alert and happy. ODAT and grateful for every extra minute as long as he isn't suffering. Heard DD a while ago making a racket so I think kitty was giving him a piece of his mind :H.

                        Looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow!!
                        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                        KO the Beast!!


                          April Achievers!

                          Good morning friends
                          Sunny & heading to 55 degrees today - good!

                          I had a phone call late last night from my sister-in-law. Never good news when the phone rings after 10 pm Apparently my oldest brother has had another stroke, has pneumonia, very low blood counts, circulation to limbs is shutting down. He is being transferred from the hospital today to hospice since he has refused care for so long. It's his choice in the end.

                          I am going to stay focusd on Will's improvement & hope he enjoys his birthday party today. I have to decorate the train cakes I baked last night ~ I know he will love them.

                          Glad you enjoyed your knitting group papmom. We need outlets lie that where we can let our hair down & relax a bit.
                          Enjoy your time off, you deserve a break.

                          I hope everyone has a great aF Saturday.
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            April Achievers!

                            Lav-I'm so sorry to hear about your brother. I know he has caused everyone in the family frustration and sadness for not dealing with his physical problems. There is nothing you can do but hope for a peaceful end yet I imagine there is anger there as well. Its good you are focusing on Will today for your own sanity. He needs his Mimaw as Sheldon would say, and I'm betting the train cakes can be used as a bribe to walk a few more steps today LOL!! I hope you will post a pic once you decorate them and before they become train food :H!

                            Yea for warmer temps although I could do without the freaking wind all the time!! Where are we, Chicago? Makes it very hard to do yard work so today will be tax and budget day with laundry thrown in. Hopefully it will be warmer tomorrow (only getting up in the mid 40's today) and the wind will die down.

                            Have a great day everyone!
                            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                            KO the Beast!!


                              April Achievers!

                              Good Afternoon, Achieving April Loved Ones,

                              I am achieving and enjoying a sssllllllowwww-paced Saturday afternoon with no plans, commitments, training manuals, or classes dancing in my head so I thought I'd pop in and say, TGIS!:yay: and HELLO!:h

                              Lav-so sorry to hear about your brother's rapidly declining health.:l I'm glad you pulled yourself up and away from self harm. It's so sad that he didn't learn from your fine example. I'm glad Will is feeling better, and I can't wait to see pics of the Twain Cakes.

                              Star-have a great time in Mexico....relax....and enjoy the sun. I haven't seen it here in sooooo long. I also loved your post about our thread:
                              Somehow, although it started with being AF, it has moved beyond just that topic, and for quite a while. It is a testament to being AF that our focus is not just on drinking or not drinking, but on life: work, love, health, interests, spirituality.
                              You composed my thoughts exactly.....and frankly, if our thread would have dispanded because we have all moved on with our lives, I would not find another thread to hang with because none of the others suit me. I love to learn about what my friends on this thread are DOING....from LBH's love of art and entertaining to Dill and Star's loves of reading. This thread is so wonderfully cultured and challenging, I feel like I'm taking a virtual tour of the Smithsonian:H

                              LBH-I am so glad there are online dictionaries, as I had not heard of tabouli and only vaguely knew of farro. I laughed when you described the drag queen covered in tulle. How I wish I could go to an art gallery with you. Can't wait to hear about "That Sound Under the Floor of the Sea."

                              Cyn-lime and pistachio cake.....all I can say is.....YUM!

                              Pap-I'm glad you hooked up with your made good friendships at your previous job and it's work to stay in touch.

                              Dill-I have a feeling this thread could never leave you if it tried.:h

                              A cheery hello to TDN, Perse, Rustop, Sooty, and anyone I may have missed....hope you're having a relaxing Saturday.


                                April Achievers!

                                Good afternoon, All!

                                Lav, I hope the birthday party has gone well. So nice of you to always be there for everyone. And I pray that Will will be all better I never had kids, so can't empathize, but sure can sympathize when a littl one isn't well. And he is so cute! Too bad PapMom can't see the FB posts--not sure what that is all about, as I see them every day.

                                PapMom, saw on FB that you owe money to IRS this year. That is too bad, but hope that the demo money will level it out. Last year was the first for us that we RECEIVED money--most likely because I'd always had a good income, and Mr TDN did, too, but so much changed. Not sure hat 'll see this year.

                                Rusty, great that the training has gone so well!! You deserve a good thing like that, with all the time, effort, and expertise you put into this.

                                Star--hope it is you who is going on the trip. My mind is sometimes nutty these days! Anyway, enjoy it!

                                I had a fairly busy week, with my frst exhibit yesterday. More about that later.

                                Cyn, Dill, Lav, and everyone I didn't mention, I hope you are all dooing well.

                                Will post more tomorrow!

                                :lto everyone!

                                "One day at a time."

