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AF daily wednesday 15 May

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    AF daily wednesday 15 May

    I hear you SunFlower, I am trying not to worry and just do what I can to make changes that I can, but it is hard sometimes. I know I won't end up under a bridge, but I am afraid of losing what I have worked so hard to hang on to. Who knows--what will be, will be.

    Scottish Lass, I have the feeling that you and I could have a very long talk about the exes and finances........

    Off to bed soon......
    AF as of August 5th, 2012


      AF daily wednesday 15 May

      YoungAtHeart;1506270 wrote: I hear you SunFlower, I am trying not to worry and just do what I can to make changes that I can, but it is hard sometimes. I know I won't end up under a bridge, but I am afraid of losing what I have worked so hard to hang on to. Who knows--what will be, will be.

      Scottish Lass, I have the feeling that you and I could have a very long talk about the exes and finances........

      Off to bed soon......
      My ex lived off me for ten years, left when I woke up and made him get a real job, took even more when we split, now earns twice what I do and bitches TO our daughter about paying child support whilst taking foreign holidays twice a year! Oi vey! :H:H


        AF daily wednesday 15 May

        Kuya...I wish I lived every moment...seeing the glass half full....I don't. I agree on the is a life saver.

        YAH....I hear you. I knew we were not going to literally live under a bridge....but, my mind raced. There really is only so much you can do. I will tell you that I lost everything I worked so hard for.....and I still was ok. And would not be normal if you did not have a bit anxiety in this situation....IMO. Worry is so needless. I fused on it for too long....worry does nothing....a plan of action does. How can you get more clients?

        I am in the same boat as you. Several of my clients are "taking a few months off" directly effects my income in a negative way. Not to big client that is not paying his bill....which on top of a low month for me....this $$ gets taken back out of my check....that they already paid me on. I have to get new make up fo all this. And it will take a few months to get paid on the new clients. Yikes....I should be scared out of my brain....but, I am not. Been down this road before and it all worked out.....cutting out the AL expense was huge

        I am with a gal in class....who is in finance troubles.....and "she just believes that God will provide". I don't believe in that kind of thinking.....but, I would love to be bathed in it

        I am just more a realistic type of person. And when things got reality was turned upside down.


          AF daily wednesday 15 May

          So many of us in similar boats - my ex lived off me for 20 years and has left me with nothing - I came into the relationship with a lot, I had a house and great credit. I know I will get out of it, but wish that I didn't have to pull myself up from less than I had. I don't get child support or anything now - but I have my girls! I did think I was going to live in my car at one stage!!!
          KY - I did the whole starter pack when I joined MWO and did not feel any effect from L Glut - since being here I see people use it in different ways, so maybe I didn't try hard enough. It doesn't seem to be cravings any more, just yearnings/longings for a world that doesn't exist.
          See you all tomorrow - and happy Thursday to those already there:l:l
          “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"

