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April Achievers!

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    April Achievers!

    Good Morning April Friends,

    Does anyone like Magnificent and Mindful May....or options thereof?

    Star-so sorry to hear about your dad's diagnosis and I will be praying for him. I went through that with my dad as well. With your AF lifestyle, you will be fully present for your family.

    Dill-congrats on your son getting a job...that is wonderful!

    Cyn-welcome back, you rolling stone! The adventures you and your husband's like reading a wonderful travel novel.

    LBH-I can't imagine a pow-wow of such magnitude. I'm surprised they didn't invite you to join could have been named "Sober Squaw." I loved the story of the little girl, too.

    Big hellos to everyone else. I am working near Madison, WI....on a consulting project and I'm working long hours til Thursday.

    Happy AF last day of April!


      April Achievers!

      Good morning friends

      No sunshine here yet, April showers still hanging around.
      Mindful May sounds nice Rusty! I have had to give myself an extra hard push to remain mindful lately Have a good week.

      Star, I know your weather is coming my way - yay!
      Remembering passwords is a real test for me anymore :H

      I have work to do so the rain doesn't bother me this week. Just hope to be caught up when the sun does arrive so I can get back outside.

      Wishing everyone a great AF Tuesday!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        April Achievers!

        Hello AA's! Wow Star, last day of April already! I'll be thinking of May names today. Wanted to let you know I am enjoying the audio version of Caleb's crossing very much. Thanks for another good recommendation!

        Cyn, so good to see you and glad you are back home. That's such a good feeling. Are the doggies settled back in?

        Lav, I talked about getting a pedicure last year but I never did do it. I don't know. It seems like a good idea, but I never make the time. I'm the same about my hair. I keep putting off going to the stylist until I'm way over due.

        Hi Rusty, you sure do get around. How's the weather in WI? I read a headline this AM that lots of the midwest is gripped in cold temps still. It's been OK here in Ohio. Feels like fairly typical weather to me lately.

        LBH, the hands do tell it all, don't they? I can look in the mirror and somehow mentally soften the lines and age speckles but when I look at my hands I see. It's as telling as the rings in the trunk of a tree! Perhaps we should revive the long gone fashion of gloves.:H Those women were on to something!

        Off to work. Another taxing day but a step closer to freedom. Oh, BTW, I'm 29 today...times 2 and plus 3.

        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


          April Achievers!

          HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DILL!!!:h:bday3::bday7: Are you really 61.... I never would have have such a youthful spirit! Happy birthday to you, wonderful and mindful friend! You asked me a few posts ago if I had a personal trainer, and well, I used to in 2011, but then when I discovered I had those two herniated discs in my doctor said, "NO LIFTING WEIGHTS!!!!" So, I have this great step-boxing DVD, and then I use the StairMaster or the elliptical (sp?) at my gym(s). The weather in Wisconsin is supposed to be 80 this week then dropping down to the 40s....and RAIN every day. Boo hoo!

          Speaking of gnarled hands....I do not have gnarled hands, fortunately, YET....but, I have inherited my mother's horrendously veiny feet!:upset: So did my sister.....there's literally an interstate vein that traverses my foot....and then side streets that go north and south. GROSS. I wear sandals that hide my feet. Thanks a lot, Mom. I inherited your feet, your hemorrhoids...your family's addiction....what did I ever do to you!?:H

          Time to get ready for work.

          I'll be back later.

          Happy Birthday again, Dill. You are a treasure to all of us. :-)


            April Achievers!

            Happy Birthday Treasured Dill! Hope you have a wonderful day - hope that HB and Tessa do something special for you.

            Thanks Rusty for the heads-up on Dill's birthday. And by the way, I generally describe my legs as being like a map of WI (lots and lots of little blue streams...). Bye Bye sundresses showing the side and back of my knees.

            Mindful May sounds great to me. A good reminder to settle into whatever the moment brings us. Just thinking of it helps to foster a deep breath.

            Got up early and did bittersweet battle on a hedge, uncovering an old ?apple tree in the process. Like digging for buried treasure. With tick season approaching, I'm working like mad to get the brush-y areas cleared. You'd laugh to see me when I'm done: I go into the screen porch on the back of the house, drop my tools, strip nearly naked, run through the house and throw the clothes in the dryer (kills ticks), and run upstairs and jump into the shower (drowns ticks). Ah, Gardening in CT...

            Wishing all a great AF day. Lav, send some of that rain this way, will you?
            to the light


              April Achievers!

              Tick season is already here cyn,
              Found one crawling down the back of my neck last week
              I've given both dogs their K9 Advantix treatments. Do try to have some fun gardening

              Well, HAPPY BIRTHDAY SISTER DILL :bday7: :bday3:
              Such a nice time of the year to be born
              Hope you have a great day!!!!!

              Hey there Rusty!!!!

              I'm taking a lunch break & making some coffee for my afternoon charge :H
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                April Achievers!

                Good Evening on this last day of April. Happy Birthday Sister Dill; Welcome Home Cyn; and Hello, Lav, Pap, Rusty, Star (and you are right, Star, there are extraordinary places to vacation in New Mexico, visually stunning, unusual, and inviting), and everybody new such as Pers, away for now such as Sooty and TDN and Rustop and SD, and passing through (hi to the ever cool G). I am happy thinking of all of you moving on into May and beyond, meeting your goals and making new ones. I shall be fine, you all know how I perk along through daily life. Thank you for helping me be well and happy and free. Good night and until next time may we each prosper in all the best ways. I love you. Ladybird.
                may we be well


                  April Achievers!

                  Had to Pop in to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY:bday1: Dill! :naughtfeet:

                  Hope you've had a SPLENDID day/night inkele:

                  :greatjob2: and Cheers to Many More urgirl:

                  You are a valued and cherished part of our little world :threesome:

                  Lots going on here, getting ready for my trip tomorrow and my nephew & wife just had their first baby, GORGEOUS AND PERFECT 10 lb. baby boy Michael! We were up all night till 8am this morning waiting for his arrival. Now off to pack. I will read back and catch up on what is up in your worlds, hopefully tomorrow at the airport.

                  Miss you all and hope you're swell ~ xoxoxo, P.
                  "People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; never throw out anyone."
? Audrey Hepburn, Actress and Philanthropist :heart:


                    April Achievers!

                    Happy Birthday Dill! I got in just under the 11th hour I think! Hope you had a lovely day even tho work was a bit taxing. I bet you don't look a day over 29!

                    Safe travels dear Rusty. I hope you are in a gorgeous part of WI! I would love to visit the HQ and plant of Stella and Chewy's some day. Also, the home of Birds and Blooms magazine. I think they are in WI.

                    Goodbye for now dear LBH. I know you will pop up when least expected so will not shed too many tears. I want you to see my smiling, not crying face!
                    Star-any up dates on your dad today?

                    Pers-don't leave us for too long!

                    Lav-I fear the ticks may have found us too. I really need to strip my yard donw to its bones but where to find the time?

                    OH boy-went to watch the last battle round of the Voice and never came back to finish this :H !!

                    Happy Humpday everyone!
                    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                    KO the Beast!!


                      April Achievers!

                      Just checking in right quick before leaving for the airport :wd:. I am NOT leaving you at all! I am totally taking you with me to California! I will be checking in tomorrow, poolside
                      ...Or maybe sooner if I have some downtime.

                      I went through the this whole fantasizing of trying to moderate on my vacay. Gave up on that idea after a couple hours. Now I can focus on just enjoying my Baby (25 year old baby!). CANNOT WAIT TO SEE HER!!!!

                      Wish me luck on the plane ride/s, I'm not as carefree as I used to be :H
                      XOXOXO, P.
                      "People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; never throw out anyone."
? Audrey Hepburn, Actress and Philanthropist :heart:


                        April Achievers!

                        Safe travels Perse & have fun too
                        Stay in touch with us on the 'Mindful May' thread!!
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

