Thanks for taking the time to read this :thanks:
I have been AF mostly since November 2011. For various reasons I have some drinks through Christmas and new year last year and again march until now. I don't know why I just can't get back on the wagon

I do so want to and know I can. But every few AF days later I have the odd drink or two. Then this goes on for a week or so and I stop again. I just need something to get me back on again.
Anyone else gone through this?
I've started Jason Vale's book again, got rid of all the alcohol I drink in the house. Hubby has beer and whiskey. I don't go for beer but may have the odd whiskey. I've placed it in the living room so I can't sneak it in when I am in the kitchen.

I have posted in the newbies nest but it is soon busy in there I feel perhaps I would get more support and advice on a separate thread (hence this post) for the time being.
I feel empowered and strong when I think I will stop today :-) most days I am strong when the cravings come but then I get a little complacent. I just am so scared it will take a strong hold.
Anyone have support advice or just simply hold my hand :thanks: