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Crazy stuff

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    Crazy stuff

    Wow, what is going on right now? Okay, some of you might have read my lament regarding my trip to Rome. Then I got back at 2AM with sadness brimming in my heart; got up at 5:30AM and headed right back to the airport - flew to Oregon worked 3 -14 hour days, flew to Denver, three planes, two transfers and on each plane the flight attendant is offering free wine- I got in at 12 and to the hotel at 1AM up at 6AM for the conference now at the conference they finish the evening with a free wine bar and appetizers. Okay - I am still AF - I am almost ready to laugh. I read the other night about a hairdresser that was handing out glasses of wine... why does it suddenly seem as though the whole world is handing out free booze!?

    Okay- I'm fine now - I just needed a little rant. Oddly it has been more of an amusement or an annoyance - that now when I am tired and stressed and sad alcohol is being freely poured I my direction. Thankfully - at least so far it has not been a temptation. At least I brought the CDs on this trip (along with you guys they are my security blanket). Thanks yet again for being there and listening.

    Tomorrow will be 90 days AF - thankfully there is no mini-bar in my room!
    You know it is snowing like crazy in Denver right now!

    Crazy stuff

    River, you continue to amaze me. You keep coming up against so many temptations; ones I do not think I would pass on. Be so proud of yourself. You are a real role model around here.
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      Crazy stuff

      Oh Lushy Thank you, I just love to hear from you- you are always so supportive and uplifting. They had some really nice cheese at the wine reception and I ate red pepper strips and cheese and felt quite adequately decadent.

