Mick ? yuk, I hate fasting tests. I have one overdue and it?s the fasting that puts me off. I also don?t want a lecture from the Dr about my cholesterol and suggestions that I change my diet even more ? because its pretty pared down.
Your garden is looking great ? I can see that former military discipline has paid off. Much needed in my garden.
Cardboard boxes are because the kitchen is being demolished on Monday and I need to get everything out of there for the following week. We might very well end up on the street as electricity and water get temporarily turned off and who know what horrors are uncovered once the boys start their work.
Hi LTLW ? yes, you should plan more fun things. It really helps with recovery. Not sure why the language exchange with your French friend with be a ?morality boost?
Lavande ? what a wonderful Granny and Mum you are. Hope your weekend goes well.
Office sorted yet PPQP? I plan to be almost living in mine next week with our house in turmoil. My daughter might have to camp out in my office too as its school hols. But I hope she gets a better offer from her friends! G. has his own office at work.
Hi there Kuya - sunny down here today. Even blue skies again. Hi there Cat - hope you get some relaxing time
Have a great sober and fun weekend all and those to come