Still trying to catch up on posts and still travelling - leaving the UK tonight for Hong Kong tonight, A few days there and then back home.
No Mick I am not an emigrant from the UK - I am a Pakeha New Zealander - my people did emigrate from Scotland but that was in the 1850s. I have some work/research and personal contacts over here - plus I like to travel when I can. But I hate being away from G and daughter.
Welcome InChains - hope this thread helps you. It sure did me, as I was AF for 6 months this week - and still am. My niece asked me if I was tempted to drink when staying in hotels by myself and this time I almost wondered what she was talking about. Yesterday I saw a sad reflection of what I was becoming and might have become (and will if I don't stay ABs) - an attractive, older, intelligent, professional woman who seemed to disintegrate once she started on the wine. She was still very controlled and kind of elegant (that I am not!) but all the slippages were there - the blotchy skin, glazed eyes, sadness and slurred words...
Hey LTLW - who is just across the sea from me here - hope your wedding is fab and truely something lovely to remember. Often its the little quiet things that matter isn't it? Romance does not have to be grand but a public declaration is great - so all the very very best
Hope my mate Kuya is Kuya-ising - I am on my way back so will smell any ciggies...lets keep a positive spin on winter (it can't be as bad in NZ as what people say its been like in the UK)
Hi Lav, PPQP - thanks for the well wishes on my 6 months - you guys have really helped so much - and others as well- many others - here and off the screen too
CB - hope your break-down of recent times is easing. How have the last few days been?
I have to go but will check in when I can - have a fabby abby-free Friday. Night-night Kuya!!!
