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Thursday 29 March

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    Thursday 29 March

    Morning Dicks (look Wee, I'm really sorry but I just can't ........ it goes against something that has obviously been instilled in me when I was young and impressionable - can't we be something nicer, dicky, but nicer? Please wee.................we could have a poll?).

    Ahem...... morning eschewers(?!?).

    Hope you are all well today. It is piddling down with rain here and that is a good thing. At least it is not too hot to do stuff like PACKING.......thanks for the rythym idea Wee... will take on board and use.

    Just a thought, I've no doubt mentioned it before but.... I am eating like a pig these days. I am doing great with the no booze thing.... it is fading out of my mind but I seem to be veering towards food big time. Will this stop over time? Anybody had similiars?

    Have a happy, healthy day

    Now.......where did I put that bar of Fruit and Nut? (seriously though, I am standing in the confectionary isle furtively looking left and right, hoping no-one thinks bad of me before putting something in my trolley - reminds me of doing the same thing but in the bottle shop!)

    Thursday 29 March

    well, I know I'll NEVER be the first to post on a day because while it's Thursday morning for you, it's only 9:30pm Wed here!

    Anyway, I'm finishing up Day 13, and like you I've been STARVING lately. I've also been craving chocolate like a fiend, which is strange because while I like chocolate it's never been a big part of my daily life. I'm assuming my body is craving the sugar, carbs, &/or calories I don't get anymore through alcohol? I went with it for the first week or so, now I'm trying to cut back by starting a diet/healthy eating habits (hasn't really worked yet, but I did just start today!)

    I'm glad to know it's not just me. I REALLY hope this too will fade because it's not doing a d*mn thing to get me back into my "skinny" jeans!

    Good luck packing...I'll say hi again when it actually IS Thursday for me!



      Thursday 29 March

      I know Noella-I'm still in Wed. about to go to bed (10:17p.m.)! Still laughing @ what Wee started. Spotted dicks. Night. See ya' in the morning.
      :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


        Thursday 29 March

        hee hee hee... you said "spotted dick"... :ey: :H

        (ok - taking my 1st grade potty humor and my obviously overtired brain to bed)

        See y'all tomorrow!



          Thursday 29 March

          Bluebell, oh absolutely with the sweets and Fruit and Nut bars just seemed to disappear in my hand. I gained a lot of weight in the beginning - still trying to lose it.

          The L-Glut and the All in one Powder helps curb the sweet craving. I buy L-Glut powder now instead of capsules and chuck it in with the All in One.
          Enlightened by MWO


            Thursday 29 March

            I need to find an additional website to go to... something like MWO of the Choccy Attacks. Oh, wait a minute... I suppose there is WW. Bugger.

            Yes, I suppose I am letting it nurture myself.........I will stop tomorrow. There, I have said it.

            While we are being honest here, I have also not met a salted chip in the past week that I didn't like.

            ENOUGH! It has got to STOP STOP STOP I tell ya.


              Thursday 29 March

              Good morning,
              I too am eating like a horse. Fortunately, I also have the constitution of one and may possibly be related to one. Therefore, I have gained not an ounce. Yesterday's food for example.
              Breakfast (6:30 am): 4 slices of bread with 4 fried eggs.
              Breakfast (9:00 am): 2 rolls with cheese and ham, 1 bar of choccie. (I have a breakfast at home, then another one at work)
              Lunch: (12:30 pm): 2 more rolls with ham and cheese. 1 tin of mackeral fillets, 1 bag of crisps, 1 bar of choccie, 1 apple 1 orange.
              Pre-dinner snack(5:00 pm): 2 more slices of bread and 2 more fried eggs.
              Dinner: (6:30 pm) Nice big portion of organic, free-range chicken fajitas and 4 tortilla wraps.
              I'm going to have a good day today, so there!
              Hope you do too.


                Thursday 29 March

                My Popeye, what a big appetite you have.

                You must have a very active and muscly job to burn all that off.


                  Thursday 29 March


                  You'll be egg-bound! :shocked:

                  Would you at least consider adding a crapload of garlic?


                    Thursday 29 March

                    OMG Popeye, I love a man with a hearty appetite, glad you at least go organic at dinnertime! lol
                    Enlightened by MWO


                      Thursday 29 March

                      Yes Bluebell, very active and muscly job.
                      Tawny. I eat garlic by the crapload.


                        Thursday 29 March

                        Hi guys - all so chipper today!

                        I had some great news this week...when I was in hospital the drug and alcohol people decided i should not have a driver's licence, despite the fact that i never drove when drinking and hubby told them as well and the fact that my mental illness misdiagnosis was the major cause of my drinking (and I think that's been proven!!!)...anyway they wrote to motor vehicles and reg and told them to take away my license. and they did....

                        Anyway - turns out a more senior doctor from the hospital has since written to them saying the opposite - and i'm getting it back - he said it was ridiculous and would cause even more stress, yay!

                        I was going to go and have a test and get it reinstated anyhow, but this is a great turn around.

                        So, happy day!

                        45 days AF and loving it - bring on the 50!

                        Love ya's all


                        "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


                          Thursday 29 March


                          That's great news about the licence.

                          Your Day 50 will be here in no time. Geez, you've done well. Really happy for you.


                            Thursday 29 March

                            That's fantastic news Cash! What a stress it must have been for you to have your licence taken away in the first place!! At least commonsense prevailed! I will look around whilst driving the streets of Adelaide for the lady driver with the biggest smile on and assume it is you!

                            Popeye.......I am having spinach tonight. I am really. I thought it would cancel out all the crap I have been eating. Might get a few muscles too. Tawny, might put a .......what is the opposite of crapload?....of garlic in too....


                              Thursday 29 March

                              Bluebell - ... I believe the opposite of crapload is "bee's dick".

