Ahem...... morning eschewers(?!?).
Hope you are all well today. It is piddling down with rain here and that is a good thing. At least it is not too hot to do stuff like PACKING.......thanks for the rythym idea Wee... will take on board and use.
Just a thought, I've no doubt mentioned it before but.... I am eating like a pig these days. I am doing great with the no booze thing.... it is fading out of my mind but I seem to be veering towards food big time. Will this stop over time? Anybody had similiars?
Have a happy, healthy day

Now.......where did I put that bar of Fruit and Nut? (seriously though, I am standing in the confectionary isle furtively looking left and right, hoping no-one thinks bad of me before putting something in my trolley - reminds me of doing the same thing but in the bottle shop!)
