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Mindful May-Week 2

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    Mindful May-Week 2

    hey May beauties! I'm here-no worries. A bit under the weather due to a nasty cold. I had to cancel both my demos this weekend which sucks. The virus is heading to my vulnerable lungs so fingers crossed the oil of oregano will finally kick in (even tho it gives me horrible heartburn). I did manage to overdue this weekend despite being sick. I just can't sit or lay still! I picked up a beautiful queen headboard with shelves from a freecycler, stopped at a great plant sale to say hi to a friend who was exhibiting and then wrestled the HEAVY headboard out of my car and into my house/bedroom. It looks fabulous!! Today my "landscaper" came by and got rid of ALL the overgrowth from last year and the debris from my nephew's hard work last year and this year. Ahhhhhhh-sigh of relief and it only cost me $250!! ($5000 my ass hoyty toyty nursery!!). He and his wife had it all finished in less than 2 hours and I can now do the finish work and keep it maintained. I of course had to reposition the fencing once he was gone so the pups would be safe and then I had my niece's 16th Bday party to go to. I also pulled a tick out of my head while there. Ick. I am home now, did my reports for the past 2 weeks, canceled my trailer registration and am ready to crash.

    Lav-congrats on 4 years NF!! That is awesome and I really hope you don't even think about it anymore. The thought that we inhaled smoke into our lungs and thought it was OK just baffles me. And I had asthma the whole time!! What was wrong with us and society????

    Rusty-you had an idyllic weekend! I love having all the time in the world to spend at the gym. When I go and have the time, I can easily spend 2 hours. My problem is I don't have that kind of time anymore but can't really get all I want to do done in 45 min so I end up not going. Can we say excuses? Keeping my fingers crossed for you that the potential client become your NEW client!! He will! I totally get how your run turned into a walk. I'd do the same thing LOL!!

    Cyn-are you getting the rain now too? Wasn't it gorgeous this weekend up to about 4 pm today? There are a number of dogs I am highly allergic too-Goldens and labs top the list. Papillons thank god are not one of them and one of the reasons I went with this breed.

    Welcome back Perse! Good on ya for staying AF the whole time. See, you CAN do this!! Huge test and you passed with flying colors!!

    Star, dill, G-man, and anyone else I'm missing-hope you had a great weekend and for those of you in the midwest and west, have stayed safe from the storms.

    Nite nite!!
    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

    KO the Beast!!


      Mindful May-Week 2

      Achoo everyone :H
      Sorry, I'm not laughing at you but with you. There are so many allergens floating around the farm fields here - ugh.

      Rusty & Cyn, I am so happy to hear that you both still have your Mom's around & can celebrate together. If my Mom was still around I honestly believe I never would have fallen into the wine bottle. She was my source of strength & my friend & when she departed....I just felt so alone & now I see that I really was

      Papmom, those Springtime colds can be buggars - hope you feel better very soon.
      My grandaughter has one now that she picked up in the daycare at the Y! My daughter goes to exercise & Ms Lily has a ball playing with all the other snotty kids :H

      Cyn. my grandson is back on his feet & just as rowdy as ever!
      If you watch him walk, he still apperas a little stiff-kneed but it doesn't slow him down much. No one has been able to identify the source of all his distress yet - crazy!

      Is it really almost Monday??
      Where did the weekend go??
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Mindful May-Week 2

        Good Morning Maystars, I am getting adjusted to life with the grandkids and they seem to be adjusting too. I still have no time for posting, I'm very sorry to say. I just read the last few days and caught up. I am not planning on dropping off the thread. Hopefully when I retire on June 4th I'll have more flexibility and will be able to find time to post more regularly. .....Maybe even post quotes once in awhile!!!

        Lav, congrats on the 4 yearn NF!!!

        Pmom, glad you are feeling better,

        Star, thank you for understanding just how my life has changed directions by 180 degrees!! There is one positive side effect: I'm losing weight from the stress! Hopefully this is only very temporary as my son gets himself together. It's a very difficult situation with the ex. Perhaps I'll post about it when I have more time/energy.

        Pers, so glad you're back and you achieved AF the whole time!!!:h

        Rusty, you're going to have to find us some quotes once in a while until I can find more time.

        Cyn, good plan on getting to the library for your work.

        11 days of work left for me. But retirement? Yes....God laughs.:H

        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


          Mindful May-Week 2

          Good morning May friends,

          Happy to see you Dill
          I can just imagine how crazy busy you are right now - sending you hugs :l
          Awesome on your 11 days left at work!

          Looks like a week of clouds & storms ahead. The tornado situation out west is so sad, such destruction

          OK, I'm off to Curves then back here for some work.
          But first - more coffee!!!!!

          have a great AF Monday everyone!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Mindful May-Week 2

            Hey all May-ers!

            Dill, gosh this situation sounds are a brick to have all that going on in your home, especially just as you were looking at a little less stress. At least work will wind down - I'm counting the days with you.

            Lav - we're right here with you in the storm category. Glad that I did a run-around with the lawn mower on Saturday morning (mostly to get the dandelions!) before our guest came. Glad that you survived your weekend - your kids are lucky to be having so much time with you. Sorry that you lost your mom so early in your life. I'm trying to be there for/with my Mom as much as possible these days. Not so easy with flights, etc, but we're trying to make it happen.

            Pap - holy cow, girl, that's no way to over a cold!! But it all sounds like fun, and it's nice to get new things for the house. RE:yard, I'm still waiting for our guy to come take away all the bush that I whacked a month ago - he is slammed until after Memorial Day. I fantacise about owning a chipper/shredder and doing it myself...

            Star, hope your weekend was good - Rusty, still crossing fingers - hello everyone else, and wishing you all a great AF day.

            PS - we went to one of my favorite bookstores (independant) in a near by town yesterday, and they displayed a book called "Clean", I didn't grab it and look carefully, but the subtitle was something like 'overcoming addiction and ending America's greatest tragedy'. Has anyone else come across this book? It must be newly published...
            to the light


              Mindful May-Week 2

              Hey Cyn-do you have a Home Depot nearby that rents tools? You might be able to rent a chipper for the day. No need to buy one that you'll only use once a year or so. I'll be looking into renting a power washer for the deck in the next week or so.

              Dill-wow-not good that your weight loss is due to stress! I'm so sorry this is all happening right now but although god might be laughing, you know he doesn't give you anything you can't handle. I'm sure you are counting the days to freedom from work anyways! Your son must be very grateful for your support.

              Lav-I can tell you still miss your mom tremendously. I'm so sorry. I know my sister misses my mom very much too. I was never all that close to her-I was a daddy's girl and when my dad passes I will be devastated. You can take solace in the fact that you are carrying on your mom's legacy of being the source of strength and support for your kids and their kids. You are the best!!

              I'm home for another day. Might have to break out the nebulizer treatments. I have to go in to work tomorrow-no choice as I an hosting a webinar. As long as my energy returns I'll be OK even if I'm coughing my head off. I promise today I will rest all day except for an hour when I have to run out and get dog food. But that's it, I promise!!

              Hello to all to come!
              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

              KO the Beast!!


                Mindful May-Week 2

                Papmom, didn't you go thru the same thing last Spring? Combo cold/allergy sort of thing?
                Hope you get a handle on it today

                Warm & humid here at the moment - I'm guessing T storms later........

                Hi Cyn!
                Renting a chipper for a day sounds like the way to go
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Mindful May-Week 2

                  Shouldn't We Be On Week 3?

                  Good Afternoon, MaySTARs,

                  Lav, you sure are disciplined with your exercise routine. I am also thrilled your DIL's party was a success. If you have a minute, could you please start us on Week 3?

                  Hard at work today and taking a break so I thought I'd pop in. No word from my potential client. I haven't thought about it much today....I'm so glad that I haven't been obsessing.

                  Pap-I hope you feel better soon.

                  Cyn-I've never heard of "Clean" but I will check it out.

                  Dill-tick tick tick tick....not too much longer and you'll be retired. YIPPEE!!! I will try and come up with some quotes.

                  Back to work....hope everyone is having a lovely AF Monday.


                    Mindful May-Week 2

                    Hey Maystars-I am feeling better finally. I swear that Oil of Oregano is magic!! Yes Lav, hard to believe but it was last Dec/Jan (2011/2012) that I was so sick for almost a month and had to take all of February off from the Nursing Home. I've had a couple of colds since then but nothing like that. I stayed very quiet today and my breathing got better and better. Hardly a productive cough now.

                    I just saw that 37 people are confirmed dead in OK. This rash of tornadoes over the past few days has me really worried. Remember when people built bomb shelters in the 50's? Doesn't sound like such a bad idea now. I need to get my basement back in storm preparedness again next weekend. It just kills me that 5 days a week I am 45 min away from my babies in the event of a severe storm. I wish I could bring them with me on the weekends. Sigh.

                    Sorry you didn't hear from your client today Rusty-no news is good news right?

                    Busy day tomorrow. hitting the sack right after the Voice.
                    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                    KO the Beast!!


                      Mindful May-Week 2

                      I just heard the death toll is at 51 now & sadly will go higher. My heart goes out to the folks in Oklahoma.

                      Glad you are doing better tonight Papmom.

                      I'll have to write myself a note to remember to start week 3 in the morning (because Rusty told me to) :H
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

