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April Achievers!

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    April Achievers!

    Good morning friends!

    Here we are in the month of April, AF & moving forward together

    I have a busy day ahead including exercise, work & little boy duty at 3:30 this afternoon.
    What is everyone else doing on this April Fools day?

    Have a great day!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

    April Achievers!

    Hi Lav, thanks for getting us started on April! I was thinking of names this morning but when I read yesterday's thread and saw your little green light indicator on very early this morning, I hoped you were busy starting us off.

    Rusty thanks for checking in. We will miss you, but understand you are very busy! Check in when you can.

    Papmom, I hope you can find a good fix for the paphut that doesn't cost too much! Best wishes for your kitty.:l

    We're still in New Orleans and having a great visit. Little Emerson is such a delight. What a bundle of energy and light. I so wish he could be closer. But, we will be for today, so that is what I shall focus on. I want to go shopping with my daughter and E and pick out something for him.

    Have a great AF April Fool's Day. At least we won't be Fools!!:H I saw a couple of extremely drunk people yesterday. One was sitting on his front stoop in a stupor. He slurred a greeting to us as we walked past, and responded to our "how ya' dong?" with "doin' ok". We had our doubts. Later the same evening we were ordering food at a take out window and a guy in line before us was swaying unsteadily on his feet. While waiting for his order to come up his eyes closed and I was waiting for him to fall, but he managed to open his eyes and shuffle over to the wall and lean back AND roll a cigarette! Anyway, I do not sit in judgement by any means. Not by any means. I experienced some very complex emotions standing in his presence. Too much to write about, but I'll bet many reading this can imagine the mix.

    Bottom line though: Glad to be free.

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


      April Achievers!

      Isn't it amazing Dill? Seeing things like that can either make us humble or we can continue to choose to ignore them as I did for way too long
      Grateful for yet another clear headed day
      Glad you are having a good time!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        April Achievers!

        Good morning to all...

        Dill, your story about the individuals under the influence was so sad...what a way to live...drunk, sick, not aware of what is going happy that we are AF and feeling healthy and able to function. Your trip sounds great, how wonderful to be with your grandson. It is hard to live far away, but I like your attitude. Seize the day!

        Lav, I think April Fool's day is an excuse to be mean to others and say,"April Fool." Not my favorite holiday. No one did it to me, so the day was OK.

        Off to work today, very busy.

        Have a great day!!!!
        Formerly known as redhibiscus


          April Achievers!

          Good morning friends

          Where the heck is everyone?
          I just may have to send out a group search & rescue PM :H :H

          Still pretty chilly here, strange weather. I have enough work & babysitting to keep me occupied indoors but I'm anxious to get outside

          Dill, Star, Rusty, LBH, Papmom, TDN & everyone out there...
          I wish you a great AF Tuesday!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            April Achievers!

            Good morning AA friends,
            Star, I am nearing the end of the Pavilion. What an excellent book mingling cultures and religious practices and the struggle to find one's way and the meaning of it all. I really did not expect the turn that Madame Wu's relationship took with Brother Andre and then what happened after that. Remarkably written and remarkably insightful. I'll bet our LBH could write as well!

            Lav, I'm thinking that our little thread may be nearing the end of its time. It's a good thing, as this place has been a safe home and more importantly a spring board for those who have spent time here. It seems a good thing to me that our members are off living busy lives, lives improved by freedom from the old cruel master! I miss the comaraderie on a daily basis. The people here have been like family to me; sisters and brothers. But even siblings grow up and leave the nest at some point. It is natural and healthy. Perhaps I am wrong about the thread coming to an end and tomorrow and the rest of the month everyone will be posting actively once again. We shall see. However, this may be the last month and it's fitting because we began our "monthly/weekly" thread in April 2009.

            If this thread ends you will find me posting on af daily and around the beginners boards. You will also be able to reach me by pm and I will be happy to hear from any/all of you.

            Off to seize the AF day!

            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


              April Achievers!

              April will be a very DRY month around me! LOL
              And I will be here to get support, and to be supportive!

              ?Alcohol removes inhibitions - like that scared little mouse who got drunk and shook his whiskers and shouted: "Now bring on that damn cat!"-Eleanor Early


                April Achievers!

                Good Evening Achievers,

                BHOG-:welcome: it's great to have you here. Even though our thread has shrunk a bit, we are still a very close-knit group.

                Dill-I would hate to see this thread end, but you may have a friends here are so special to me, and yet I have two new people in my life with whom I can spend time on the weekends. One is a lovely woman I've known for years, who moved back to Wisconsin after her husband had a stroke. We've gone out to dinner a few times and we go shopping. It's so wonderful to have someone "regular" to hang out with on the weekends. I've hidden for so long because of drinking and my feels heavenly to want to socialize again. The other woman is my sweet new downstairs neighbor. We can talk about anything for hours. She is not here often as Wisconsin is a second home for her. Too bad about the people you saw in the drunken stupors (SHUDDER). So glad those days are over for me.

                Star-I'm sorry April Fool's Day for you is a negative day to be forgotten. It never meant anything to me other than stupid pranks.

                Lav-is Will any better?

                Big hellos to LBH, Pap, TDN, Cyn, Rustop, Chill, Sooty...hope you're having a peaceful AF night.


                  April Achievers!

                  Whew!! Found you guys! I have no idea what I was looking for but obviously I missed it big time in terms of the name of the new thread!! Thanks Rusty for finding me and pulling me back from the abyss!!

                  Oh gosh I hope our little group doesn't disband! Did you see how panicked I was when I thought no one had posted for 2 days? Eeek!!

                  Kitty is holding his own but probably not for sure. taking it ODAT.

                  Star-when do you leave for Mexico?

                  Dill-so glad your having a great time in NO! Yup, definitely understood what you were talking about!

                  Welcome BHOG! Would you like to introduce yourself to us???

                  Lav-how is Will doing?

                  Rusty-how freaking wonderful that you have 2 new friends! You are such a vibrant interesting person that I would think you would be surrounded by admirers!! But, I understand how isolation got in the way. You are reblooming just in time for spring. Enjoy!!

                  Nite nite!
                  New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                  "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                  KO the Beast!!


                    April Achievers!

                    Hey Rusty - good to see you
                    I only wish I had some local friends to talk to but I don't ~ hence I still rely on MWO for 'talk'.
                    I was cancelled for boy watching this evening but that's OK. Will's mood seems to be a bit better but still no progress that I can see physically. I am trying not to over worry this but it is bothering me big time.

                    Papmom, I am going to buy you a new pair of glasses and a calendar lady :H
                    Yes, most of us are still here & in the month of April

                    I have plans to go meet the girls at Longwood tomorrow. It's still too cold & windy to spend any real time outside so we'll just hang out in that beautiful observatory for a while.

                    i spent the afternoon cleaning dog lick off of the windows on the kitchen. Having a wall of French windows in the kitchen is nice but when you have dogs & grandkids with grubby hands.....:H :H
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      April Achievers!

                      Thanks Lav for starting us out on a new month! I hope everyone's holiday was a good one; it was a first for me in that we were invited to a dinner given by semi-close friends -- with no family here to celebrate, and a husband of a different faith, Easters have sometimes taken a bit of a sad turn for me. But this year it was sweet to be briefly brought into a 'family'. Lav, how did your feast turn out?

                      RE: letting the thread dissolve...I must say it caused a bit of a panic in my soul as well. I still struggle, if not always with the thought of drinking, then with other related spirit/life issues. I have come to count on the depth and breadth of character and insight present in our resilient little craft; for life thoughts, spirit inklings, new approaches to old problems. Whatever happens, I will forever treasure the close connections here. I feel very much that you are all family, and you know me in a way that absolutely no one else on earth does. (Not to put pressure on anyone (!) but there you have it.)

                      Pap - my thoughts go out to you while you are walking that long road with kitty, good luck.

                      And to everyone - lots of love, whether I post daily or not...believe it!
                      to the light


                        April Achievers!

                        Hiya Gang,

                        Sorry I disappeared for a bit, hope all is well :l

                        I read that the thread may be dissolving...I would like to become a regular contributor again and perhaps bring along a friend or a few? I am sorry that I disengaged for a while, I shouldn't have. Trying to find my way, but sincerely missed the connection here. Please forgive.

                        Will catch up on all the happenings and check in again soon. :h P.
                        "People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; never throw out anyone."
? Audrey Hepburn, Actress and Philanthropist :heart:


                          April Achievers!

                          Good morning...

                          Dill, I too have wondered about this thread as we have had a few dry spells, expecially with Chill disappearing with no word, Sooty and Rustop ending their contributions. Kaslo was kind and said her good byes, although she is missed too. I try to post almost every day, to keep this going, I noticed you and Lav have too. Others do so when they can, but with life getting in the way, Good byes are hard for many people, so they just go. I do not intend to stop contributing, as it takes a few minutes of my day. So glad you liked the book, it is so deep, about life culture, religion, spirituality and what love is. Madame Wu's character grows so beautifully over the course of her life, it is amazing.

                          Lav, I too would feel concern about Will, and I know you were the person who insisted he go to the hospital. That is a hard one. I have friends but love to talk to everyone here. We have had dry spells before and need some new members to liven us up.

                          Pap, leaving for our trip this weekend, and really looking forward to it.

                          Rusty, how nice to have a friend to hang with...being AF has brought out the best in you, physically, socially and emotionally.

                          LBH, hope you are doing well.

                          Cyn, visit us more often if you can. Your contributions are appreciated.

                          I plan on continuting to contribute to this thread, so you can't get rid of me that quickly. To all, have a great day.
                          Formerly known as redhibiscus


                            April Achievers!

                            Good morning April friends!

                            I woke up thinking - you can't get rid of me that easily so I will continue to check in everyday even if I am the last one standing :H :H

                            Below freezing again this morning.....really.
                            I plan to meet my girls at Longwood after Curves this morning so that will be my counterattack. Always nice & warm in the conservatory

                            Persephone, great to see you, please stick around. Checking in here has become such a part of my daily routine & I believe it helps keep me focused.

                            Star, I hope you enjoy your trip!
                            I never made it to Mexico, YB was never interested. The only way I could get there now would be with a group of senior citizens :H

                            My DIL said Will attempted to do a little crawling/playing with toys on the floor last evewning. I am really happy to hear that & that they are following thru with my suggestion of getting him off of the sofa & on a firm surface to enable him to move

                            Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Hump day!
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              April Achievers!

                              Good morning AA's,
                              I'm short on time this am as we are getting ready to hit the road. I appreciated all the feedback regarding the status of the thread. I do hope we keep it going, I hope you all know that! I was just reacting to a prolonged period of infrequent posts. As I said yesterday, we shall see.

                              Lav, keep on it with Will. Little ones are resilient, keep that in mind. My prayers are still with you and Will.

                              BHOG, welcome!

                              P1, very glad you rejoined us! Look forward to hearing from you.

                              Will try to catch up later or tomorrow.

                              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

