Hello Maystars, I am sorry for my absence. Having my son live here and helping him with childcare has really upset my ordered little world. I am happy to help them but I do look forward to an empty nest asap.
Rusty, his new job is going great, thanks for asking! Well done on your business successes.
Star, I hope your dad makes a good recovery. Thank you so much for your thoughtful posts. They have really helped me and reminded me to return to my center. I have been stressed lately.
G, glad you are back among the living!
Cyn, retirement will be a huge adjustment! I trust you will get lots of practice at working on your boundaries!
Pap, as upsetting as it is, I agree with others here about stepping back, at least as much as you can, from your nephew's doings. (remember Cyn's "boundaries"
Lav, keep on keeping on.
I'm grateful you are all here.