Happy Mother's Day !! (at least this is when we celebrate it here and in Australia). Its a terrific present to myself to wakeup feeling positive and with not the slightest hangover, or regret from the night before. I am not fuming because the troops are still sound asleep and will not deliver my expectations of what we should do today - thats in the past for me. There have been past Mums days for me that have ended in tears - either because I felt neglected or because I missed my own Mum so much and felt guilty about neglecting her. I betcha quite a bit of wine was consumed by me throughout all that angst.:sulk:
So SL and Bear, LTLW - keep on with your great progress and efforts at getting those AF days and long-term sobriety racked up. IMO don't agonise too much about quit dates - just make the call. Great way you have handled that LTLW.
Lav - Happy Mums day too although its not the day as such in the USA - but you do so much as a Mum and grannie to offspring and animals alike.
Can't talk you directly into this narrative Mick - but I bet you have a cheeky line to throw in! Hope your Sunday jaunt goes well and that you are getting some deep sleep again.
Kuya - sounds like your kids are going to spoil you - get your son to stack some wood for me too!
PPQP - love the garden and I love the way some cities are being renewed and made useful for real people. Energising communities - without being too pushy or preachy - if you know what I mean???? Busy weekend for you?
Det - enjoy Florida - but hey, no 'Magic City' vices for you this time! glad the appendix went into remission (recession may be a better word - haha ????)
Hi there army refugee - Satz. !

Take care all and all to come and have a great day
