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Tuesday 27 March

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    Tuesday 27 March

    Morning everyone!

    As always, hope you are all well and have a great day.

    I had my docs appointment this morning (she wants to see me weekly for now). Well, since I had kind of struggled over the weekend (but did not give in!) I wanted to discuss the possibility of moderation with her rather than abstaining. HAH! that thought was not just blown out of the water it was torpedoed. I have, once more, been pulled back down to earth. She says that I should not even consider having another drink until I have abstained for at least 6 months. Apparently, it takes 120 days (or something) for people to change a habit and then the same time span again of getting used to your new (good) habits, so, to have a drink within that timescale could well be a huge mistake. And, do you know what? I am glad she told me all this. I feel liberated again. I don't feel the "oh, when will I have a drink" thing anymore. I am just not having it and that's that. Keep it simple. I have to focus on other ways of having a good time. That sounds good to me! Having a good time doing great things with a clear head - no worries! Of course, I will still be, at times, swimming against the tide but the big thing for me is that I have a plan, I have the excellent support of my doctor and I have this place.

    So, with my halo all polished up for another great week I will say goodbye for now. I am off to see what havoc I can wreak elsewhere on the boards.


    Tuesday 27 March

    Oh BB - what a cool doctor - I wanna see her!!

    I am so glad she gave you the low down - it's a comfort when it comes from a doctor - takes all the "will-i-wont-i" out of the equation!

    And you beat me to it again today - will have to log on earlier in future!

    Still going well - 43 days AF

    Lotsa love

    "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


      Tuesday 27 March

      Hi Cashy!

      I am getting a bit self conscious arriving here first! Maybe we could do it day about? Unless of course, I get caught up in the Autumn sales OR I'm off looking for really cool fitness gear to put in my wardrobe OR I'm chasing my dog who has taken a fancy to a rather butch looking collie bitch across the road who, may say is acting like a bitch in heat. Okay, she probably is ............

      I tend to ramble on here when I have a crapload (okay to use that word Det? or have you had it patented?) of work to do and don't want to do it! I have a whole house to pack up in 3 weeks. 3 weeks! How on earth am I going to do that with all this reading and posting I've still got to do?

      Hey, Cashy you are right about the greatness of not having to make a decision - the decision has been made - end of story.

      43 days is just incredible! Good on ya!


        Tuesday 27 March

        Hello folks.

        It's just after 5 a.m. here in the UK. I've just got up and I'm feeling good.
        I was reading a book the other day and it mentioned a movies website (IMDb). I spent about 2 hours yesterday searching through it and reading the bios of my favourite actors and listing all the films that I would like to have on DVD. My wife and son joined in the fun for a while.
        Some people might consider that a dull, nerdy way to spend the evening, but I thoroughly enjoyed myself.
        I don't even think about drink any more through the week. I used to get all jumpy every day at drink o'clock, but I've managed to change that. Fridays are a whole different thing, but I'm working on changing the way I think about weekends.
        The point is, I'm getting there.....slowly. I can see a change for the better.
        This is a great place.


          Tuesday 27 March

          Not dull, not nerdy, sounds like good health fun to me papeye - just what i've been missing for a long time.



          PS Bluebell - this is the best procrastination Board I've ever come across
          bugger work!
          "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


            Tuesday 27 March

            Morning all,

            First off, Cashy I agree with you 100%, BUGGER WORK.....

            Aren't you all doing well..

            Bluebell, I'm so glad your doctor gave you that news, as you say it takes the decision out of your hands.. Carry on having a good time with a clear head..

            Cashy, congratulations on 43 days AF...

            Popeye, what can I say... Things seem to have clicked for you during the week, only Friday night to beat now, you can do it.... I found that movie website last year, put it in my favourites, and spend time on there some days... Sometimes if I start to get a bit twitchy and find I am thinking of alcohol I go on there and like you, I can spend a few hours on there looking up films and actors... Its good as well for new films, because you can watch the trailer and decide if you want to go to see it or not...

            Right, its a lovely misty morning here at the moment so I am of for a walk before I do anything else, it usually sets me up for the day..

            Cheerio and keep sober,

            Love, Louise xx
            A F F L..
            Alcohol Free For Life


              Tuesday 27 March

              Ummm .... - whatever ... Cashy and Bluebell rock.

              That's all I have to say.


                Tuesday 27 March

                Popeye, not nerdy in the slightest, I have been doing things like sorting through old photos making them into albums, sorting through old cassette tapes, list goes on and on, all things I have been meaning to do in the evenings but drank instead. What a feeling of achievement ....... carry on and any ideas welcome for as you say filling in the 'drink o'clock' time (really liked that).

                Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


                  Tuesday 27 March

                  Thanks Tawny!

                  Popeye, life is full of simple pleasures............enjoy! I intend to do stuff like that and the photo organising and a zillion other things after we've settled down in the new house. I am really looking forward to it all.

                  You are all just great. Look at me, I am getting all mushy on liquorice tea.............


                  BTW Have you tried liquorice tea? It is fab.


                    Tuesday 27 March

                    Hi All!

                    Just have a moment....

                    Pop-I find moments like that called "my favorite things I didn't get a chance to do when I drank". And I got a list and drawer full of them to get to!

                    Congrats on everyone's accomplishments-no matter how small they take you somewhere.

                    Terrific Tuesday!
                    :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                      Tuesday 27 March

                      Great attitude Blubell! and nice work everyone. It's been snowing like mad in north Nevada and the roads are all icy....and I have to drive 450 miles today for work!!! arg! wish me luck. I'll be posting from Las Vegas tonight.
                      and no Craploads(R) is not a registered trademark yet. (I'll call my lawyer)
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        Tuesday 27 March

                        Drink o clock!Thats brilliant! Can totally relate to that. Really enjoying reading these posts. Made appointment with counceller for thursday and feel with reading all your posts and her help I might be just be able to cut this s**t out. 1 A.F. day down, many ,many, to come.


                          Tuesday 27 March

                          Good for you limers.
                          Keep it up!


                            Tuesday 27 March

                            Good job bluebell and cash. I'm glad your doc gave you that advice, it certainly does take the hesitation out of the scenario.:goodjob:
                            Enlightened by MWO


                              Tuesday 27 March

                              Hey guys

                              Not got a lot of time for MWO right now - boo hoo!. God, getting a divorce is like living in France ! The Paperwork! (listen any frenchies out there, I LOVE your country I lived in Toulouse for 2 years and I LOVE it. But, l'administration...

                              Anyway, i must confess to 2 glasses of claret tonight with my good old Mum and dad who are here tonight. 150mg of topa daily seem to be doing the trick of making me quite happy to stop there. So I guess I shouldn't really be here in montly abs but I like you guys so much and I am a creature of habit...

                              i haven't got time to do my usual 4 million posts all over the boards - this is it for today, and maybe for the next couple of days - arrrrrrrrrrgh! H O R R I B L E !!! Maybe I should add that to my petition!

                              Hope you all have a great week and I'll check in soon, kate x

