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Sunday the April Fool 1st!!!

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    Sunday the April Fool 1st!!!

    Mornin' all......First of all......tissues and hot beverages passed to the Lushypie in her germ coven!! Get well soon snottie senior member!!:l
    And then......look out for mousetraps in the slippers, buckets of whitewash over the doors, and cling wrap over the toilet seat!!!

    If you have anything to do with my brother....also beware of garlic crystals pressed firmly into the bristles of your toothbrushes, canned foods in your cupboard that have all the labels carefully soaked off and then swapped around, and glad wrap with jam on wrapped across your bedroom door at night, so during that dark little midnight toilet trip, you end up smelling of strawberries and picking pips out of your hair for weeks!!!! not to mention turning your bed sheets into a trifle!!

    April the first here in dark and cloudy Noo Zilland....I will be carrying on with my chores before I go away for the month to stay with the young man that I look after...done the inside stuff, now just got the lawns, and some weeding to do....all will be to no avail though, as my dearly beloved and his mother will have been here for a month on their own, so on my return, I can look forward to a laundry pile I need an oxygen mask to get to the top of, bed sheets that march to the washing machine of their own accord, a pile of dishes that may well have reverted to clay and slid off the kitchen worktop....and a garden that looks like something out of a star trek set!!!! Gaaahhhhhh:H

    Ho hum pigs bum.....aaaaaaannnnnyyyway....I'm looking forward muchly to my little change of scenery, but may not be able to get on here very if I go missing in action for most of the time over the next four me and my boy in Ponsonby for a coffee and I'll prove that I'm still alive (I may even buy you a plate of spotted dick!! Wot a treat)

    Autumn is slowly crawling in, the weather is turning, and all the little cicadas are sounding a bit weak and feeble. We've had a few RAINY days recently...on one of the worst..the Melons bus was of course 40 mins late, and so she looked like she had recently been dredged through a swamp by the time the public transport deigned to arrive....smelling like a wet dog, and dripping nostrils all over the seats...the driver then calmly announced that he had to turn round and go back to the city to pick up a mail bag he had forgotten before I leapt up...headbutted him into his own cash desk and then made him wear my wet pants for the rest of the journey.....actually I made that last bit up...but in the melonmind...he was subject to all manner of nasty tortures!!

    Have a GREAT day all who arrive after...sorry Cashy and Bluey...I've nicked your spot!! The melon lives in future land (and quite often on a planet far, far away...hahahaha)

    Kissies, huglets and spotted dicks to all!!!!!!
    Weemelon xxx

    Sunday the April Fool 1st!!!


      Sunday the April Fool 1st!!!

      Hello Popeye, and Wee,
      It's only 11 am here on Saturday morning in Arizona. Snow all gone, and a sunny day.
      Oh my Wee, you are like a whirl wind with all your energy.
      What the heck is a "plate of spotted dick?" This kitty cat doesn't understand.
      Have a great day all of you.


        Sunday the April Fool 1st!!!

        Its a very stodgy english pudding with spots/currants....with a very DODGY name, which the melon LOVES...hahahahaha
        Have you not been in the recipe corner or monthly abs lately Mona?? Spotted dick is QUITE the new dish:H:

        Your kitty can just have the get the 'dick' all to yourself!

        And look here Abbers/dicks....I have dragged the lazymelon fingers off their roll ups for long enough to actually take the presh off Cashy and Bluey...
        I don't care whether it's your Sunday or not....get in those time travel tardis's or tardi??? and jot a few notes will ya??/



          Sunday the April Fool 1st!!!

          Wee, I am laughing out loud...."getting the "dick" all to myself. Sounds good to me, sign me up for a plate of spotted dick.


            Sunday the April Fool 1st!!!

            Oh my, I have just realized something....I can finally understand what weemelon is saying...OMG!!!!!! I have been here for months, and now I can read your posts dear Wee, and I only need to read them ONCE---I can understand them completely now, This is soooo cool.
            It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
            James Gordon, M.D.


              Sunday the April Fool 1st!!!

              However, now I am a little afraid...
              It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
              James Gordon, M.D.


                Sunday the April Fool 1st!!!

                LOL Victoria. I am still nodding and smiling, Wee. Just nodding and smiling as I slowly walk away.
                I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                  Sunday the April Fool 1st!!!

                  Go and blow your nose Lushypoo!!


                    Sunday the April Fool 1st!!!

                    Gooooood Morning Everyone!

                    I thought I was feeling energetic and lively until I read Wee's post and now instead of 'harey' I feel positively 'tortoisy' - where do you find it from ,Wee -? can you bottle it so we can add it to the list of 'tools' ??! We're certainly going to miss you if you disappear for a few weeks :h

                    Anyway, was just luxuriating in the feeling of waking up on Sunday with a day to make my own and on a more reflective note thought I'd share this quote with you:
                    "This is the beginning of a new day. You have been given this day to use as you will. You can waste it or use it for good. What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it. When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever; in its place is something that you have left behind...let it be something good." (author unknown)

                    So how do I mean to spend this wondrous day? - after a big cup of tea, probably by doing the laundry and cleaning! - but then, the time is my own - so a walk in the hills, (have you noticed how much clearer everything is when seen without the blurry grog of a hangover?)time with my girls (making up for lost time) and dancing this evening (with new-found energy and enthusiasm!)

                    Happy Sunday everyone wherever on the planet you may be -and thanks for the wake-up call Weemelon!

                    :l to all...
                    :rays: Arial

                    Last first day - 15th April 2012
                    Days 1-7 DONE
                    Days 8-14 DONE
                    Days 15-21 DONE
                    30 days DONE
                    60 days
                    100 days


                      Sunday the April Fool 1st!!!


                      "This is the beginning of a new day. You have been given this day to use as you will. You can waste it or use it for good. What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it. When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever; in its place is something that you have left behind...let it be something good." (author unknown)

                      I love this and (I forgot it was April Fools day) am going to start my first Months Abs

                      My daughters have gone to my exs for Sunday Lunch my 4yr old is with his Daddy and grandparents current partner is at work and I have the house to myself, am going to go for a walk into the town and maybe use a little retail therapy - spotted some natty little boxes in a pound shop that will make great shoe boxes - how sad is that!! before I come back and attempt to make this hovel into a home again! - using the shoe boxes of course as the basis for my new home imporvement plan

                      Good luck to all and have a wonderful day


                        Sunday the April Fool 1st!!!

                        Howdy all - Another April fool back from holidays

                        Gday all

                        Melon you're up bright and early! You must be really smashed by now, grin ...

                        I am, that's for sure (as the Aussies would say: I feel like a piece of hammered sh*t after a 12 hour flight back from Europe to Asia ...).

                        Anyway, it's great to be back. Hope all of you have been doing well. I have, despite a small motorbike accident last Friday ... Sore muscle in my shoulder but nothing major.

                        Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


                          Sunday the April Fool 1st!!!

                          Hi all!!


                          You all sound so happy and full of mischief today...I love it!!!
                          I know im not dropping in as often at the moment...evil work are training me like mad...for everything!! Once that is out of the way i will be back full time.
                          It is a lovely sunny day where i am...makes me feel even happier and Im so pleased at how well you all sound, I miss you guys when im not here!!!!

                          Huge congratulatory hugs and snuggles to you all

                          Much Much love

                          Lou-Lou x x x x
                          "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


                            Sunday the April Fool 1st!!!

                            I love that quote Arial! I will print it out and paste it to my mirror. I also believe in making up for lost time with the kids. What a glorious day to use to its fullest potential.

                            Happy Sunday and April Fools Day too!!



                              Sunday the April Fool 1st!!!

                              I hope I get to that point soon...I have to read the posts a few times before I "get it". i feel so dumb! LOL

